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Your Brown Eye

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Everything posted by Your Brown Eye

  1. Plenty of tickets and seats still available boss. It's not sold out. https://www1.ticketmaster.com/event/00005467B03F8E1A?brand=bills&artistid=805905&landing=s&camefrom=CFC_BILLS_BBC_PIP_PSO
  2. that sucker had a 30 yard head start
  3. Brady. He wouldn't have allowed the team to get piss drunk the day before the Super Bowls.
  4. We were waiting for you to start a thread on it chief
  5. Not solo. Just pile jumping so far
  6. She needs to sacrifice her first born for that
  7. I hate to pull the race card but that was my first impression of the article and what he said. White QB's suck and Black QB's are good.
  8. I've never done meth or been in an airplane
  9. That guy is in pretty good shape. Rarely is a Bills fan in good shape like that.
  10. Looks like a fun time
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