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Everything posted by Bockeye

  1. Article just hit The Athletic regarding Dion Dawkins and COVID battle. Hospitalized for 4 days and “could barely move”. He was TWO WEEKS removed from his second vaccine jab when he got sick. Line up Beasley and GET YOURS!!! (I’m going to take a guess and say that this article will be pulled or amended to show that he didn’t have the vax yet or only the first shot. Does not follow the media narrative.)
  2. This is very reasonable. Will be interesting to see the long term effects of the various vaccines as well as long COVID (those whose symptoms continue). All of the media is so politicized though, I’m not sure we will ever get full clarity. Strange times indeed.
  3. Weak. You have any data that refutes his?
  4. Here's some brilliance from the CDC. But you know, keep blindly following them... https://www.wsj.com/articles/cdc-covid-19-coronavirus-vaccine-side-effects-hospitalization-kids-11626706868 "A tremendous number of government and private policies affecting kids are based on one number: 335. That is how many children under 18 have died with a Covid diagnosis code in their record, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Yet the CDC, which has 21,000 employees, hasn’t researched each death to find out whether Covid caused it or if it involved a pre-existing medical condition. Without these data, the CDC Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices decided in May that the benefits of two-dose vaccination outweigh the risks for all kids 12 to 15. I’ve written hundreds of peer-reviewed medical studies, and I can think of no journal editor who would accept the claim that 335 deaths resulted from a virus without data to indicate if the virus was incidental or causal, and without an analysis of relevant risk factors such as obesity. My research team at Johns Hopkins worked with the nonprofit FAIR Health to analyze approximately 48,000 children under 18 diagnosed with Covid in health-insurance data from April to August 2020. Our report found a mortality rate of zero among children without a pre-existing medical condition such as leukemia. If that trend holds, it has significant implications for healthy kids and whether they need two vaccine doses. The National Education Association has been debating whether to urge schools to require vaccination before returning to school in person. How can they or anyone debate the issue without the right data?" Short Bio on Author: A professor at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, he has published over 250 scientific articles on the re-design of health care, medical innovation, and vulnerable populations. Dr. Makary has been elected to the National Academy of Medicine and is Editor-in-Chief of Medpage Today. He has written for The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, and USA Today and is a frequent medical commentator.
  5. I’ll post this article again because it speaks to your point. https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2021/aug/5/biden-teams-misguided-and-deadly-covid-19-vaccine-/
  6. Understand that the current vaccines are “leaky” and imperfect. https://www.pbs.org/newshour/science/tthis-chicken-vaccine-makes-virus-dangerous “This is the first time that this virus-boosting phenomenon, known as the imperfect vaccine hypothesis, has been observed experimentally.” https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2021/aug/5/biden-teams-misguided-and-deadly-covid-19-vaccine-/ “The clear historical tendency for viruses crossing over from one species to another is to evolve in a way that makes them both more infectious and less pathogenic over time. However, a universal vaccination policy deployed in the middle of a pandemic can turn this normal Darwinian taming process into a dangerous vaccine arms race.” 🤷‍♂️
  7. Marshawn Lynch 5’11” 215lbs 4.48 40 20 bench press reps Antonio Williams 5’11” 215lbs 4.52 40 24 bench press reps I’m just sayin’
  8. Exactly! I’m still waiting for LeBron James, Brett Favre, and other professional athletes to apologize to me for their athletic privilege. They were born with tremendous advantages I did not have and have reaped enormous awards - all because of who they were when they were born - bastards owe me! I spent years riding the bench in school.
  9. I got you BillStime. No worries. Hope you had a great 4th! God Bless America brother!
  10. BillStime and Tibs - love you guys as Americans. It’s happened throughout our history - Americans that backed the British, Democrats that backed slavery and Jim Crow laws, hell. I’ll even point out McCarthyism from a Republican, all the way to FDR putting Japanese into Camps. Sometimes it takes takes time to figure out reality from Fiction, right -vs- wrong. Until that time comes, rest be assured, there’s a group of Americans that believe in the American way. We got you until that time comes. Until the flag flies over our country without any kneeling and the pledge of allegiance is said from coast to coast - hold tight.
