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Your Brown Eye

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Everything posted by Your Brown Eye

  1. I would love it if the players stopped doing that stupid snarl-face after making a basket
  2. Bills fans actually voting for a Bills loss
  3. Little did Celine Dion know, this song would be forever linked to our beloved Kyle Williams forever entwined in the majesty of such a moment
  4. Bend over Boston, your boy Josh is coming!!
  5. My pathophys instructor at a local community college after a test asked if I wanted to stay and help clean up after a lab or test, but did it in a bizarre sexual way. He was gay, a nice guy though, but I did one of those half-hearted chuckles and left, I was worried leaving that he would follow me because it was a night class, we got out at I think 950pm so the halls were very empty and dark. He did not follow me though. My other one was an Asian professor who taught graduate-level statistics and bragged how this class only had a 50% pass/fall ratio. He was extremely smart, and taught all of the hard classes in the program. When asked to slow down or questioned about a topic he would say "I don't understand, its right there *points at the projector screen* and continue to plow through the material at breakneck speed. The beginning started fine, simple statistics and I was doing just fine, then he got into deeper and deeper statistics needing programs and whatnot, where one question needed 45 minutes to finish and if you had one calculation wrong at the beginning (Easy to do since I am dyslexic with numbers), then the end product would be wrong, it was a nightmare. We had to memorize these very very complicated equations. But on the second exam I noticed that he would never look up from his laptop during exams, and we were allowed drinks and whatnot on our desks. I BOMBED the second exam and was in fight or flight mode, because I needed this class and I had bombed the second exam and did very poorly on one of the group homework assignments. I knew I was never going to memorize all these complex equations so I went to Wegmans, bought a black and white Powerade bottle, and with a fine-toothed black pen I wrote all the equation formula's between the lines of the nutrition label, in-between the big letters of Powerade, anywhere were I could find an open space. On the third exam I nervously brought the bottle to the test, and sure as s*** this guy never looked up from his laptop, I was able to use the Powerade bottle and cheat through the test, anytime I needed a new formula I would take a sip and place my bottle down in front of me with the equation that I needed. Ended up going from failing that class to passing with an A- or something because the class was heavily weighted towards tests. He would show the test score up on the monitor and mine was always the highest, and I was worried people would start questioning it why only one person kept getting 90's while everyone would be getting 70s-80's or less, but no one did. First and only time I cheated that hardcore to pass a class. 6 years later, I left that field and went into healthcare so I went through all that stress and sleepless nights for nothing haha
  6. https://www.cameo.com/browse/athletes/football/buffalo-bills That's about as close to a Buffalo Bills player you'll get to "stop by" to a random wedding.
  7. Some good peaty scotch
  8. If I was on that subway train, there'd be no need for hanging. He'd be dead now.
  9. Wasn't someone chirping about trading him before the draft for picks in almost every thread?
  10. I can guarantee you that if it was Josh Allen crying on National TV over an injury to one of his teammates, the narrative of this thread would be a complete 180. This thread would be filled with people saying how brave and passionate he is and what a leader of men he's become and not one person would be calling him soft or a b****
  11. Boston creme donuts for breakfast, some fatt Lobster rolls for lunch and topping off dinner with homemade New England clam chowder with a case of Sam Adams brewskis. Lord have mercy on my toilet bowl Monday morning.
  12. They never were to begin with. I grew up in the 90's, it's the Dolphins first and foremost at the top spot, and likely will never change
  13. Going by the breakdown given, a solid 8-12.
  14. That's because they know Bills fans get triggered very easily. Easy money for them.
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