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Everything posted by Moulds_80

  1. Anyone catch the Oz the mentalist bit on ESPN?
  2. My biggest takeaways from today: Kincaid is the real deal!!! So smooth Its cooks job to lose, taking most all first team reps. Had a beautiful corner td catch as well. Also hot, very hot
  3. I also suffered at the hand of Herbert in fantasy...i dont dislike him tho, kinda like him. However, one of my good friends is a chargers die hard and has said almost verbatim what you said. Being in mahomes division, you have to have that extra spiciness because, like the rest of the AFC east during brady, making the playoffs is even harder without a auto bid for division winners
  4. Wrong josh.....I will gladly eat that pie. Ed oliver- He hasnt been a complete bust, however I thought he would be the next Aaron donald. Cj spiller.....I thought he was a cant miss pick and had our future rb for years to come. Was ok getting rid of lynch
  5. I ran into Lorenzo alexander and his family the day after his daughter sang the national anthem at the new era store. He had also annoinced his retirement that same week, I congatulated and thanked him. I told him his daughter did an amazing job singing, he pointed her out and brought her over and she was so happy. He was so nice, he was there with his family so I disnt bother him bit he was awesome! Just a down to earth guy
  6. Its like me trying to find a line cook in this crazy time, you show up your hired!
  7. I didnt think that stupid play would affect us so much.
  8. Same... I had that bad pit in my stomach about this game even before the injuries piled up
  9. Born in 89, raised in Rochester to non-sports parents so I didnt get into the bills til the late 90's. I say it all the time, I dont know what I would do to if I had to endure the super bowl years as an adult...im too invested. So short answer no, I missed it by about 5 years.
  10. This. I work with people from all over the country, all different teams- but they all love the bills
  11. I too figured this out not long ago. My gf is 1st gen American and her parents are straight from spain/Mexico. My Spanish is ok but when watching with the "in laws" we watch it in Spanish, so I have time to explain whats happening.....needless to say I created 2 more bills fans by association So to edit back to topic.... Anybody but collinsworth
  12. I did bring it inside, however its my neighbors across the street, one of the few who we get along with so I will return it before heading to the game! With a couple pills mafia cans as well of course
  13. My dog had to poop at 3am, so I take him out and in my track on the ground I find a Allen Diggs '21 sign. Dont know what to make of it...
  14. Apparently his friend was being inducted into the leroy sports HOF ...no idea how they are connected Nice! Hope you enjoyed it!
  15. I'm a chef at a restaurant in Leroy ny, kindve in between buffalo and rochester. I walk into work on Friday and look out the window and see mike shanahan....his table was right on the water outside my prep kitchen window, I cooked him lunch, on his way out I said go bills! And he smiled and waived. Kindve random bit was fun,!
  16. I'm on destiny 2 daily, and with my gamertag being "Bills_Mafia80" I get random messages saying go bills all the time!
  17. Went to my old stomping grounds in the city of rochester, Jeremiahs showed up at 12 to all the tables and barspots already taken, got stuck in a corner table. No one puts baby in the corner! it just wasnt the same, there was no high fiving strangers after a big play and my gf could tell my anxiety of being stuck in a seat all game(im usually standing and pacing around) took away from the experience. i am a chef so i completely understand the rules of our current pandemic and tried our best to adhere to them, but alot of people could care less Definitely not the best wings, even in rochester, but didnt stop me from downing 30
  18. I do, Im 6'6 and weigh 190 on a good day but cant imagine getting hit by these guys
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