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The Red King

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Everything posted by The Red King

  1. Our bye seems to be coming at a perfect time. 4-1, an emotional win, and a number of banged-up players. I can't remember a better-timed bye week for the Bills, but I could be wrong. Am I missing one?
  2. Duke was clutch today, doing everything fans hoped he would. Red-zone target indeed!
  3. They know it's coming and still can't stop him. Holy hell that's fun to watch.
  4. These injuries. Dear god, they need to get out of here with a W and recover during the bye.
  5. Not looking a gift horse in the mouth but...why would you try that kick? ?
  6. They lined up, I looked to my daughter and said, "Alright, where is Duke?"
  7. He was past the line. Ruled past the line on the field. Has to be conclusive to overturn. Now we'll see if the fix is in.
  8. WTF? Where is the flag for a false start on that 3rd?!?
  9. No question now. The fix is in. Not even being subtle about it now.
  10. Gee, another questionable call on Buf. Refs are starting to show a wee bit of bias here.
  11. Allen is rattled. This bodes not well. Gotta lean on the D.
  12. Ugh. Not even gonna try. Predictable. Leaving opportunities on the field will bite this team in the butt at some point. >.<
  13. Offense is utterly out of sync, the play calling is predictable. Hell, my cat knew we were running on 2nd down. Allen is rattled and afraid to take a chance. They gotta settle. They're wasting this defensive effort.
  14. And there goes great field position. Our special teams have some serious issues. That was a stupid penalty to take. Our defence is elite. The rest...*sigh*.
  15. We just cannot catch a break, can we? Just one bounce...
  16. It's not that the refs hate the Bills. They love the Pats.
  17. That play call was terrible. Where is the option? Bootleg? 4th and 1 qb keeper they barely get the one. What makes them think they're gonna get two later?
  18. Gee, it's almost like @BringBackOrton is dodging my question. I'll ask a third time...can you look me in tbe eyes and tell me that had Brady took that exact hit, there would not have been a fine? The point you're missing is, it's the NFL's hypocracy and favoritism that has us upset. NE, and especially The Golden Child, simply get preferential treatment. This incident is just another example and some of us are getting sick of it.
  19. Again...to anyone defending this, can you look me in the eyes and say if Brady took that hit there would be no fine? I'm waiting...
  20. For anyone defending this...can you honestly look me in the eyes and say were it Brady that was hit like that, there'd be no fine? They got away with it because they are the Pats. If the league is unwilling to send a message and defend it's players...whelp...I suppose it's up to the Bills. Turn your shoulder and you can knock Brady into next week. That's the precident the league just set, right? What's good for the goose...
  21. Every QB needs a receiver that will bail him out once in while. Josh hasn't had that...until now. You watch other teams and there are plays where the throw is not perfect, yet the WR fights and makes a grab. Not here, not yet anyway. Duke looks like he could fill that void, and give Allen a clutch target. Really hoping he can step into that role, and very excited to see him play.
  22. Already choked up, and consider myself lucky to have my two kids. But this...that due date is actually my son's birthday. Just a weird coincidence, but somehow makes me feel luckier to have him. This news is terrible. My mom lost a child before she had me and I can still hear the pain in her voice decades later when she talks about it. I simply cannot imagine what those two are going through now losing four together. It must be utterly soul-crushing. All I can offer are my prayers and condolences. Nobody should ever go through the pain of losing a child, especially losing four in quick succession. I hope they can one day find peace. Sadly, the pain is going to last a long, long time.
  23. All the talk is about the NE defense, not him. He didn't like that after the Super Bowl, and doesn't like it now.
  24. The NFL has had multiple chances to address NE's deliberate attempts to injure. They've done nothing, proving the Pats can really get away with anything. The Bills played nice, trusted the NFL, and got stabbed in the back yet again. Next time they meet, wait until a flag is thrown on NE's offence, the take Brady's head off. Offsetting penalties, right? That's how the league justified it. And when the NFL's golden child is laying in a broken heap, the league's hypocracy will be lain bare. And everyone claiming there was nothing wrong with yesterday's hit will be bitching and crying, Brady is the NFL's money maker. Gotta protect their delicate egg and skew officiating so he and his team can make it to one more show.
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