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US Egg

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Everything posted by US Egg

  1. He’s brutal. One minute I’m liking him, next I’m like knock it off crybaby. He also seems to yell at the crowd a lot too. The crying in the NBA is getting socceresque.
  2. Mavs answered the call. I wanted them all three series, and, of course, now beat the Celtics. They need to be David to the Celtics Goliath. Hope Luka brings his slingshot. He will need it.
  3. If the thread fits…. …..yeah, it’s been around.
  4. So let me get this straight….that cave gif was real?
  5. I don’t have to worry about getting my thumbs broke anymore….so, yes.
  6. He had the dubious job of following “Lew Alcindor” at UCLA. He answered the call.
  7. It was only 4x, but the blank, befuddled look of a certain beloved coach still resonates with me…..
  8. Good thing was, in the meantime, I found some decent, and rare, cotton Docker shorts on Amazon. Not a fan of the polyester stretch clothing material that almost everything is made of. …..and these damn clouds!
  9. Drinking with one of the “Bermuda Triangle” players in the late ‘70’s. Never let me pay for a drink.
  10. No pics unfortunately, but, I got a bunny murdering Grey Heron in my yard. It happened about 250 ft. from the back of the house. I didn’t see if it landed or walked up, but, it had it pinned and was stabbing it repeatedly. Then swallowed it whole and flew away.
  11. Is the “brown bag lunch” still in vogue?
  12. Schopp lost 30lbs. There’s a newspaper? Local TV news need all the time they can to give weather reports.
  13. Actor Dabney Coleman passed away yesterday at 92. He played the lead character “Buffalo Bill” Bittinger, in an early ‘80’s sitcom based on a radio host living in Buffalo. It was on NBC and ran for a couple years in the early ‘80’s. He’s noted for playing the lecherous married boss chasing after Dolly Parton in the 1980 hit movie 9-5
  14. An NBA reference? And an accurate one at that. Didn’t think anyone here watched the NBA…..but me. Defenses are better, but, Wembanyama is near indefensible.
  15. I can tolerate Brown and Tasker. Glab was my inspiration to get with the times and listen to podcasts when she’s on. She is not meant for radio or TV.
  16. It's tough enough to listen to without the shrill
  17. So is McBeane believing there is a #1 WR still on the board?
  18. So this is how you convince fans to cough up PSL bucks.
  19. Anyone mention the last time the Bills swapped picks with the Chiefs in the 1st round? 😳
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