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Everything posted by Bockeye

  1. Buffalo 716 - Always love your football insight and you know the details. Do you think guys on one year contracts tend to go for the eye popping stats as opposed to “doing their jobs” at times? That is, Phillips was going for the sack at all cost knowing that stat would be his pay day, not % of missed tackles?
  2. And this you imbeciles - STOP DRIVING YOUR VEHICLES!!!!!!!!!!! THE RISK IS TOO GREAT. HOW MANY LIVES ARE YOU WILLING TO RISK SO THAT YOU MAY DRIVE A VEHICLE!!! IS a haircut worth it? Taking your kids to school? Running errands? DRIVING TO WORK???? How can you live with this blood on your hands????? For the second consecutive year, the U.S. experienced a small decline in roadway deaths, according to preliminary estimates released today from the National Safety Council. In 2019, an estimated 38,800 people lost their lives to car crashes – a 2% decline from 2018 (39,404 deaths) and a 4% decline from 2017 (40,231 deaths). About 4.4 million people were injured seriously enough to require medical attention in crashes last year – also a 2% decrease over 2018 figures. Source: https://www.nsc.org/road-safety/safety-topics/fatality-estimates (886 deaths in US from Coronavirus)
  3. The Dying for Wall Street hashtags crack me up. It will catch on with people who have no sense of how the economy works. "We want billions of dollars for unemployment and healthcare and we need completely shut down the economy for the next two months or longer" That would be a great idea if the Government just had a money tree to pick cash from, but unfortunately, they do not. This is a wild concept but, in order to pay for unemployment, healthcare, and free checks to all, they get their money from BUSINESSES AND THE EMPLOYEES THAT WORK FOR THOSE BUSINESSES THROUGH SOMETHING CALLED TAXES. Here's what 2015 looked like. In 2015, total federal revenues in fiscal year 2015 are expected to be $3.18 trillion.2 These revenues come from three major sources: Income taxes paid by individuals: $1.48 trillion, or 47% of all tax revenues. Payroll taxes paid jointly by workers and employers: $1.07 trillion, 34% of all tax revenues. Corporate income taxes paid by businesses: $341.7 billion, or 11% of all tax revenues Source: https://www.nationalpriorities.org/budget-basics/federal-budget-101/revenues/ If we don't open the economy soon, there will be less businesses to pay those taxes and less employees to pay those taxes which feed into all the wonderful things we want to do with the trillions of dollars America just wrote a check for. So yes - If we do not act soon, those payments will stop, and as some pointed out, lawlessness will follow and humorously, we will be reduced back into a hunting and gathering society. I don't not expect this to happen, but it appears some people would like to follow this route.
  4. You mean the 20 year old pregnant female I have to lay off this week because my business is about to fold with no money coming in? Yes, she won't have a job to come back to. I've burned through all my money. I've invested very little in the stock market, but I have invested substantial sums into my small business, and here I am. Once this clears, I will be competing for jobs against her and thousands of others, trying to get back on my feet.
  5. I like the oversight and I like the hospitals getting some money. I don't like pure unemployment. They need to give money directly to the businesses (including small business) so they can pay their employees and rent. Letting everyone go to unemployment benefits is a terrible idea as those folks will not have businesses to go back to once this is over. A few months of unemployment will not cover this. Tiberius - What's your honest opinion of all the added BS Pelosi/Dems put in there?
  6. Nancy wants $35M for the JFK Center for the Performing Arts. How convenient that just received the JFK Profile in Courage Award. Of course this will help get money to he hospitals and prevent small businesses and large from laying off millions of workers! This. Is. Unbelievable.
  7. I agree with the fact that we should not give one individual oversight of doling out $500B*. But let’s focus on negotiating/changing THIS and NOT introducing totally unrelated issues - you guys have to be sane enough to understand that, no? *i have not read the entire stimulus package proposal and am going by the cursory comments I have seen, which imply Mnuchin decides where it goes.
  8. This is maddening. I’m not the damn stock market!! Next week, I have 40 employees hitting unemployment if we don’t open. I’ve paid them two weeks with NO income coming in. My buddy, a business owner, has 300+ employees he laid off last week and they will NOT have a job until we start normal life again. You want to talk about the financial and psychological impact on those employees?? Hate to say it, but we are trying the best as we can to prevent this virus from killing a large portion of the worlds population, but at some point, we need to cautiously carry on. I believe we are almost there with some of the advances against the virus we have made.
