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Everything posted by Carter

  1. Good Post and I agree. However, I think this draft will be telling on how long beane and Bald Ginger are with the organization. If they screw up the qb position, 2019 will be their final year. The typical 3 and out. They MUST get the QB position right, their jobs literally depends on it.
  2. Sorry Mom. Not my opinion. General consensus.
  3. Sorry lady. It doesn’t get any more obvious. Denial isn’t a valid excuse.
  4. No it is not a stretch. It was so apparent, everyone thought they were tanking on purpose. Beane gutted everything Whaley did well, just to spite him. He is still doing it (see T Rod). A selfish GM is never a good GM.
  5. Typical. This is what happens when your new gm guts his roster just to spite the old gm. Beane kinda sucks compared to Whaley. He has already made several critical errors.
  6. Maybe we should have Guinness here for the record!!! Remember last time, Guinness said they’d never come back, after that embarrassment. Some d bag will drink too much and hurt himself or worse and ruin it for everyone and wed have to wait another 10 !@#$ing years for a Monday night game. Buffalo can’t handle the excitement of Monday night games. Control yourselves Bills fans. Don’t blow your load prematurely and suffer the consequences.
  7. At 12?!? That would be a disaster of epic proportions. No way this happens.
  8. If AJ is starting, this will be Bald Ginger and Beanes final year. Pegs has no patience for idiots and won’t hesitate to fire them, see Rex. Is this a joke? coaching and gm sabotaged the team last year by gutting the roster and benching our starter. Football gods yes!! If it wasn’t for the cinci miracle, they would’ve never made the playoffs. Smh @ Bald ginger clapping his hands every two minutes. Lol
  9. Angry? Just telling it like it is. There is no need to DEFLECT this to an emotional response...
  10. I really hope peterman is cut or put on PS. After the playoff game and the charger game, he should never see the field again!!! NEVER AGAIN!!!!
  11. Not. Let’s just forget this embarrassing part of Bills History...
  12. All I see is a lot of grasping at straws and excuses. Went to ub for undergrad. After graduation, I Immediately moved away due to the economy. Found a well paying job in San Diego and was fortunate to buy a house here mortgage free and capped at 1% property tax. So my house, I’m paying just over 10k in taxes a year. In WNY that tax liability would be 40k and unaffordable. Blue Collar does not mean poor, classless and easily influenced. In this city we put our tax dollars to important positive things. We hold our politicians accountable and we grow our city to make it a better place for our Children, the future. What happened in Buffalo? No pride for the future. No pride for the kids. Trust me, the grass IS greener. Take the RISK to make a CHANGE.
  13. Buffalo was blue collar when it actually had factory jobs. Now their color is rusted just like the factories. Buffalo is a no collar town or a any collar you can get town because the economy is terrible and has been for 2 generations. That’s on the locals. Where is your pride of your city? Too much flouride in the water, or just lazy?
  14. Yes. we are moving up to 2!!!!! Yeeeesssssssss!!!! amazing!!!!!!!! thanks for the news op!!! Darnold!!! Rosen!!!! Our franchise!!!
  15. They f this up and they will be gone in two years. This is no different than the last 10 coaches and GMs, no qb= no success= 3 years and fired. Wash and repeat. They got very lucky last year as the stats all declined from the year prior. Theyre jobs depend on this draft.
  16. Summers are still muggy, buggy and wet. Not even close to ideal human conditions.
  17. Very gloomy. Here in San Diego we have may gray. Imgaine having that all year round. Then have to deal with winter. Why and and how do humans live in an environment like that? It is torture.
  18. You or the members attempting to troll me? Which one?
  19. Here we go again. Irish being his critical little self. I can’t believe I need to do this but, Let me explain. Ops op was general and not concise, his random post has no point. How does this pertain to us? Is the question. Now get get off your high horse, put that little white belt of yours between your legs and mind you p and q s. Next time Think before spouting off or at least be accurate before completely embarrassing yourself. Thanks son. Youre sensitive because you like to over-react and exaggerate situations. Trust me, my man, you need to mature if youre going to make it in this world, it’s real. You need to be fit to survive...and being overly sensitive will cloud your judgment. Just a tip.
  20. No. You do not sabotage your career by taking a HUGE risk like that. Tyrod got us to the playoffs for the 1st time in a 100 years. You do not trade him without a plan in place, a backup with 4 starts is not the plan. We will move up and get our QB. Beans and The bald gingers job depend on it.
  21. I’m not saying I’m a bad mofo. I’m saying he is overly sensitive and couldn’t run with the Gilmore girls without his feeling hurt. Once again the point goes right over your head, once again...
  22. Thanks for the heads up sheep. Fixed* Bashing?!?! You’re a little sensitive, aren’t you? You could never run with my crew, you’d be in the corner crying.
  23. I will guarantee you, he will not be a Bill. We are moving up to get a QB (Rosen or Darnold) This is obvious. As a gm you do not trade away your starting qb and not have a plan/ agreement in place. We are moving up, Beanes and the bald gingers job depend on it. Anything less would be an utter failure.
  24. Please. Is this a joke. Buffalo can’t afford a new stadium. Their economy has been stagnant for 40 years. The local politicians are too selfish and dumb to understand the trickle affects of building a new stadium, they will refuse any public money be given. Pegs will use this as his excuse to Initiate talks for moving the team to a more “sustainable” city with a “bright” future. Buffalo is not that. Complete opposite amof. Please. New stadium on buffalo. Hahaha.
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