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The Red King

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Everything posted by The Red King

  1. Cog is rapidly becoming a poster child for how not to handle contract situations, with every move shining the light on a new mistake. Don't let others sign your contracts (if that actually happened), don't sign a contract you're not happy with, don't retire citing horrific health reasons...then un-retire, don't throw an adolescent tantrum on social media over your new contract and for the love of all that's good and holy if you do get your contract voided and have any hope/desire to play anywhere ever again, don't make things worse by chucking a barbell at someone resulting in getting detained for a psych evaluation. Just...wow...
  2. Sorry, false logic. Players and teams are both welcome to renegotiate at any time. See, Coggie had this little tool at his disposal. He was asked to take a pay cut, not demanded. As a result, and I know this may sound crazy to you, stay with me... ...Richie could have said "No." rather then signing the new contract. Wild, I know. And you know what, if he had, I might even be on his side in all this for all the reasons mentioned in this thread. But he didn't. He signed on the dotted line, saying with crystal clarity "I accept these new terms that you offered, and agree to play by them." At that point, any right to complain about those terms went right out the window. That is my reasoning. If one side or the other wants to change the terms, they are more then welcome to readdress the topic, but in the end the signed contract is the default. Bottom line, if Cogs didn't like the terms and wanted to fight for more money, that all should have been done before signing the new contract. He lost any right to complain after he put his name to the paper.
  3. ...what...does that even mean? ? Yes...it goes both ways. Regardless of whether or not the contract was fair, once both parties signed it, they should both honor it...and...the Bills had every intention of honoring the new contract, so I have no clue whatsoever what you're getting at.
  4. I'm sorry, he signed the contract. Welcome to the real world. You sign a contract, you honor it. And don't give me any BS about him giving his agent the power to sign a contract. If that's what happened it's still on him because he gave his agent that power. We're talking NFL money, there is no way I allow my agent to sign anything. You work out a deal, shoot me the numbers, and let me make the final decision. Whether what the Bills offered was fair or not is completely irrelevant. Richie agreed to it and should have honored it.
  5. I do so love watching a good... ...in progress.
  6. ...and when he signs with the Pats? I was hoping for a shaky line in front of Brady. That team catches all the breaks. >.< This makes no sense.
  7. ...and by extension, Tom Brady must really be awful, because how many QBs have had real success at his age? Poor Tom, why is he even still playing with the Patriots? Calendar isn't his friend, after all. Thanks to TT's inability and unwillingness to throw deep, Shady had to run against defenses that stacked all eleven players, a couple cheerleaders and an assistant coach in the box and still managed to get the job done. Regardless of your views on Allen and AJ, both QBs will at least stretch the field, making it a lot easier on the running game. Even if he loses a step, not running into a brick wall every play should allow him to play at a level at least equal to last year. And rearview mirror? Dude...ah...that Indy game was just five months ago, week 14! Shady has only played three games since then. Yeah, I think it's reasonable to look at that as an indicator of where he's currently at. What's next, you're gonna tell me a MLB pitcher is showing signs of aging and losing his speed, when the guy just threw a 100 MPH fastball three pitches ago? And if I point that out will you say "That was three whole pitches ago! Rear view mirror man, time isn't his friend. He's all washed up now!"?
  8. ...watches highlights of Shady winning the Indy game when all indications to that point were that it was going to end a tie... Oh yeah, worthless. Bum definitely has nothing left in the tank. ?
  9. Beat me to it. No matter what, there will be TT threads. If he bombs in Cleveland, the people claiming he was awful will be jumping all over that, and rubbing it in the face of TT supporters. If he does well, the TT supporters will be frothing at the mouth to rub it in the face of the TT detractors. He just might do well. One possibility that nobody really touched on, is that his timidness might have been because of a complete lack of faith in his receivers. Now, this is not the same thing as having bad receivers. If he had no faith in his receivers, that might have led to some of the checkdowns and runs. However, that is still on TT. Sometimes you just have to take chances. If this theory is true, then TT was like the overprotective parent that doesn't let their asthmatic child camp, play sports or even play outside, someone so terrified that their child cannot handle something that they take no chances at all. You can be too cautious. If this is part of what happened, having a new receiving corp might well fix the problem, TT might start taking chances, and Bills fans will then rip their hair out by the roots, screaming "Why the hell didn't he do that with us?!?". If that is what happened, and what happens, then the trade was a good thing for both teams as Tyrod will finally be comfortable, and he would never have been that QB for us. This is just a theory, though. Not sure if I subscribe to it.
