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Patriot Killa

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Everything posted by Patriot Killa

  1. He’s going through progression lightning quick, showing great pocket awareness, poise, spitting out West Coast Offense terminology well, getting in and out of the huddle well,making good decisions. i’m not worried about stats, i’m looking beyond a casual watcher’s perspective. He showed that he wasn’t lost against starters...playing behind a patch work OL. I’m cool with that for now.
  2. Ehh, he was trying to put too much touch on the passes at times and his timing with the WR’s needs work. definitely not making excuses for him because the deep ball isn’t a strong point, but I’m not too worried about it. He’ll get there. It’s not like the kid has a weak arm by any means. He has a very capable arm, those passes just need some work.
  3. Yes, absolutely. He’s thrown a few bombs and I even recall some dimes from 25, 30 plus yards. Trying to determine what kind of player he is with fake gameplans and vanilla concepts is a no-go. Sam can sling the ball but I understand what they are trying to do with him right now and that’s get his feet wet. Our defenses even ran soft zone coverage all night when the whole league knows that we are a press man to man coverage Defense.
  4. We also didn’t run any concepts from the real playbook. Darnold actually has a lot stronger of an arm than Chad and he can sling the ball but these first two games have mostly been dink and dunk in order to get the guy comfortable in an NFL game. I know people wanna see him let it rip but it’s just not what the coaches want to do now. He’ll let it rip eventually and most likely in the most opportune time. It’s a west coast offense so there will be a lot of crossing patterns, underneaths, posts, etc. Robby Anderson is one of the best deep threats in the league, Darnold will have a shot at going long...just not now.
  5. First all I do not even own an account on a Browns forum, a link was posted in my home Jets forum. Secondly, i’m not trolling anyone. I’ve been uniquely considerate for a rival fan, open minded and receptive to the members here from the day I signed up. All I said was facts so get your head out of your ass. It’s logical that fans would like to convince themselves they have the correct guy..I didn’t say your team missed out. I just stated a logical assumption. Fans DO want to sell themselves that their guy is the best one out of the bunch and that’s not something we’ll know for awhile. k thanks good talk.
  6. I think it could be. I also feel bad for anyone that needs a QB next year. 2019’s class looks depressing.
  7. Agreed, I seen Miller as 2nd round pick and was very surprised that Gruden(I think it was the Raiders who took him?) made that pick.
  8. Because they want to believe that they picked the best guy. It’s normal for fans to think that and/or try to convince themselves of that. If you go on the Browns board there are at least 27 posters sticking their noses up at Darnold because they are trying to self-validate that their team did the right thing by passing on him. Darnold was the consensus #1 QB in the class for a reason. Yes he had some flaws as the others did. Every prospect does unless you are Andrew Luck. But he makes jaw dropping plays and had the ability to clean up the turnovers because on tape he rarely makes the same mistake twice. He’s already cleaned up a ton of scouting report negatives because he truly wants to get better. You see that goof ball, Paxton Lynch last night? He hasn’t looked any better after being in the league for 4 years...it’s because he’s lazy and he doesn’t love the game enough to sacrifice every day for it. But I digress... i honestly don’t blame Bills fans for trying to self-validate for themselves...but preseason game 1 isn’t the necessary time to do so nor’ will it ever be
  9. Both were vastly overdrafted if you ask me.
  10. I think Rosen already has a really crummy 1st unit Offensive Line and so playing behind the 2nd/3rd units probably was even that much worse. Pressure came in, WR’s dropped balls. It looked like he was playing at UCLA all over again tbh. Rosen didn’t look terrible and I definitely wouldn’t say he looked great...but then again I’m also definitely not writing a rookie’s career in stone or predicting who will be the best after 2 quarters of preseason football....that’s not fair to anyone involved. I honestly can’t even make an assessment off of any of these guys yet but I can confidently say that none of them looked lost...and that’s a hell of a lot better than most rookies I see play QB in preseason week 1. I know all of our teams have brand new toys we want to show off and brag about..but it’s not the time yet. I had to take a step back from Darnolds solid performance and take into consideration the circumstances. “Just preseason” I won’t be able to even gauge this until the bye week, until then I’m just going to enjoy the QB play.
  11. That video evidence supports my claim, not yours. You are just pretending it does in this delusional attempt to convince yourself and others that the release is the same. Get a grip dude. Yeah, this is a little much but the Star Ledger, NY daily news loves to go overboard. solid showing for Darnold but I’m with you...little much.
