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The Red King

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Everything posted by The Red King

  1. There are women who prey on stars for money. It's not unheard of. That's why I reserve judgement and side with neither side at first. That being said the details that are coming out are highly disturbing and awful suspicious, and we're well past the "at first" part of all this. Cleveland rolled the dice and got snake-eyes. This is going to hurt the franchise for years to come.
  2. What...are you talking about? I mean, where did that come from? 😕 Look at what I quoted/responded to. You specifically asked what Pats fans were like in the Kelly days. I...answered that question. I didn't mention Brady at all in my reply. Did you even read what I wrote, or just assumed what I said and unloaded on me? Nothing you said in that reply had anything to do with anything I said. Cut back on the caffeine, my dude. You'll live longer.
  3. Remember being in the stands in the Kelly years and the Bills scored yet again on the Pats. Some poor, drunken Pats fan behind us started singing "The Bills make me wanna puke!". I felt sorry for the guy, given how bad the Pats were at the time.
  4. He needs to sign with the Pats and take the 1st snap of Week 1. Then he gets a one-day trade to Buff and retires with the distinction of starting a game for every team in a division! XD
  5. People like bashing Buffalo as an icy hellhole full of losers. That bashing continued until Allen, when suddenly the Bills and by extension the city, suddenly got sexy again. Side note, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I've seen women that won't make the covers of swimsuit magazines, but I'd most certainly [*Redacted*].
  6. Tyrod wasn't bad at all. He just wasn't good. He was baseline. He wouldn't lose you games, but wouldn't win you them. He was a 7-9 win QB. Consistant, but nothing more or less. Better traits for a backup then a starter.
  7. People talk like it was RJ's fault this all happened and hate him for it. Right or wrong, you gotta remember two things. One, the coaching staff chose to bench the healthy starter and put the kid in, not partway during the season but for a Wild Card game. And two, RJ won that game, special teams lost it. Blaming RJ for the Miracle would be like blaming Allen for 13 Seconds.
  8. Yeah, I phrased it wrong. I meant "Some of the QBs that start out great...", and that's where the real star QBs emerge, the ones that can still play at star level after there is tape on them.
  9. To be clear, when I said 'figured him out', I don't mean Lamer is washed up or useless or anything. Defenses have figured him out and as a result he's now less effective then his MVP year, that's all. He's still a great QB, but I don't think he can be productive enough anymore to warrent the salary he seems to want, that's all.
  10. Peterman looked good in preseason too. Just sayin'.
  11. Lamar was kind of a unicorn in an offense built around him. He got figured out. Buffalo created the plan to shut him down, the Titans used it later that year to upset the Ravens in the playoffs (Titans openly admitted they used our defensive scheme in that game). Many QBs start out with a bang, but then other teams get tape on them and performance drops. That seems to have happened to Lamar. His bargining position is...dubious.
  12. What if the starter gets injured and Kap plays a couple games well and the starter is then cleared to return? Cue the drama.
  13. The moment the starter struggles, there will be calls to put him in. Hell, if the starter is mediocre there will be calls. And if he isn't put in, there will be people saying the team is discriminating against him. If he does go in and plays poor or mediocre does he get pulled? If he does, again, people will claim he's being discriminated against. All of that is a hefty distraction teams don't need. Is it fair to Kap? No. It's actually out of his hands to even control now. Look beyond right and wrong. Don't tell me what should happen, or who deserves what. Can you honestly claim the scenarios I laid out above aren't valid?
  14. I'm going to assume he'll be his old self until he's not. Why think otherwise? If he does come back just as he left, you'll have wasted all that time and effort worrying. If he doesn't, there'll still be plenty of time to worry then.
  15. Again, right or wrong, he is at a point now where he is going to be a major distraction anywhere he signs.
  16. All kidding aside, flag football would work. All the skill with far less chance of injury.
  17. Used to be a thing of pride, showcase the stars. But the game is so rough now, so much chance of injury that nobody goes full out. Add to that that the stars of the Super Bowl teams no longer play and, well, there is no point anymore. There used to be a time where players wore strips of beef jerkey for helmets and destroyed each other in the Pro Bowl because they were driven. Those days are long gone. I mean, could you imagine the outrage if, say, Von Miller obliterated Brady with a blindside hit in a Pro Bowl?
  18. Understood, but that doesn't address the issues I noted. The minute the starter falters Kap's supporters will call for him to go in, and rampage if that doesn't happen. Having him on the team is an automatic QB controversy at this point.
  19. Fair or not, Kap brings a real threat to any team that brings him in. Let's say you bring him in as a starter. If he struggles and you put your backup in, can you imagine the backlash? You'd be called a racist, told the move was racially motivated and so on. Likewise, if you bring him in as a backup there will be calls from some circles to put Kap in the moment the starter struggles. And if you don't the race card would be put in play with people accusing you of being racist. It's a headache for any franchise. Why would they risk it.
  20. No idea if this is true, but I could see it. I'm not talking some kind of huge, obvious shift. Some plays are close, as far as what grade you would give it. At that point, there is a subjective element. A bribe could greatly improve the chances that those borderline plays end up positive (or more positive). When you look at the sheer number of plays in a season, that adds up. Again, not saying it's true, just that I could see it happening.
  21. Just found out about this, and it is horrible. My thoughts and prayers to everyone touched by this.
  22. ATM being underdogs for just one game, by one point, is unreal. 🤯
  23. Peterman has a good head for the game and a good attitude. Makes for a good clipboard holder. Just a shame he doesn't have the arm strength for the job.
  24. Maybe Josh Allen riding the Red Bull from The Last Unicorn?
  25. If you slow the speed you can see the exact moment that duck was shot out of the sky.
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