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Your Brown Eye

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Everything posted by Your Brown Eye

  1. I'm highly disappointed. I wanted to see a mf'ing nose missing. Instead I see a surface wound. me likey
  2. None, the team suffered through the drought for a reason. No need to celebrate mediocrity.
  3. That's the youth of this world....scary times ahead
  4. Wiser words have never been spoken. Well done.
  5. Nope, I am in my early 30s. Workout 4 times a week. Take in zero processed sugars or meats. Only two colors I eat are dark green (veggies) and white meat (fish/chicken). I have enough fiber running through my system to have a dominant bowl movement everyday. Supplement my food with 3 glasses of organic green tea, roughly a gallon of water with lemon, and 1 glass of red wine everyday.
  6. I got diabetes just watching that video
  7. hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
  8. I canceled mine because the said the wrong date once. You need to stick to the man. 100% perfect 100% of the time.
  9. Isn't he like 300 lbs?
  10. Some people just don't see the silver lining in things
  11. all fun and games until someone gets herp's
  12. I call it by the name brand(s)
  13. Renee Zellweger always looked like she was sucking on lemons to me
  14. Oj at 10 is too low, Barry Sanders at 7 is too low. Both should/could be top 5. Bo Jackson played 3 seasons averaged less than a 1000 yards per season and is #4?
  15. You sir are a true gentleman! I would watch that show just to see her.
  16. ^^ He was a phenominal guy. Grew up right down the road from me. Knew the family. My social media is covered with people talking about how he changed their lives. He would always help those in need or the less fortunate.
  17. coin flip between 12, 30, 47, 41
  18. 1) DE 2) Bruce Smith, no explanation needed 3) Lawrence Taylor, because he can get us coke and women
  19. From a pure athletic standpoint I would say Rogers is better than Hogan. Straight mental capacity....Hogan looks like Einstein compared to Rogers.
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