  12. Exactly. A rookie with a rookie mindset would of ran the ball because of the space Atlanta was tempting him with. He directed his WR to the sideline, drew back and fired across his body and right on the mark. Not to mention he basically threw 3 touchdowns in three plays in a row all to the same guy..Darnold wouldn’t be denied.
  13. It was dink and dunk by design. He also just took what the defense gave him..which is all that was needed. Do people want him to be like Geno Smith and throw 40 yards into double coverage just so they can have something real to complain about lmao? I dont understand how a player can get so much hate for simply taking what the defense gives him, making correct reads and showing he isn’t lost. He took a few shots anyway.??‍♂️
  14. It’s fixed and it very obvious to see that it’s fixed. That is the problem with your broken argument. Fair enough. I agree, it is only one preseason game and people shouldn’t get carried away but his motion is very much improved..anyone who doesn’t see that isn’t trying to see it. Sorry, didn’t mean to come at ya’ like that but the motions difference is so significant that i’m not understanding how anyone who watches the sports, doesn’t see this.
  15. A reasonable fan here. Thank you.
  16. So we’re just going to keep going with the false notion his motion looks enlongated still? This is tiring. Does everyone here ignore factual evidence and make up their own angle to argument from? i certainly hope not. Allen look decent but I don’t think Allen lovers should be talking about possible turnovers on the next level. It even says in the article that “albeit a small sample size” ...nothing you said was ground breaking. the point of the article was that his release is waaaaay quicker than his USC days.
  17. Are we seeing the same thing? His release was beautiful last night. I also provided a great article detailing his release speed and you disputed it because of the clock. tbh bro..I think you are just not wanting to see it because you don’t want Darnold to be improved, but his release a LOT better. I’d never lie to myself nor anyone else if I thought his release was the same. Its something he has been working on since before he was even drafted. He also had worked endlessly on takin his left hand off the ball when scanning the field so that the fumbles don’t happen. A lot of his turnovers can and have been worked out of him because he’s worked hard to smooth those things out. People forget this guy only played 1 year of HS QB and 2 years of USC ball...this kid has soooo much room to grow and he’s a very fast learner/natural passer. Allen looks good too, I’d never dispute that his arm isn’t strong...so idk why Darnold’s new release is coming into question as if it never even changed. It’s plain to see.
  18. Darnold. His release looks completely different from his USC days. It’s a night and day difference...how are you not seeing that man?
  19. His release was lightening quick last night..
  20. On his first two drives, Darnold’s snap to throw times were as follows (by my watch): 2.042.341.962.131.712.671.892.982.221.271.743.40 His average over 18 total attempts for the night was 2.28. For reference, according to NFL’s NextGen Stats, Tom Brady averaged a 2.71 last year, Drew Brees had a 2.59 average, Alex Smith had 2.67 and Matt Ryan finished at 2.72, albeit with a much larger sample size and far more deep route concepts (and adifferent timer). The only passes near or close to the three-second mark in the first half were deep in Darnold’s progression, and both resulted in middle to deep-length completions. In the second half, the two three-plus second throws were on long play-action bootleg passes. Darnold slid safely on his first scramble and threw only one true incompletion before halftime – a slightoverthrow deep to the right on his third attempt. The other first-half incompletion was a clear drop. https://www.si.com/nfl/2018/08/10/sam-darnold-jets-rookie-qb-debuts-full-repertoire-speedy-release
  21. Yeah, that’s not what happened, he threw it to the other side of his shoulder because that’s where the throw was suppose to go. The coverage was on his other side. The CB can’t make a play on the ball where Darnold was throwing to. That was all Cannon not tracking the ball correctly. He didn’t put his body in position to make the play. Hey, Allen looks good too. Don’t be so insecure.
  22. Damn it Cannon! Darnold had him a long TD right there. Turn around and look lmao.
  23. Think Darnold could of put it in just sliiigghtly of a better spot but Stewart’s didn’t run that route good enough, I know that play. We had had a ton of success with it last year
  24. Darnold audibled out of that play for a better one. 1st down.
  25. Darnold has 3 touchdowns in a row basically lmao. CJ dropped one, pushed off on the next and then even with the yards pushed back. He scores. I know I sound like a homer but damn that was nice. He wouldn’t be denied
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