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The Red King

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Everything posted by The Red King

  1. Can only do so much at a time. We free up a ton of cap space next season. Expect the Bills O to receive a full overhaul and lots of loving next offseason via draft and FA.
  2. Illuminati involvement in the Bills' rebuilding confirmed!
  3. The KB trade had zero to do with Watkins. Completely different types of receivers. The Bills sucked in the Red Zone, and KB was brought in to provide a tall end-zone target for TT. Didn't help because KB was injured part of the time, and TT simply didn't throw to him when he was healthy anyway. As for the poll, "no" is a perfectly acceptable answer. Saying you disapprove of Beane's moves is different then saying the draft was a failure (which is impossible to know for certain unless you can look ahead in time). The crux is the Allen pick, which shattered several fans' confidence. Those disillusioned fans are handling that different ways. Some are able to keep their cool, and look at the other moves objectively. Some let that frustration lead to anger and color how they look at the other moves. The only thing that truly bothers me are the people who insist they can see the future, insist that the moves are already predetermined failures, and anyone that doesn't agree with their assertations are blind idiots. Nobody can tell the future. The only thing we know for certainty is that Beane went after the players he wanted. Whether or not the players pan out and the question of whether or not we overpayed is impossible to answer until we see how these players turn out.
  4. Reality. The Bills lost to one of the 3-4 most talented rosters by just seven points in their own stadium.
  5. You don't consider making the playoffs and ending a 17-year drought in year one "results"?
  6. As I noted earlier, 99% of the fans that hated the Allen pick are openly hostile and insulting. Precious few discuss the point calmly and civilly. Now, unlike some people here, I rarely, if ever, deal in absolutes. There are indeed fans that hate the Allen pick that are calm and civil...they are simply in the vast minority here. Careful, keep trying to reason with them and you'll all be called doodie-heads next! Year One of The Process got us to 9-7 and the end of a 17-year playoff drought. I think they earned a bit of trust.
  7. Poyerhydebushneal Is that a 17-sided object?
  8. C'mon, like I said it's obvious. Many hold the view that if McBeane took Allen over Rosen he is utterly incompetent and unable to make good picks, ergo every pick of his must be a bad one and the Bills will, with 100% certainty, be terrible next year. And it will take a lot more then piddly things like "facts" and "logic" to sway them.
  9. I'll simplify this thread... Do you hate the Allen pick? Then you are 99% likely to say the entire draft sucked, and be very volatile about it, hurling insults at McBeane and saying such things like "Only the Bills would draft Allen at 7 when Rosen was on the board!" when it was earlier revealed the Cardinals were attempting to do just that and were upset the Bills beat them to it. You are also most likely to say we overspent to get to 7 while also being one of the same people who before the draft yelled and screamed that we needed to trade up for our QB "whatever the cost". I have thus far seen precious few people that hated the Allen pick that are actually calm and objective when discussing it. Most sound like McBeane punched their household pet.
  10. Oh goodie, another thinly veiled "I hate that they took Allen instead of Rosen, so McBeane and the Front Office suck!" threads...
  11. Not enough offensive weapons to start Allen. AJ was brought in as a 1-2 year bridge. Now if we added more offensive weapons, there would be more pressure to start Allen early. This is AJ's year to show what he's got. I don't have faith, but that's based on limited body of work. I am, however, willing to see what he's got.
  12. Sadly there are a number of people so upset about the Allen pick, that the draft was an immediate disaster in their eyes. Every move past that was seen in the most negative light possible, no matter how positive it might actually seem. If you look closely, most people calling this draft a bust and/or disaster share two traits...first, they hated the Allen pick and second they are outright hostile and abusive. It's rarely a calm, clean critique. It's Beane did everything wrong, is an idiot, everyone is going to be a bust and we will have a new coach/GM in a year or two. Some fans got overemotional over Allen being picked and allowed it to severely taint any other draft pick later taken in their eyes.
  13. There is a plan. Some of you don't like it, or the moves made for it, but it's there. We got our franchise QB, like him or not. I was careful to say 'if it works'. I don't have a crystal ball, I don't know the outcome (as some on this board somehow insist they do), but I know there is a plan, I'm watching it unfold, and that is something we've been lacking for awhile.
  14. You can only do so much in one off-season. Beane's priority is long term, but he's trying to do what he can to win now. Last year's plan got us to 9-7 and the playoffs and he's doubling down. Beef up the defense, swap in a bridge QB who isn't afraid to take some chances, and lean on the D heavily. Before the draft I predicted 9-7, nabbing a Wild Card week 17. I'm standing by that. Like last season our D can win us a number of games. The D will struggle now and then, all units do, and it's unlikely our O will be able to bail them out when they do. With the pressure more on the D then the O, Allen can sit and learn. Next off-season when we free up a ton of cap room, the Bills will completely overhaul the O through free agency and the draft, building it around Allen. And that's when they become dangerous. 2018 is going to look a lot like 2017. But remember, 2017 was a playoff year. If we can play as well or better on D and get even marginally better on O, there is no reason this team can't return to the playoffs, even if they're not yet an elite team.
