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Your Brown Eye

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Everything posted by Your Brown Eye

  1. Admittingly I do not know much about the guy, if his HS highlight reel on Youtube is any indication, then the dude's a baller
  2. Hey fellas, I'm just on a safari hunt in Kenya, I came across a troop of gorillas and crushed the alpha silverback, and now I'm their leader. The local tribesmen are very impressed. Kind of a big deal. Anyways, I think Beane has his eye on a couple of mid-level depth players, but nothing that moves the needle. Maybe he shoots his shot with a starting-caliber WR.
  3. We live in an age of everyone trying to be the first to post breaking news, just not the correct breaking news
  4. Move to Arizona
  5. Friends Simpsons Sopranos Breaking Bad
  6. Broski gets to sit back and collect a check without any state income tax and put in minimal effort while riding the pine. Win.
  7. Yes Lost a step I may break something
  8. You don't restructure when you're dating A-list celebrities
  9. Broski does not want to see anymore of his friends get cut
  10. Sucks, I liked the guy but understand the move. Wish we got a 4th for him.
  11. Good win 'Cuse!
  12. He's a 4th/5th WR on their depth chart, it sounds like he may have reach out to them first, not vice versa
  13. I would've preferred he kept his mouth shut. It was Brown who got blown up, it wasn't Torrence who got blown up, it wasn't Morse who got blown up, it wasn't McGovern who got blown up. It was your ass that got blown up by Chris Jones on the potential game-winning TD at the end of the Divisional playoff game versus the Chiefs this year. Zip it.
  14. Danny boy just profiting off of Josh's image to feed his cocaine parties on Canandaigua Lake. Or maybe it's to buy a new summertime Ferrari.
  15. I would say the chiefs won, Bills did a good job with their half of the trade, but Chiefs won.
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