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Your Brown Eye

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Everything posted by Your Brown Eye

  1. No, no he doesn't need a catch phrase. Just throw the damn ball, that's all his job is.
  2. My home town ?
  3. maybe, she has them crazy eyes though
  4. She be hunting for a future sugar daddy I reckon
  5. 7.6 billion people on this planet. It's quiet feasible that only 76 million have heard of Emory College
  6. Off the top of my head the only players I can think of who I thought would be great were Trent Edwards DaRick Rogers
  7. Nice succulent breast meat for me
  8. Partially torn both a couple times each. That all stemmed from working quads a lot more than the hammies causing a big time strength imbalance
  9. Her school pic is pretty good
  10. Couldn't say it any better. Every year fans walk around with boners over a guy who is a UDFA claiming he's the 2nd coming. Looks like Foster and his 5 play/catch highlight video over X amount of years is the next guy to the plate.
  11. Bob's Sugar Shack in Lackawanna offered an endorsement although I am not privy to the details
  12. Russ said that a lot the past couple years with the female interns
  13. I guess that's what happens when you hire HS sophomores to lead your Marketing division
  14. I like whipped peanut butter
  15. Can we still light tables on fire while tailgating and body slam each other through them?
  16. I keep my fridge 2-3 settings below the normal setting. Typically always eat meat 6-7 days old. I have the immune system of a dragon.
  17. Cut him. If he's not eating red meat and putting hair on his chest then we don't need his services anymore. Maybe the US men's soccer team needs another warm body to flop around the field.
  18. Bone chilling is the little girl I bought girl scout cookies from yesterday died 3 years ago. Two schmucks yapping about draft picks is not bone chilling.
  19. Vegas takes game one!
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