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Skins Malone

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Everything posted by Skins Malone

  1. I hope he turns out to be a good nfl quarterback. Hes such a likable guy and would be great for Buffalo i think
  2. He was actually really good. Seemed like a great guy especially with all hes gone threw. Happy for him.
  3. Didnt know he was only 39. Does anyone know what type of cancer he has?
  4. McDermott made the playoffs as a first your coach on a team the most experts thought would only win 4 games with an organization that had the longest playoff draught in sports history. Im not saying he should be higher but what he did was special. I agree with the other poster about Gruden. 10 years 100 million...i just dont get it. He was out of football for a reason. Could he do great of course. But with Gruden i think its wait and see.
  5. Moulds was a very good player. Dont understand the hate. So he was upset about something big deal. I love how people will spew hate for players like moulds because his publicist made a statement but gloss over everything about other players like Jim Kelly. Be fair people
  6. What does being broke have to do with being a rapist? Sounds like hes just a serial predator...broke or not that has nothing to do with it
  7. Yeah...just like workers who were knowing exposed to asbestos and miners with black lung and all the other work related stuff that happens to the typical American worker. Or how about guys and gals in the military who givsle their lives for peanuts? Im not saying the nfl doesnt come with risks but so do lots of American workers and they dont make millions.
  8. Hey guys. I know poeple are just doing their job but damn this gets ridiculous. Mike clay wrote an article about how much our offense would stink...which i get..but then went on to say AJ will be benched with a TD to INT ratio and then told us what Allens would also be. Im not a homer..but saying what a QBs touchdown to INT ratio will be before they even through a pass is ridiculous. Why cant people just wait and see. Im not saying Allen is the next Aaron Rodgers but he hasnt even thrown a pass in the NFL yet...let him have time.
  9. So....if he was so sorry why was he ejected after committing two more fouls? Did i read that right?
  10. Lol. Yeah the hat didnt help
  11. Settle down now lol. On the field yes. I dont know why but Baker Mayfield annoyed me in that video...IDK why
  12. Are they supposed to be beating the crap out of each other? They are two rookie players being nice..whats wrong with that. Remember its just a game bro. Maybe he meant to miss it in the other video?
  13. I agree. But i think there might be reason for hope finally. Honestly though...if someone told us a coach was going to come in in his first year and break the drought no one would believe it. We would be worshipping this guy and everyone knows it. Well Mcd did it. All i am saying is leys give this regime a few years and see what happens. Im excited.
  14. The Bills have been in the gutter for a long time...we all know..longest playoff drought in sports etc. And it sometimes it makes it hard to believe things will ever change. But..we have a first year coach of a team who everyone thought was just out to tank who took us to the playoffs. Thats why eventhough i know its hard to believe...i find it odd that so many Bills fans say if Allen doesnt workout Mcd and Beane are gone or better yet should be gone...How would everyone feel if someone told you a few seasons ago...hey we are gonna bring in a guy who has never been a head coach but in his first year he is going to break the playoff drought. People would be worshipping this guy like a god. Well it happened. I know people dont like the Allen pick but thats who we got. At the end of the day we have a first year coach who broke the longest playoff drought in the history of sports with a team no one thought was going anywhere. Thats huge. Anyone who says they thought the Bills were making the playoffs before the season is full of it. I think we may have something special in Mcd. Go Bills!! Our time is coming soon!!.
  15. That has nothing to do with what i said. Of course Pats fans arent going to say that..i said it. Not sure what your point is
  16. Is there any evidence that having three QBs causes arm fatigue?? And no these guy needs reps. You bring in a forth that cuts down on AJs JAs and NPs..and thats not a good thing
  17. Leave the mods out of it. If you think he posts the same thing over and over stop clicking on his threads..but i guess that would be smart..so no wonder Hes a nice guy, is very respectful, and likes talking with us. Get off it bro. Hey ice..i asked you in another thread not sure if you saw it. How did you come to like the Bills? Growing up my mom loved the Green Packers..second to the Bills of course so i was always a fan as well.
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