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Everything posted by 78thealltimegreat

  1. Like I said cut the guy make everyone on this board happy and let him go to an offensive staff that knows how to utilize his skill set like a McDaniels since half the Bills free agents wind up in New England might as well give them their future qb as well ?
  2. He is at a point in his career where he is going to live and die by his home record cause any decent team on the road is going to beat them.
  3. Probably gets the Jets to 9 or 10 wins only to be out coached in the playoffs every year making the losses more painful.. he is just a horrible big game coach
  4. That’s one positive take from today Toms had enough bad games this year to think the division is up for grabs in another year or so
  5. So many offensive needs would really like to take care of online in free agency cause many we need 2wrs a rb and 2 TEs come draft time
  6. We need to trade Allen and just cut bait now kids a loser Robert Foster would have caught that pass from any other qb but that loser Allen blah blah blah
  7. Rober Foster went undrafted for a reason guy is Clifford Franklin from the movie the replacements all speed no hands
  8. Great summary having had a family that’s watched the Bills since the Joe Furgeson days I can honestly say this kids talent level who as Trent Dilfer recently stated maybe something we’ve never seen before..he’s polarizing cause he’s the clearest case in modern football of the eye test vs analytics...and man is he fun to watch play the game
  9. There are alot of them..we are one of the worst drafting teams in the league by a large margin with the amount of drafted players currently on the roster... but let’s hope we finally got our act together with this being the first full year with Beanes scouts in place
  10. Matt Paradis will be snapping the ball back to Josh who will play fake to Benny Snell Jr. and find N’Keal Harry open down on the goal line
  11. Did you read my post the National Media who covers the NFL I swear stop eating paint chips
  12. On the board we get to argue the merits of Josh’s play good and bad but I was referring to the media who cover the NFL for a living...like when EJ was drafted I would hear a few National qbs saying they where iffy on the pick but with Josh it’s just odd to see qbs really like him but non qbs like a Bart Scott or Bill Barnwell just trash the kid to no end
  13. If you look at Josh’s biggest critics the ones in the media who are most vocal in their dislike of him they are non qbs or people who have never played the game and are just analytics guys..but most of his biggest supporters Dilfer, Miller, Simms, Quinn, Romo etc..are guys who played the position just find interesting that a kid with the insane skill set is this polarizing
  14. Come on Charles Clay do you even belong in this league anymore ?
  15. The kid is a special talent just hope the Bills get him some help
  16. Well there is a lot of truth to it our leading receiver is an undrafted free agent and a guy who was arrested over the summer
  17. No man you clearly hate the guy these are drops even Murphy and Kelso are screaming on the radio about it
  18. Nothing new today just Josh Allen is a one man offense..total garbage in the backfield ...total garbage at WR/TE
  19. After watching what Ohio State did to him in the Bowl Game I really soured on Darnold and this game continues to show that the kid doesn’t react well at all when you pressure him
  20. So the gist of this article is he’s a Bill and will always suck I see.. well we need to cut him so he can sign with New England like a lot of Bills free agents and he can haunt us for the next ten years once a guy like McDaniels gets ahold of him ? Guess the one that bounced off Clays hands against the Jets was also Allen’s fault ?
  21. No real super top ten WR and I’m more of a Greg Little guy but Williams ain’t bad we haven’t had a true anchor franchise tackle since Jason Peters
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