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Your Brown Eye

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Everything posted by Your Brown Eye

  1. Make sure you are wearing a nametag with your TBD forum name written on it, so we know who we are talking to.
  2. I'm too young to remember seeing Boselli enough to make an educated decision/opinion on him, although I heard he was dominant. I would have to say for me, the best LT I have ever seen would be either Walter Jones or Johnathan Ogden
  3. Burnt ends with Kansas City BBQ and a stack of Taylor Swift's greatest hits CDs being used as fuel for the outdoor fire pit ...suck it Travis Kelce
  4. 2024 Toyota Rav4. I like it a lot, as does the family. Before this, I was driving a Chevy POS and it just felt too small and unsafe with a 2-year-old in a car seat with bigger vehicles and dumber drivers on the road. I feel a lot safer getting into a possible accident in this vehicle than my previous one.
  5. This may be the first thread in the history of internet fan team message board's where a thread is started asking if the head coach made the right decision that resulted in a last-second victory.
  6. I will be having tuna tartar with a decadent homemade Cuban sandwich. Suck it Tua.
  7. Let's make a discussion thread on a public forum about how we want people to stop talking about Diggs
  8. I just bought a dozen NY style bagels and fed them to the local farm pigs like the swine that they are
  9. Put a dollop of mayonaisse in your PBJ the next time you have one, saltiness from peanut butter, sweetness from jelly, and tanginess from mayo will change you life. Thank me later.
  10. BuT buT bUt he DoEsN't WeAr ShOeS aNd HiS wIfe Is HoT aNd hE wAs AiR gUiTaRiNg To mR bRoWnStOnE!!!
  11. Jim Kelly was notorious for not putting his cart back in the cart-corral back in the day.
  12. Because I listened to Mr. Brightside on my way to work yesterday. F*** that song, never again.
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