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US Egg

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Everything posted by US Egg

  1. The speed of thinking required in professional sports is beyond mere mortal comprehension.
  2. Prices of homes there should become a problem with so many longtime owners wanting out of Cali. Especially the bungalows in Hollywood surrounded by the overampant homeless LGBT community there.
  3. Was in Los Angeles two years ago, 10 day vacation. Countless blue tarp villages all along interstate fences. Only place you didn't see blight & seediness in core L.A. was in Beverly Hills and the nice section of Sunset Blvd. From Santa Monica up to Malibu, homeless living along the beach, in cars and taking over public restrooms. My liberal NYC living kid (10 yrs.) recently went to San Fran., said they could not live amid so much decadence.
  4. Only players I'd expose in such a scrimmage would be bubble players to make the 53 man roster and practice squad.
  5. Not defending Roseanne 's tweet. It is indefensible. She's claiming it was her using ambien that affected her better judgement That's still no excuse. But I know about ambien. Took two, woke up and started rearranging furniture. I have no recall of doing this. My wife threw them out and told the Doctor. Back to good old fashion alcohol to get to sleep.
  6. Please send your resume' to the Pegulas. It is your destiny.
  7. That's been my experience for the Home Depot I frequent. I've seen a fair share of customers who left a lot to be desired for how they acted with employees there and other places.
  8. Jim Schoenfeld beating the snot out of Bobby Orr, Wayne Cashman and Carol Vadnais in one game will stand forever. It was the infamous crash through the zamboni door fight at the 'Aud"
  9. Anyone making a hindsight assessment does so to appear knowledgeable.
  10. This is an inappropriate thread and should be pulled.
  11. .....dIdn't fart much when I was younger. My father and his friends had seasons tickets in the '60's. Went to games with him starting in '66 when I was 8. Watched every Bills away game and listened to every home game on the radio through my teens. I'm sure you remember, home games weren't allowed to be televised then.
  12. Don't care about rankings. Just know watching the Bills trio of Mike Stratton, Harry Jacobs and John Tracey were the 1st great ones I saw growing up.
  13. Not that it'll satisfy you, but a "little birdie" friend of mine who's worked at the BN for over 20 years and is fretting about their job told me.
  14. Sad sign of the times. Hate seeing the old institutions fading away and people losing their jobs. But, contrary to BN steady spewing everyone hates Trump and the Pegula's are clueless, many longtime subscribers feel the opposite. They tired of that constant drumbeat and decided enough of this and cancelled their subscriptions in droves over the last couple of years. The BN expedited their demise.
  15. "John Miller fully committed to regain starting role" .....and no doubt he's giving 110% effort, I'm sure too. Nothing against Miller, but all this is lip service. That sports writers still run with it as a fresh scoop is so old and monotonous.
  16. There's plenty of opportunities for players who "need to send a message on TV" and not in the face of Veterans & Police officers, especially those on the field. They can go on Ellen, The View, major network morning programs, 60 Minutes, etc. As many millions will hear there concerns. Of course that might be an inconvenience to them to have to go that route to make their case.
  17. It looks like a Bills version of the Sabres slug logo. On no !!!.....is this a jinx or omen ?
  18. You're not stealing from them is because none of their topics are original and always repetitive. .....and usually uninteresting.
  19. .....at least this thread is under the OTW lead.
  20. Part of the problem is New Era stadium is on an island so to say. There's no restaurants, hotels or large bar scene nearby to make it more than a day game event outside of the confines of the parking lot and stadium itself. Suppose that's true of some other stadiums, but that adds a lot.
  21. I think Jones was higher than a lot of folks when he decided to do his "Frank the Tank" imitation. .....who's to say this wasn't the cause of Zay's ongoing injury ?
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