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Posts posted by Amaru523

  1. 22 minutes ago, PromoTheRobot said:

    I was going to ask how folks have taken to the Knights. Hockey is probably the last sport you would think would work in the desert Southwest. Although the ECHL Wranglers did very well for years at the Orleans Arena. 


    The people in Las Vegas are nuts about the Knights. I doubt they stay that way. Back when we had the Las Vegas Thunder of the IHL, they started off the same as the Knights, they were really good and they used to get 14-15,000 a night at the Thomas and Mack Center, but over the years, as the excitement wore off and the team started to suck, the attendance plummeted. The last season they were there we went to a few games and there were only 3-4,000 people in the building, then the team folded. Pretty much every other "Pro" sports team there has suffered a similar fate, the fans come in droves at first, but it doesn't last and the team eventually folds, hopefully I'm wrong, we'll see.

  2. I was born and raised in Las Vegas and I should care about the Knights, but I don't, weird. How about Jack's 5 assists tonight. Knights will lose in the first round, but still a  tremendous season, although I remember watching another expansion team win back to back titles in the early 90's. 

  3. On 2/12/2018 at 10:55 PM, Fadingpain said:

    This all makes a lot of sense.


    The OP is of Polish decent and lives in Lackawanna.  I think his last name is Grymski.


    I have heard that he has ties to the "Zlowrogi" which is some sort of Polish  Secret Society.  They meet bi-monthly and decide important matters concerning Polish-American relations.


    It makes perfect sense that Grymski would have family connections with Gostkowski, who in turn would know what's going on with Gronkowski. 


    This information was probably passed along during a sit-down meal at the last meeting involving a plate of golumpki.


    You have Grymski giving golumpki to Gostkowski in exchange for the skinny on Gronkowski.


    Connect the dots. 


    On 2/13/2018 at 2:46 AM, kdiggz said:

    Yea but how many of them does it take to change a light bulb?


    I'm Polish and this is racist and I'm offended. I did laugh tho.........

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