  15. Honestly, the tweet will be mentioned, Allen will apologize to AJ, AJ will make some comment to lighten the mood, the two will have a small laugh about it, and that will be the end of it.
  16. Whose said I was optimistic? The plan for 2018 is to make the defense into a meat grinder that keeps us in the game while hoping our offense can score enough to win. At this point I'm expecting a mediocre to good offense. Remember, just 10 pts. would have gotten us a win vs. the Panthers and OT vs. the Jags. I think our D is better then last year and think our current O, warts and all, still can put up at least 10 on anyone.
  17. I lost faith and interest in WGR when the Bills made the playoffs for the first time this century. One of them, think it was Bulldog, then actually went on a rant because this season cost us draft positioning. I...was in shock after that and have felt no compulsion to tune back in since then.
  18. Three picks into the draft and I think Beane's plan for the Bills is coming into focus. It's obviously a multi-year project, but talk of this upcoming season being a sacrifice or a wash is about as accurate as last season being a tank job. The off-season and draft have helped reshape the roster, and the culture. Players who were seen as problematic or lazy are being shipped off and replaced with solid, hard workers. We passed on Rosen because he lacks the character that Buffalo is after. Last season the Bills overachieved with a "Us vs. the World" mentality, with each player being a cog in the machine. Beane and McD are looking for players with a matching mindset. Rosen whined about not being picked in the top #3, Phillips makes it sound like he's unworthy to breath the same air as a player like Williams. Character. The plan for the future is rapidly shaping up as follows: 2018 - Same plan as 2017. The defense has been beefed up with FA pickups and draft picks. The idea being, defense keeps them in the game, offense scrapes out a win. AJ will lead the offense while Allen takes the time to learn and develop. We can only hope the offense and defense are better then last year's. I think they're going to surprise people and contend for a playoff spot, but I don't think they're going to be an elite team quite yet. 2019 - Endgame. With the defense far more secure, a vast amount of freed up FA money and Josh Allen ready to take the reigns...the Bills focus on offense, buying and drafting the tools to put around Allen so he can succeed. The defense will still be the Mean Machine from 2018, but the offense will be shaped for Allen. The team shifts from relying on that defense and hoping the offense can at least put up enough to win...and instead looks like a proper elite team which finally looks every bit as dangerous on the offensive side as it does on the defense. ...at least, that appears to be the plan. Time will tell if it works. I'm just excited we have a plan, rather then throwing darts at a dart board hoping something sticks. What's more impressive is how this plan seems to be keeping us at least competitive even when rebuilding from rubbish. We're going to be a better team this season then people expect. After all these years it is wonderfully refreshing watching a front office with an actual plan, successful or not.
  19. The Bills overachieved last year, heart and chemistry being a part of it. They were the underdogs with a "Band of Brothers" feel to them. I'm getting the feeling that character is very much at play with these draft picks thus far. Yes, the usuals are talked about...ability, filling a hole and such...but there has been a lot of talk about how all three fit the team's chemistry. This pick just galvanizes the suspicion. This kid is a work horse, leaving it on the field every play. Remember when the Sabres were "The Hardest Working Team in Hockey"? At this rate the Bills are going to be the hardest working team in football. Love this pick.
  20. Was poking around nfl.com and at the bottom is the latest poll "Which team landed the best QB in the draft?". The options? Baltimore Ravens Cleveland Browns New York Jets Arizona Cardinals ...just...wow. Baltimore on the list instead of Buffalo. They honestly think it's more likely Baltimore got a better QB then us?
  21. The more Rosen speaks, the better I feel about Allen. Good lord this kid is an arrogant juicebag, and I see that leading to problems down the line. Rosen says he's pissed he was passed over, and will make those teams pay. Allen on the other hand, said he'll make the Bills seem like geniuses. Similar sentiment, both an "I'll show them" mentalty, but one is bitter and spiteful, the other far more positive without actually taking a shot at thd other teams. Read Rosen's comments carefully... Seriously? You are a first round draft pick, chosen tenth overall, living the dream many kids will never get a chance to fufill, and you honestly thought you'd have to screw on a smile? Such an arrogant, entitled little twat. I wish the Cards the best with him.
  22. People using misleading topic titles, stating opinion and speculation as fact, is exactly why this board has become insufferable.
  23. Nor I, but you know how rabid the "no cost is too high" crowd is here.
  24. The draft started already, or did the OP come back in time in a TARDIS? Maybe they got tomorrow's newspaper today, like in Early Edition. If none of these happened, then the OP is mistaking speculation for fact and posting one as the other.
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