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Everything posted by ***PetrinoInAlbany***

  1. I thought it was a funny coincidence that the player they chose (probably many months ago) to appear on the ticket for the lone home exhibition game was the player most likely to have held-out and skipped it ...
  2. Bills-Chiefs, 1973 ... Monday Night Football in Buffalo for the first time ever ... OJ sets a record for carries in a game, and it's broken a few weeks later, BUT he also becomes the first back in NFL history to go over a grand in just the seventh game. It was the first time that year I started seriously thinking a guy could actually get 2,000 in a fourteen-game season. Key characteristic of the game I remember is that the Bills started two separate drives in the first half inside the Chiefs twenty. We sat in civilian airspace ...
  3. This isn't like any other "first time DUI" ... This is a "first time ran-a-person-down-in-the-street-and-took-off" ... very different. In my eyes, it's also a lot more serious that drinking a milkshake with a banned substance in it, and THAT will get a guy four games these days ... Four games, minimum.
  4. Hey, if Mac Davis could be a QB in North Sallas Forty ...
  5. Daredevil would kick Spiderman's ass in a fight.
  6. Marshawn's drink of choice? That's easy! No doubt ... When I was in Atlanta, they had a drink called a Hit-and-Run ... Here's the recipe from the bartender's cheat sheet ... Mixology Cheat Sheet: "Hit-and-Run" Editor's note: Down there, "hit and run" was also what they called it if you had ... um ... 'relations' with a woman for just one night ...
  7. Not only would stopping and being a man have been the right thing to do ... enough of a reason to do it for most people ... but consider this. If the driver (Marshawn or not) HAD done the right thing and STOPPED, I dare say the situation would not have grown into the full-blown clusterf*<k circus it has now become. If Lynch and his drinking buddies drove away to AVOID trouble, I dare say they may have gessed wrong ...
  8. I swear, you guys have been smoking 'the chronic' ... D'oh! I just noticed that Special K already used that one. Sorry ... It's very early, and I'm just waking up... Sometimes that'll make you post a thought that's still embryonic ...
  9. We're still researching it...
  10. Add me to the "I hate Kobe" list. I used to laugh out loud when I'd be driving in to work in the morning listening to the short version of the sports on Albany morning news radio, and there was almost always some version of "... and in LA, Kobe Bryant scored 46 points as the Lakers lost to the Mavs, 108 - 101." He's a selfish player. Yes, he's as talented as all get-up-and-go. I admit that. But so is T.O.
  11. Well, I agree that "conspiracy" is a strong word. But you gotta admit ... On a regular basis, Micheal Jordan would stop dribbling at the three-point-arc, take seven long strides, and dunk ..... and it was NEVER travelling.
  12. When do they start actually mailing out the tickets? You know, it's kind of funny. I travel a lot - both for my job and in my personal life. So it's always important to me to find out every year when the mailing is, is it USPS or UPS or FedEx, is it "signature only" or "drop" ... Goes back to the time they left them on my front porch when I was away and they sat on my porch for a week in the rain. Anyhow, it has evolved into a little "game" ... You ask several people at OBD - by phone - each year and note the answers. Some years, there are no two employees at OBD giving the same answers. I think my favorite was two years ago when I was told they were being sent in late June/early July/late July ... by United States Postal Service Priority Mail/ regular mail / UPS / Fed Ex ... and that they would absolutely require a signature/l be left only if someone was there / dropped whether I was there or not, no signature required. This year I didn't even bother asking. In a conversation with the ticket office on an unrelated matter, the guy did mention this year that they were going out in early July. So figure late June or late July ...
  13. I just figured out after reading your post ... If I add up all the pre-season games for which I gave away the seats, it adds up to five regular SEASONS' worth of home games ... wow. The good news is that it's always nice to let your friends with kids take them to a Bills game on a nice day without getting socked for forty-sixty bucks a ticket. To the kids, a Bills game at the Ralph is a Bills game at the Ralph.
  14. The problem that this breads is that it no longer makes sense to lock up a player early because once they start to perform up to their contract, they will hold out for more money. That's not entirely true... One of the main reasons for long term contracts is to allow the team to "back load" the salary structure. It eases the cap impact in the first year or two (or three) and then gives you something to "restructure" later. Also, it lets you pro-rate the signing bonuses. (*sigh*) I may be old, but I can actually remember the days when - to be an NFL fan - you didn't have to understand this stuff ... You just had to understand the game itself. Now, everyone has to be a capologist or half the personnel moves don't even make sense ...
  15. Do you guys know if they're gonna be sending the season Tix holders the parking discount coupons this year?
  16. I suppose we could crack down on prostitution. But is having two hundred thousand plus corporate attorneys out of work really going to help an already sagging economy?
  17. I can see it coming... - LOSMAN: "This is J.P. ... I've got Marshawn in the car and ..." - DISPATCHER: "Who? J.P. who? Who is this ..." - LOSMAN: "Damnit, you KNOW who I am! Tell the cops to back off!"
  18. The district attorney pursuing charges and running the investigation is named (Frank) Clark. If memory serves me, prosecuting attorneys named "Clark" don't have a real good track record getting convictions against Bills running backs ... Marshawn will be fine. In fact, I predict he'll spend a great part of this season "looking for the real driver." Might even float a book idea ... "If I Was`Driving" ...
  19. "Keep pretending you're better, little man. Welcome to the real reason you hope this thread goes away." - Darin ... Take it over to PP&P. At least there, I can give it the response it deserves ... (He's a tad slow, so that'll take a moment or two to sink in for him.)
  20. I guess Andy doesn't consider Kotzebu and Mount Blue major cities. Neither do I ...
  21. Tommy ... Read what you just wrote, as you were adding to the thread, "Nitwit"... Moderators: Let's PLEASE drown this thing. The last thing I ever want to see is the Wall become PP&P ...
  22. The Ticket Exchange has been a blessing for season ticket holders who live out of town. Now, instead of eating the tix or giving them away, you can legally sell them for way more than face value. For those of you who may have, in the past, hesitated to pull the trigger on season tix because it's impractical for you to attend every game, rethink it. The down side is this ... It (Ticket Exchange) is going to act as a force to drive ticket prices up overall. How long will the Bills continue selling me tickets to a game at forty-five bucks apiece and then watch me sell them - on THEIR web site - for $150.00 apiece? Not long, I'm guessing. Now, having said that, the dynamic could change if we become a 2-14 team. But for now, I suspect the price increases are coming. Sooner rather than later, too ...
  23. Truth is, I'd like to just see the whole damn thread removed.
  24. It was, wasn't it? Kind of the equivalent of a "moderator" picking a fight in PP&P, banning his opponent from posting in response, then bragging about administering "beatings." Wonder where I learned that trick ... - As for your posting the PM on the Wall, that really speaks for itself. - And as for Dr. Frankenstein, Ramius, and any of the other little Darinista's who feel compelled to immediately begin performing chat room fellatio on you by jumping in when it really isn't merited, I suggest they swing over to PP&P. This is the adult board, Darin's posting notwithstanding...
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