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Skins Malone

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Everything posted by Skins Malone

  1. Idk it's not a big deal to me either way. Hes a QB. I didnt see it as giving up. The world may never know.
  2. Wait so he did this two days in a row lol. Get up earlier Kyle then you wont have to rush.
  3. Wheres the give up? Looked like he thought the guy juked the other way. He was at least running. Be nice if they showed the full graphic I did not see that play.
  4. There is that small part of me that still has hope...but hes gonna ***** it up.
  5. Like who? Those are just meaningless words. Same with the other poster. It's so easy to say that but then attach some names to it
  6. Lol I can't believe how many games hes started. This dudes like a bad case of herpes.
  7. Again as myself and straight were discussing...I get your concerns...but they deserve at least till the end of 2019. Let's see what another offseason can do. Your concerns aside...dont you think it's a little ridiculous to fire a coach half a year after he went to the playoffs? In his first year as a coach.
  8. Fair enough...sry didnt have time to read all posts. I share alot of your concerns myself. I just think right now to early to fire..as you do as well. But I understand your points they are certainly justified. Now at the end of next season if the offense is still atrocious...then there needs to be serious talk about what is going on. Our offense needs to be at least competent next year.
  9. But im not the one starting threads saying fire everybody now! And then just asking a simple question which you clearly cant answer. No I havent seen much from them that they can...that's the truth. Because we have very little talent on that side of the ball..which is the coaching staffs fault. But this guy took us to the playoffs for the first time in almost 2 decades in his first year.. with a ***** offense. So your logic is fire a coach and GM half a year after we go to the playoffs...Brilliant. Just because I say they deserve more time doesnt mean I dont have doubts. But they should get another year period. Hey remember when we put up a billboard telling Ralph to clean house??? Yeah howd that work? And all the other years people cry for a coach to get fired? Have we not always been in the exact same spot? Yes. And now it's only a year and a half and people are yelling the samething...
  10. Very good post. I agree with your points. I think people need to realize just because you are willing to give the guy more time doesnt mean you dont have doubts or even serious doubts. Scheme is very important..and I'm sure there is room for improvement but at some point you need talent. You need talent to build a scheme around. And the Bill's just dont have it.
  11. How about the fact that this is what Bill's fans like yourself constantly cry about ...oh fire everybody! Clean house! And then where are we a couple years later? The exact same place. And you'll be screaming fire everybody again. I'm not saying McDermott is great but it's not even the end of his second year...a year after we went to the playoffs. Relax. And i keep asking people like yourself and you never have an answer...what makes you think ownership will get someone better? Have they so far? So you have no confidence in our coach but you have confidence in ownership that hired Marrone...Rex Ryan...and now McDermott who you want fired immediately to all the sudden get it right? That makes alot of sense. So please answer that question. Now that doesnt mean just because I think a coach deserves more then a year and a half....that I believe in the plan. The QB situation is a disaster and embarrassing...so is the offense. I have doubts about McDermott but you have to give the guy more then a year and a half.
  12. I kind of feel like that's how he always answers. I mean what can he really say? The QB situation is beyond bad at this point in time...and the staff deserves blame for that. I know things are bad but McDermott and Bean McDermott deserve more time.
  13. I didn't say they would figure it out. Right now we dont know. And if you think a coach should be fired after a year and a half after taking a team to the playoffs for the first time in almost 20 years you are the one who doesnt have a clue. And again can you answer why you think Uncle Terry is going to get it right this time? If they did fire McDermott youd be here on two years saying the samething. And Idk McDermott might not be the guy but a coach should get three years. And answer me this...where has the constant hiring and firing of coaches got this team?
  14. Abd this is how bad our situation is...were talking Manziel. But no that will never happen. Manziel is where he is for a reason.
  15. I always find the Fire Them Now responses hilarious. What makes you confident at all that this Organization will get anyone better...the Marrone debacle? The Rex Ryan circus? I get the frustration but two things...one...they are not getting fired and everyone knows that...two please explain why you think the organization will hire better? Certainly shouldnt be their track record and now you want a coach and GM to be fired before their second year? Good lord people...think.
  16. Well I think this offense sucks as a whole. I'm willing to give daboll more time. Theres very little talent here and you have a guy who was playing golf two weeks ago as your QB. I think the better question is why we have DA playing QB? The QB situation here at the moment is about as bad as it can be. Not excusing the guy but this whole offense sucks.
  17. I dont get this whole we owe players thing. Someone said the same thing about Shady. These guys make millions of dollars. This is their job. KW has opportunities to leave and he stayed. He made the choice. Hes an all time Bill's great and fan favorite. But hes been compensated for his talents.
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