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US Egg

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Everything posted by US Egg

  1. See that thing at the end of the sentence I wrote. It's called a question mark, which means I was asking a question. Like, will the Left be looking to punish their foes? It is not stating a fact, just an inquiry. Now questions are banned?
  2. Internment camps for anti-Dems getting any play yet in the LW circles?
  3. Interesting read with Beane on Diggs trade, as are the comments, which relate to your point a bit. https://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2021/01/27/brandon-beane-stefon-diggs-trade-was-a-win-win-for-us-and-minnesota/#comments
  4. So he doesn't look like this..... .....that don't sound easy? But, seriously.....notoriety as an American in the 20th century?
  5. We called them hobo pies as young kids. Around a campfire, adult supervision, didn't help. The roasted marshmallows evil mouth burning accomplice.
  6. Did he pass before photography was invented? jk
  7. H.J. Heinz. 57 Varieties
  8. I am tucking in with a book for the rest of the day. "A Farewell To Arms". Be back around midnight to carry on this senselessness. Have a nice non football Sunday.
  9. Of course you dismiss it. It conflicts with your narrow view of life. It's beyond your ability to grasp. Stating it a lie is your way to satiate your perceived reality. Dems cajole your types, making you feel you're kindred with them. It's ok, given your desperation to fit in, you can't help.
  10. Never said it was my cousin, learn to read ah.
  11. My 34 y.o. nephew doesn't spin. You ah. He works in D.C. and has so for 8 yrs. Was in DC when Trump rally happened, said it was cleared out by night fall. The inauguration security was helter skelter and over the top. But of course, you would know better. You jo.
  12. Dems didn't want troops visible, corralled them into tight confines. Nephew is a D.C. cop, said there was no visible threat to inauguration and Dem leaders didn't know what they were doing. He was there for days sleeping on floors shoulder to shoulder amongst other troops, 25,000 of them herded like cattle. https://www.politico.com/news/2021/01/22/national-guard-coronavirus-461340
  13. Yes. Correctamundo! .....gonna have to look into this, first I've heard of this.
  14. Not him, but was his pal in their "endeavor". T&C guessing gangster made me laugh because people of his ethnicity were sterotyped as such.
  15. He was a scientist. Not him, but thank you for that. Never knew of him, but do now.
  16. No. He was part of a collaborative group that changed world history. Guessing what that was would be suffice.
  17. Flushable wipes highly recommended for the lout in a tizzy here.
  18. Pray the Dems get it right, but their hatred will be their downfall.
  19. Not a gangster. But the result of his efforts, along with his colleagues, had gangster like results on their opposition.
  20. Biden is so Reagan second term like. Can't think on his own without script.
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