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US Egg

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Everything posted by US Egg

  1. McBeane values every pick as if it's a 1st round.
  2. Bill Hewitt, Danny Gallivan, Dick Irvin Jr., Dave Hodge, Howie Meeker or Brian McFarlane still on the HNIC broadcast? Greatest broadcast bunch ever in hockey history.
  3. Spent about 3 grand to go to N.Y.C. via JetBlue, stay 3 nights, dined, attended 2 Yankee/Red Sox games with wife, way down lower 3rd baseline. Think it was a July 4th weekend. Clemens pitched for the Yankees then, got rocked and was gone by, I think the 4th or 5th. Place was easily a 1\4 Sox fans, going nuts. Quietly, I loved it. Never liked Clemens. Secondary ticket market sucks.
  4. Just another domino to fall. Many more still to come. Been to a mall lately?
  5. JA17 will throw a football over a mountain before Uncle Rico.
  6. Roughly around 2 tons of $100 bills guaranteed for 6 yrs., be my guess.
  7. Is your Dad looking for help? Like someone to drive the getaway car?
  8. Agreed, sorry if I ruffled your feathers. They, along with AR, were a rarified offensive trio.
  9. Without TT, JK might not of been a shoo-in HOF'er..... .....and vice versa.
  10. There will be plenty for Collingsworth to babble ad nauseum about, as usual. Prescott’s leg and Brady’s agelessness, being foremost.
  11. I think Eichel isn't being honest about himself. .....but, what do I know?
  12. This year will show the true mettle of this team and regime.
  13. There are few billionaires or large metropolitan areas willing to take on a major sports team with need of a large capacity new or modern updated stadium in these times.
  14. Eichel disappeared after March 7th. Nary a word about him from Sabres and not a peep or sighting of him for 2 months, until yesterday. .....very unusual.
  15. Paul Hamilton simply is an outsider trying to look in. There is little to his "substantive" info he is spewing.
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