Call me blind, but a few posters are saying he "bailed the pocket". Not true at all - he either stood tall, stepped up, or fled the pocket because pressure was actually coming. Watch the entire series of his throws and point to an instance where he bailed the pocket (maybe I missed one). Quite the opposite, if you focus solely on his movement in the pocket he did very well, the only real gaffe being his run backwards and almost throwing a pick.
Also - for the media fawning Mayfield over Allen, watch all of Allen's throws and then watch all of Mayfield's throws last night. I think you'll be impressed with Allen (not knocking Mayfield). Mayfield had some head scratching throws in the same manner of "what was that". Overall though, I'd say Allen had a few more WOW throws and tougher throws than Mayfield. Going to be fun watching these rookie QB's.