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The Red King

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Everything posted by The Red King

  1. "Voice of the Eagles Merrill Reese: the word is Bills are close to finalizing deal with Zach Ertz."
  2. Close to a deal, huh? For days now? I guess it's like the arrow paradox. That to reach a target, an arrow must first travel half the distance between. In doing so it never reaches the target because it always has to first close half the gap. Are we now looking at the Ertz Trade Paradox? 🤔
  3. Not true. Aside from the rotating AFC division, we also play the two teams in the other AFC divisions that finished in the same place we did. It's why we're playing Pitt and KC again this season.
  4. Honestly, I noticed this and it was the biggest negative I had about the schedule but c'mon...you gotta admit the schedule-makers were kind to us overall. I mean, long rest before NE? Bye week right after the Titans/Chiefs meat grinder? Though...kinda odd how the Chiefs and Titans are out of division games yet we get them back to back again, in the same order as last year. It's like we're being setup to repeat and redeem that two week stretch from last season.
  5. San Fran.: One online friend is a fan of theirs, as is one person I used to support (I work at a day hab). And I thought Jimmy G got a raw deal in NE. Denver: One online friend, and I really wanted Peyton to nab a ring there. Indy: As above, I'm a Peyton fan, and I kinda feel a draw to cheer for the estranged former AFC East team. That, and I'm pulling for Frank. Really wanted them to make the playoffs last year, but hated that they had to meet us there game one. Raiders: Had two former co-workers that are fans, loved the unis as far back as a kid. And I loved the secret connections between Ralph and Al. Then there are two I have mixed feelings over... Dallas: My cousin and her husband are Cowboys fans, so I do pull for them. But I still hate the team for the whole "America's Team" days. So, I compromise. I pull for them when it doesn't involve Buffalo. But when they play the Bills I truly relish any beatdown we put on them, such as the Thanksgiving slaughter. Tampa: *sigh*. An online friend of mine is a hardcore Tampa fan, football and hockey, so Tampa used to fall in the above group for a few years. Now TB12 and Gronk are there and...ugh...I just have mixed feelings.
  6. "Rex Ryan is at least going to make our top-tier defense godlike." ...still hurts to admit I said that. XD
  7. Oh, I agree. We'll never know how some QBs would have turned out had they gone elsewhere instead. I'm just stunned that he hit this point, this fast. I figure some team hurting at QB would have taken a chance on him as a potential starter, but after only a few years he can't even find work as a backup?
  8. Can someone sum up the article for me? My vision's a bit blurry at the moment.
  9. No goal is eternal BS. The Music City Miracle no-call doesn't bother me as badly. That pass was close, and the no-call wouldn't have mattered if we just covered the freakin' kickoff properly! As for this, he better be getting his fine $$$ back! The NFL makes truckloads of cash, they need to up their officiating. If they accept only the elite as players, and pay them accordingly, the same should be true of the officials.
  10. By conference. See my prior reply. This year all the AFC teams are home for the extra game. Next year it'll be the NFC.
  11. The extra game will be against the opposite conference. This season it's AFC East vs. NFC East. You pull the team that finished the same slot as you. In this case the 1st place team, the WFT. AFC will be the home team for the extra game. Each season the 'home' conference alternates, and we'll play that extra game against a different, rotating NFC division. We got lucky pulling the WFT (at home even) instead of the Seahawks or Packers.
  12. Sounds like a real Process player. I like everything about this signing.
  13. The new unis actually grew on me. I could see keeping them. But yeah, that W goes with Washington so they really could pick any name. Sticking with WFT is just petty.
  14. So, basically, no real consequenses of note. I'm sure teams are really gonna fear the stern glare and finger-wiggle of shame from the NFL going forward. 🙄
  15. Yeah, but are entres any better? Like the freshly netted and grilled norwood? 😉
  16. Top-ten overall pick. From a cocky comment about making other teams regret passing on him in the draft, to flaming out as even a backup in just a handful of years. Just...wow...
  17. There is value in this thread. It's more then just a baseless rumor. This thread evolved into an interesting discussion about Star's contract and the impact, positive or negative, on the Bills' cap if he were cut. OP never said it would happen, clearly stated it was a rumor, and then followed up by asking a legitimate question. I swear, sometimes people get worked up over the smallest things.
  18. It's an odd situation. From the interview it's like he does know he messed up. Addiction and mental illness are tough birds to fight. To sone degree I can respect him for admitting it. I look at it this way...he knows. And I think his skills could help. Burnt bridges or no, I think there are really just two key related questions. One, why did he relapse a few years back (apologies if I missed that in the interview)? And two, the bigger one, could the Bills prevent it from happening again? I think we can all agree that a Richie with his head on straight would be an upgrade to this team. Just...can he keep it on?
  19. He's one team away from starting a game for every AFC East team though...
  20. Not so weird. I'd just tweak it a lil. No punts, no FGs to start. Sudden death. 10-minute clock. One timeout. If the game remains tied after 10m, field goals are allowed. No need to keep count on number of drives, and now if the clock nears 0, there is a strategic element. You got it on their 20. Clock is nearing 0. Did the other team burn their TO? Can they stop the clock from hitting zero? ...just a random thought.
  21. Wanted a ring, huh? To quote Elwood Blues..."It's not lies. It's...bull####."
  22. Hmm, bumped by Bubba Gump. Would that make it a Bubba Gump Bump?
  23. TBD bye week? 🤔
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