  9. Reference for my point of view is that I’m a multimillionaire and made it from nothing. I have multiple businesses across the country and employees around the world. A couple of my businesses we were forced to lay people off, but my larger business, we were not. I wanted to give you some feedback and hopefully, you give me your unemotional perspective. 1). I agree that we need to make the unemployment package larger than what the Republicans proposed. Most people don’t know that small business account for approximately 48% of US employees. We will lose and have lost many of those jobs. I want our employees taken care of. 2)The politicians offer for a low interest SB loan is BS. As a small biz owner, we’ve risked our houses, our, 401k’s, and our good paying jobs in hopes we achieve The American Dream. We don’t want another loan - we’ve had enough. **i believe the answer is for the government to cover 100% payroll for the SB and rent. I believe most SB’s would cover all the other costs as they are minimal for most and it would keep their employees whole** 3) I agree with an effort to give unemployed people with lower income immediate checks from the government for food and other essentials. What the cut off would be, I’m not sure, but maybe more $ for those that have lower wages, more $ for those with kids, etc. 4)I agree that we need oversight for the bailout $ for large firms. No stock buy backs, $ must be used for US employees, committee of Dems and Reps to decide who and how much, etc. I think we both agree we need a stimulus package immediately. We/they need to focus on those issues directly tied to our relief and recovery (as per above)I’m both saddened and scared that the Dems would introduce additional non-related issues in the stimulus bill and are holding America hostage. What would be your opinion if the Republicans decided to introduce pro-gun legislation? Anti-abortion laws? etc. Now is not the time!
  10. I'm not sure we have any media without opinion these days. Literally everything has an opinion or slant. The fact we don't just receive the FACTS is whats new in this country.
  11. Adding on chit like this with what is going on - yes, pure evil. There definitely needs to be controls on the $ for corporations. There definitely needs to be more $ for unemployment and hospitals. Those are the issues both parties should be negotiating and you know it. She is holding America hostage at the moment adding these things on. Pure idiocy. Sadly, if she keeps holding off on signing the bill, the class division within this country will magnify greatly. Small businesses will fall by the wayside and their market share will be scooped up by large business.
  12. Spot on. Remember when all the knee-jerk coaches were hammering Edmunds rookie year. This is reminiscent.
  13. Hapless hitting nail on the head!! Seriously, for anyone in the intel field, plausible deniability is basic tradecraft. I don’t wear a tinfoil hat, but this is obvious. Patriots have been doing this and more for years.
  14. Headed to the tents of Oktoberfest in Munich on Sunday in September(Bills were about to play in few hours) cruising in the two seat rickshaw bikes - saw a dude with a Bills shirt and yelled “Go Go Buffalo”. He gave me the thumbs up and we went our ways.
  15. Sorry - not at all your place to decide what Chicharito gets offended at. Not at all. Having said that, it’s absolutely your choice to keep your hat on or remove it. Welcome to America.
  16. ?so don’t get better WR’s to help your QB?
  17. Agreed 100%! We need to score more points. Look what Allen has accomplished with Smoke and he’s not even an elite WR. Imagine Allen with another WR equal to or better than Smoke.
  18. Awesome! Will have to check out one of our hometown boys games.
  19. By that way of thinking, Gronks hit on Tre White would be nothing to be upset about as he was not carted off the field. I’m certain you don’t think that Slim, but using “carted off the field” or an actual injury as the measuring stick doesn’t fly.
  20. You’re right. That was a tad too low throw by Allen. Mosley looks back and that’s a pick.
  21. That fumble was mostly on Mitch. He just needs to warm up. Get ready for turning point of game. Here we go!
  22. Seriously. I’m asking the veterans and experts on here. Is there some conspiracy theories out there or what? Does not make sense.
  23. Just watching NFL Live and the talking heads said they had to send him letter and that is normal practice and what the must do. Not sure we can assume that mayock didn’t sit down with him first either. I’d assume he likely did. Agreed 100% that Mayock should have kept his mouth closed and kept it out if media. Never like management spouting off - like Jerry Jones just did with Zeke.
  24. Doesn't this quote from the article fly in the face of "Miami emerges as the leader..."? Or am I missing something? "We don’t know all of the intricate details as to why Clowney fired his longtime agent. What we do know is that in the past few days, Tony Pauline was told that Texans head coach Bill O’Brien has been pushing a trade to Miami because of his relationship with Brian Flores. However, Jadeveon Clowney does not want to go to Miami because he would prefer to play for a contender."
  25. Oh hell yeah! Are we doing an egg draft?!?! I’m in! #1 draft pick - over easy.
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