  10. Any discussion of Tyrod at this point is... People are pretty locked into their opinions by now. The same arguments get made. Whatever your current opinion of TT is, you are not going to sway anyone holding a differing view. And that's understandable. We've had time to form those opinions, with the JAX playoff game galvanizing them for many. There is nothing that has happened or become known since then that is tangible enough to change those opinions. Until there is, this is pointless. Discuss about TT has degenerated into "Uh-huh!"..."Nu-unh!"..."Uh-huh!"..."Nu-unh!"..."Uh-huh!"...and people are starting to get nasty about it, throwing out insults against anyone who dare hold a differing opinion on the man. This deadlock can't be broken right now, it's pointless to try. Ultimately, time will tell. Tyrod is with the Browns, and we'll see what he does with a new team, coach and personnel. Until then, it may be best if people let the whole TT argument go. There is absolutely nothing positive to come from it any longer.
  11. Mhm. Well, your posts on the matter are so much made up BS and spin that I'd spend way too much time pointing out the errors. You're right, not actually disputing someone else's assertions is a lot easier then actually making a real argument. Since I made points, and you refuse to actually refute them with anything other then just calling them BS, I suppose we're done here? I made my point, you let it stand.
  12. The fans did not turn on Norwood. In fact, when the team returned home after the game, the fans that were waiting started cheering "We want Scott!". And the media didn't actually blame Scott for the loss. It's just "Wide Right" is a wonderfully tragic little clip that the media couldn't help but show it over and over. It tugs at the heartstrings far more then a clip of Buffalo not running the ball with just two defenders on the line. And the media is all about sensationalism. Always has been, always will be. Marv's teams had always struggled with in-game adjustments, and it came back to bite them in XXV.
  13. I will also argue that had Baltimore won, they would have been the lucky ones. Cinci had control of that game through most of it, and almost choked the game away at the end. And there was still a decent amount of time left on the clock for the now infamous 4th down play (4th and 12, was it?). They didn't need a TD on that play, so it's less miraculous then it may seem. Yes, 4th and 12 is hard to get, but not near impossible. It wasn't luck, it was poor coverage that gave Cinci the go-ahead TD. A defensive mistake by another 9-7 team. If we're talking about luck in that regard, then Carolina got lucky that TT underthrew an open receiver near the goal line at the end of that 9-3 loss. Are people saying Carolina was lucky to make the playoffs because of that? People seem to think the playoff fairy descended from the sky and gave a team that only earned a 3-4 win season a magical playoff birth. Buffalo earned those wins, all nine of them. They got locked into a four-way tie for the Wild Card spots and got the tie-breakers. Those tie-breakers were designed to reward the better-playing team. They're not arbitrary. Buffalo did not have to flip a coin or roll a die to get in. Alphabetical order by city name was not a tie breaker, nor was jersey color. They had a better conference record then the bolts, and beat better teams then the Ravens (two wins against Cleveland killed them). If the Chargers wanted in, they should have beaten the Chiefs that second time. If the Ravens wanted in, they should have beaten the Bengals. Neither team took care of business when they had the chance. They couldn't get it done, leaving them 9-7, just like us. I understand. Buffalo has been sub-par for so long it's easy to want to think they still are. It's perfectly normal to be skeptical. But I think there's more at play. We don't want to be hurt again. Several seasons we've started out strong, got our hopes up, and had them dashed. This is an extension. We made the playoffs, but many people are still waiting for the other shoe to drop, fans that have gotten their hopes up time and again only to see them crushed...those people are just waiting to be disappointed again. It's a safety mechanism to keep from giving the Bills proper credit. Because if they did, then there would be reason to hope, and with hope comes the fear of disappointment. Better to call last season a fluke and assume they will be bad this season. That way, it doesn't sting as bad if they are...and if they have another good season you can be pleasantly surprised. I get it, but I won't subscribe to it. This team showed development, earned that Wild Card spot, and are making progress. This team believes in themselves and their coach. The culture is finally changing. There is a reason for optimism. I know, I've been hurt before. I understand your fears. But this team deserves respect for last year, not having it all just written off as luck. What's the phrase, "Good teams find ways to win, bad teams find ways to lose"? The Bills found ways to win, and found a way into the playoffs. That's on them, not luck.
  14. You mean like the Saints and Chargers? ?
  15. The defense has stayed "about the same"? Did you miss the massive influx of talent they got from the draft and free agency? ?
  16. Classic deflection by not actually addressing or refuting anything said. Carry on.
  17. This is the same Rodak who, after our preseason moves, said the Bills' season was over before it started...and then we made the playoffs. You'll forgive me if I don't take the guy seriously. He hates the Bills, paints as much in a negative light as he can, and is just hoping and praying the team crashes and burns. The Bills made him look like an absolute fool last year, I'm sure he'd love nothing more then to see them fail this season. Don't believe me? http://www.espncricinfo.com/blog/buffalo-bills/post/_/id/28518/bills-set-up-tyrod-taylor-to-fail-blow-up-2017-season-with-shocking-trades Nice predictions, Nostradamus. What was that sound? Oh, I know! That was the sound of all your credibility flying out the window. Dolt
  18. TT repeatedly underthrew receivers on deep routes, or put it in the dirt. Please explain to me how that is the receiver's fault? "Man, what the hell were you doing running that fast and getting separation?!? If you had just run slower and let the defender catch up to you, you'd have been right under the pass! What's wrong with you?!?" ? We didn't have a single pass of 50+ yards all season. Are you going to tell me that our receiving corp was so bad that there was not a single time, in the almost sixteen games he played in, not once was a receiver open for such a play? I've watched The 22, there were several opportunities for such a play. TT either never saw the guy open, or made a bad throw. Yes, the receiving corp was part of the problem, but to attribute all, or even most of TT's troubles to them is just ridiculous.
