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US Egg

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Everything posted by US Egg

  1. Went wild reading Stephen King in the '80's. 'The Stand' was my favorite. Ironically, you mentioned Hemingway, just started 'A Farewell To Arms'. Recently read 'The Grapes of Wrath', like all books, better than the movie. The ending mind blowing, to me. My wife is in a book club, covid has tampered down their get togethers. She gets so mad that I scoff at what they read. Like your idea, but guys sharing book readings and suggestions probably would drop like a rock in the threads. Hope I'm wrong. Thank you for such a positive sound proposal. Seriously. The Collected Works of Nathanael West was surreal for 1930's literature.
  2. President Biden did you hear about Rush? Biden responded "I'm going as fast I can."
  3. Joe B. couldn't find Texas on an old 48 state map of the U.S.
  4. Aikman is far more repulsive to me, than Brady. Joe Buck doll hair plugs finally look believable? They're a strange pair
  5. I worked at a "happening place" in the latter '70's. Lots of local "celebs" dined, drank and danced there. Shane was there, not rude, but wanted his space. He tripped the "light fantastic" with some lovely ladies.
  6. Was a member of the Buffalo Braves Jr. booster club. A "perk" was getting discounted orange tickets at J.C. Penny. Slid down to lower blues and upper reds behind seats behind the basket, which were often empty in the early years. Hearing sneakers squeaking was initially surprising.
  7. https://www.cnn.com/2021/02/15/us/new-york-cuomo-covid/index.html https://www.foxnews.com/politics/ny-dem-lawmakers-rip-cuomo-explanation-nursing-home-data-delay-no-one-believes-you
  8. Some might find this a good read about Ms. Pegula's match tonight. https://www.cbssports.com/tennis/news/2021-australian-open-odds-quarterfinal-predictions-top-tennis-expert-reveals-brady-vs-pegula-picks/
  9. My father split seasons in '72-74, he'd get 8 pair. No playoffs, the guy whose name the seats were in kept them. So I'd get to go 2-3 games. Entering the Aud seemed magical, a feeling of awe. Like going to Crystal Beach, but more regal.
  10. Seeing President Biden in the media is near non existent. He is rolled out occasionally. It is a creepy sight.
  11. Maybe not pertinent to the thread but: Bought a house with a 4 acre parcel on a cul de sac that borders a creek in a populated area. Didn't need flood insurance to buy it when I did. Now if I sell new buyer needs to get flood insurance. Never was informed of the change.
  12. Putting more U.S. $$$ into Saudi oil rich pockets while scolding them on something they will do nothing about. Attaboy Joe!
  13. You post a thread like this with an avatar of Porky Pig holding a gun to his head? WTF !?
  14. How many in here would support what Rick Monday did? Survey says: ????? (my hand is up)
  15. Facebook, Twitter, Apple, Google, etc., manipulation only exists in the mind of the paranoid.
  16. I'll bring the PBR's and pork rinds.
  17. Is he a musician or actor?
  18. Once tore a Do Not Remove tag off a mattress. Also risked others well being by fishing without a licence. Me, not the B’day boy.
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