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US Egg

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Everything posted by US Egg

  1. Anyone understand this "perspective" regarding these 4 players....besides the one who posted it ? I sure don't. ?
  2. ......since Lance Armstrong cheated his way to 7 titles, the Tour de France has become a bit of a yawn here in the States.
  3. Actually, became less interested in National politics since Trump was elected. He exposed what many suspected about them and LW media. Finally have someone in the White House that is his own person, sees things for what they are and doesn't pander to the media, Dems or GOP. In Trump I Trust.
  4. Leave the rules as they are, but allow the "D" to throw snowballs at the kicker upon the snap...... ......and hire this guy ASAP Beane.
  5. I It's pretty much impossible to go anywhere, movies, restaurants, outdoor events, etc.and not have to deal with obnoxious and inconsiderate it's all about me types.
  6. I would have "played along" more with my hot science teacher in high school to see if she is thinking what I'm thinking.I Then, I thought her touchy feely was just a tease and didn't want to believe it to be anything more.
  7. ......ummm, OK ? Maybe a little lipstick would help to. ?
  8. ......it's a LW media tactic. Suppress media that doesn't serve their purpose and if it gets out bury it asap.
  9. I'll have to take your word on that. Unlike you I didn't watch his inauguration.
  10. Yeah, naming things after a President who wanted the U.S. to be relegated to 3rd world nation status is appropriate. ?
  11. "More recently, the Richmond School Board renamed J.E.B. Stuart Elementary school to Barack Obama Elementary last month. Get use to it folks, that will surely be the most frequent renaming of schools, bridges, highways and buildings for years.....or forever. ?
  12. That is a fact. Just glad it's over and Cryin' Ryan is gone. Botterill did the best he could and I can't knock this move.
  13. Kreskin had more credibility than these preseason football sages and their off season predictions.
  14. 1.1 seasons is way too premature to make an absolute accurate assessment of a rookie GM & HC in the NFL. ......but hey, if that's good enough for you, enjoy it.
  15. The only Westworld robot that matters :
  16. ......it's just simply too soon to properly access these two yet. Even after this season, it might seem clearer but still a bit premature. After the 2019 season is when they come into full focus as to how they've progressed as a GM/HC tandem.
  17. Before the weekend is up, it be no surprise if Maxine Waters will enlighten the country as to where the blame should be put.
  18. Got it when it came out in 1968, I was 10. A great indoor game to develop hand/eye coordination when you couldn't go outside. 'Slugger" could hit a ping pong ball across the room. Led to me and my brother playing "rug hockey" using rulers as sticks and a ping pong ball as a puck.
  19. Lucky for him Pierre got a waiver on cosmetic surgery so his transformation went unnoticed.
  20. ......not bad ??? You need to spend a day, though 5 minutes be enough, on the shores of Lake Erie or Lake Ontario. I've been to ocean beaches on the Pacific and Atlantic. The Gulf and throughout the Caribbean, Gulf Shores, Alabama is far beyond "not bad". Good Luck with your quest.
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