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Your Brown Eye

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Everything posted by Your Brown Eye

  1. I usually buy a hotel room two or three counties away and lock the hotel room door for the weekend. Order take out. No one knows where I go, the phone is shut off. It's usually just me in my underwear, Mel Kiper, and lo mein for 48 hours.
  2. I feel like if it was Josh Allen people would have a hard-on over it. So I can imagine that is what the Chiefs fans are doing/feeling.
  3. Definitely Glenn Parker, you can tell by the eyebrows
  4. I just benched pressed 300 lbs after the eclipse. Fight me.
  5. I'm all for this. Heck, I want to move it two yards behind the long snapper. Snap the ball and have the FG team drop to their bellies. The opposing team jumps to try to block the kick and you drill them squarely in the nuts from 6 feet away. Do that a few times, and half of the opposing defense is on the bench with a pack of ice on their gonads unable to return to the game. By the 4th quarter the defense is forced to start the 4th-5th string DB's on the defensive line and BOOM...we rack up 28-35 points in the 4th quarter alone! We could make James Cook would look like Jim Brown! That is revolutionary.
  6. This will put Josh Allen back in the weight room
  7. I'm ready to fight someone
  8. unbelievable, I hope those that are still alive are able to be rescued
  9. We barely knew thee
  10. Only if he can perform. The warm and fuzzy nostalgia of keeping him cause he dances on the field and dresses up in hockey equipment is no longer doing it for me. I need guys who can produce, not dance.
  11. I agree, nothing was coming out of some of those teets last year. We needed to get a herd of new cattle in to help our Alpha Male QB1
  12. It's all about the gravy with this one
  13. low risk, high reward
  14. bUt HiS wIfE iS fRoM hOrNeLl!!!!
  15. Easy big guy, save some women for the rest of us
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