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US Egg

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  1. I can’t complain today, Eagles/Redskins here. The football world is better because of Josh.
  2. Same format is in the books for next year, dates and places set.
  3. Wonder when Josh is gonna break out the moonwalk?
  4. Body crashing in this cold is for animals….🦬
  5. It’s ok, he wipes with his right.
  6. That was different. I mean week after week, you’d have to be made of stone.
  7. Indomitable performances in a Bills uniform not seen since #32
  8. I didn’t cry when Old Yeller died.
  9. It’s not baseball.
  10. Bet ESPN and TNT are thinking wtf?
  11. *****??? I got to know!
  12. I took the bait. Emotion over logic. Fails everytime.
  13. Eight teams made more sense simply for that reason.
  14. So far ”First Round Follies” fits.
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