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US Egg

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Everything posted by US Egg

  1. Pupil dilation can indicate Alzheimer’s disease. Ever hear msm mention that regarding Biden? Me neither.
  2. Regarding this, Joe is surely halting his stumping for votes in S. Carolina and heading back to D.C. asap.
  3. “It would give me, as President, a new emergency authority to shut down the border when it becomes overwhelmed “ …..so far nothing.
  4. At least this story won’t get in the way of msm’s reporting what else is going on in the country and world. Who’d want a bunch of news outlets obsessing over the same story 24/7. 😏
  5. UNRWA is the only UN organization responsible for one select group of refugees, it was “ordained” 60 yrs. ago. Hmm…..
  6. It has long been known….and ignored. https://www.huffpost.com/entry/terror-attacks-on-israel_b_930141
  7. Joe working with a U.S. and Israel hating, Hamas supporting Khomeini henchmen.
  8. Was referring to three of the more fervent posters on one side of the aisle is all, no ill will towards them. I don’t consider myself, or try to be, as combatant as some on either side, so hence, I don’t merit a top spot.
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