  11. Very true, very true. I was just speaking to some friends pining for the good old days where you could agree to disagree. The sad part is our kids are growing up in a world of political discord. As my teenage son put it - “it’s all we know”.
  12. This is golden - you’re blaming Trump for the Democrats protests and violence? Please do tell, I’d love to hear this story. Love how she uses he term “old white couple” in a completely derogatory tone. how would this play out if someone posted this at say an NRA rally on a street and a car was blocked that had a “young black couple”. Yep - that’s what I thought. Dems being Dems.
  13. This is a genius plan to get justice for Black Americans BillStime - let them burn down cities and destroy businesses and property. Can’t wait to see what the future holds.
  14. LB3 - this is exceptional! Just to add: - We need to change the name of the Buffalo Bills (Bill Cody killed Native Americans) - We should not celebrate the 4th of July - We should get rid of the flag, because America sux - We need to let absolutely anyone into this country that wants to come into this country (anyone = dreamers) - Companies should not lay people off, because, you know, the complete lock down of America is driving insane profits for most companies (See idiot Polancarz/New Era) - We need to completely defund the police force while simultaneously getting rid of the 2nd amendment and any weapons we may have to protect ourselves. I’m sure that I’ve missed a few, but all in all, pretty sane stuff. Not sure why most here don’t get it.
  15. This cracks me up. Probably a worthwhile topic for the political forum. Just FYI - The PPP is not a magical money tree Don. At some point the money received runs out. With the complete lockdown of the country, the bills are now coming due.
  16. Planes are used for much, much more than carrying and deploying munitions. Sorry - can't point you to any open source info so carry on...
  17. You know the odd thing about this is that you’re poking fun and we actually do have invisible planes. You cannot see them with naked eye clearly nor with radar. Since I know your skeptical of news sources, I’ve pulled one close to your heart - CNN. I found this link for you which gives you a rudimentary understanding. Invisible technology Understand that this video is is from 2012.....8 years ago. We’ve come a long way. Carry on....
  18. you are correct. https://apnews.com/63e84d7e8bc43607c284915555b8b6b4
  19. Check out this thread on Mr. (judge?) Sullivan regarding the Flynn case. Starting to spread rapidly. If true - wow! https://mobile.twitter.com/Johnheretohelp/status/1261480070683688967
  20. You’re a special kind of person Tibs, with the intellect of a pea. Putting everything else aside, you have been wholly advocating staying in lock down while at the same time pointing to massive unemployment numbers now!?!?
  21. This is priceless!! It’s all about the show. Do as I say, not as I do.
  22. I suspected you wouldn’t answer the question. Speaks volumes. Answer the question you get taken apart and exposed just like Qbaby did. I get it.
  23. My fervent hope is that left wing alarmists are either out of work on unemployment (which we need to put a shelf life on) or have a business which they must file bankruptcy on. I believe when they are staring down the barrel, they will change their tune and will help advocate for opening the economy. Having said this, I’m sure Tibs/Q baby are teleworking and making good coin as are the rest of our friends on here pushing for a continued lockdown. Prove me wrong, but I doubt it. If you are unemployed and making much, much less than prior the lockdown, OR have a biz which is completely shut down with no revenue coming in, I’d honestly be very interested in your perspective on why we need to be in continued lockdown. Tibs/Q-baby - you makin’ money??
  24. Thanks Fires. Tough to separate sports news and covid these days. Seems too tempting for some not to jump in with a political comment. PPP is the place for folks to debate and there are some good ones there.
  25. Thats what I figured. This isn’t affecting you at all, let the others suffer. Keep us in lockdown forever. I’d bet you are not willing to part ways with your hard earned money to help out some business owners or folks on unemployment are you?? If so, let me know as I have a number of individuals that can use it. Put your money where your mouth is - if you feel continued lockdown is needed, start helping those in need. You crack me up - Lexus Liberal. Tibs - calling you out. Can’t or don’t want to answer my original question, eh?? Q-baby at least showed their cards.
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