  19. Our point differential was mainly the result of a horrific three-game stretch. I love how people want to point to that, but give the Chargers a free pass on their four-game slide to start the season. We made the playoffs because of heart. Cinci beat us last season. If the Ravens had won week 17, would everyone say they were lucky to make it in and only made it in because Cinci beat Buffalo earlier in the year? Not likely. Yet people are quick to reverse it. We were "lucky" the Bengals beat the Ravens...but the Ravens were not "lucky" those same Bengals beat the Bills. A little hypocritical, don't you think? Buffalo had enough BS calls this season (TD vs. NE overruled...). You can't point to one questionable call against Indy. Indy got some calls, too. I don't care what our defense was ranked. It was a solid unit that had a lot on its plate because the offense couldn't do squat. Three bad games tanked those rankings. Look at the other thirteen. And that same defense got a lot better in the off-season. Clay is a dolt. Predicts the scores of every game, then says he's not predicting records. Then what the hell is the point? We're going to lose to Miami and Jets at home, by one point each? Our only two victories are going to come on the road to those two teams...we're not going to beat anyone out of the AFC East? I get it, Buffalo has been bad for a looooong time. People are skeptical. But bad teams do not stay forever bad. There was a time when the Bills were going to Super Bowl after Super Bowl and the Patriots were a complete joke. Things cycle. But given how bad Buffalo has been for so long...people are going to assume they're going to remain that awful, even going so far as writing last season off as a fluke. I haven't lost perspective. I can see clearly.
  20. Not at all. Just a little tired of posts from fans angry we traded TT to the Browns and/or unhappy with our off-season moves that state the Bills are going to be one of the worst teams in the league, and Cleveland will somehow be elevated by TT from 0-16 to a playoff caliber team in a single season. Had the OP said something like..."Buffalo will regress, and the changes Cleveland made will elevate them. I see them both having similar records, with Cleveland winning one or two more then Buffalo." I could respect it. Wouldn't agree with it, but would at least respect it. Instead, we get..."I don't think it will be close. Bills 3-4 wins and the Browns 8-9.", which makes it clear this is based on nothing more then personal bias/venom rather then actual football analysis. These types of threads, which are nothing more then thinly veiled "Buffalo will suck because the front office didn't do what I wanted them to do!" are beginning to wear me down.
  21. Agreed. Don't misread my posts. I think/hope the Browns are turning things around. Like the Bills I see them potentially being a dangerous team in the 2019 season. I just think a lot of people, OP included, are a little too optimistic about the Browns this season. Turnarounds take time...especially from 1-15 and 0-16. I expect to see improvement from them, but they're not going to go "Zero to Hero" in just one season.
  22. Do they have a coach that can take them?
  23. Now now, let the doom and gloom fans have their moment. Not picking the QB they wanted, and/or getting rid of Tyrod Taylor automatically makes us a 3-4 win team in their eyes. I mean, it's not like our defense has improved from last year with free agent signings and the draft. The idea of us winning a number of games based on defense first...you know, like last year...is just silly. Our four games against the Jets and Dolphins alone should net us 3-4 wins. Wait, wait...I forgot...the Jets' drafted a QB at 3, and that rookie will automatically make them a better team then us. Also, remember that the TT fans will have Cleveland going 16-0 and winning the Super Bowl, because Tyrod is a god saddled with the Bills, who will show his true power with the Browns. Because it's just that easy to go from 0-16 to contender. It's not like they still have their same coach, or have so many new faces there's no cohesion there at all, something that will have to happen over time. Wait...actually, that's exactly all true. Lemmie sum up this thread..."I didn't like the moves the Bills made in the offseason, so they're automatically gonna drop from 9 wins to 3-4 wins. If they had just listened to me..." ? ...as for the post itself, I've said it before, Buffalo again goes 9-7 with a Wild Card birth. As for the Browns, I think TT gets them to 5-6 wins at best.
  24. I've watched them since the '80s, thank you. Sadly it's obvious you've got rose-tinted glasses glued to your skull. I get it, you're a blind TT fan. It's just amusing you rail against others for not knowing what they are watching when you're doing the exact same thing.
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