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US Egg

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Everything posted by US Egg

  1. He seems destined to be one of those “dime a dozen” like RB’s debated in another thread.
  2. Definitely no hunting or fishing trips for Snyder in the near future.
  3. So no OBJ signing seems eminent. More redundant '21 Ertz like threads/comments about OBJ to continue.... 🥱
  4. No problem with what Aikman said. He has said stupider things on air.
  5. It’s weird, I say that word in a post in here and it disappears. But, the OBJ watch and wait apparently is coming to an end.
  6. Well, that can only mean one thing. Yay.
  7. JA is a QB dual dynamo threat, probably the best ever. He is the Bills best runner, probably for awhile. It’s not a bad thing…..provided of course, he stays healthy. If he continues as such another couple seasons and he is teetering towards greatest Bills player ever.
  8. So they spread a rumor to deflect from a fact or a rumor. This thread definitely needs and will get more of this logic. 🙄
  9. So some twitter heads are credible and some(most) are not? Shocking!
  10. Given all the reputable talking/twitter head reporters in on the Bills want CMC rumor, thus making it credible, obviously the Bills aren’t being forthright on the matter. Bills fan deserve better given the clarity of the reporting on the matter. 😔
  11. Yeah, 4TD’s aren’t an indicator of his overall performance tonight.
  12. That clown makes opposing players and their coaches look like 🤡.
  13. The mentor vs. the mentee in the regular season has gone well for the mentee. The playoffs, not well. But then that’s a story for another time…..for now.
  14. The NFL, their rule enforcers and their broadcast commercial preachiness are corroding the watchability of their product.
  15. …..just trying to share in the thread vibe.
  16. I remember his comments, as a cocky 21 y.o. Five years later and basically done. Oh joy. 🫤
  17. It’s gotten to the point it ain’t even funny anymore.
  18. Recent med I was put on, advised that fried and fatty food make the side effects nastier…..and it does. A world without french fried potaters is just cruel. I know what it’s like to be under tated.
  19. Big dividends can be earned being a small fish in a big pond with big time college HC jobs…..and easier. But some think they’re sharks ready to go for bigger prey, and pay, in the NFL. They are two different environments, and jobs, for sure.
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