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Posts posted by Amaru523

  1. We all saw the improvement Josh made from year 1 to year 2 after they gave him a some decent weapons.  Now he's got an ELITE weapon and he's only gonna keep getting better. If its between the 24 year old Allen and the 38 year old (Nov) Fitz, that's a no brainer to me, and I've been saying from day 1 that Darnold is overrated. Just for the record, I DID NOT want Josh Allen 2 years ago.



  2. That touchback nonsense bothers me the most.  I mean, when does the NFL EVER use common sense to determine a play?  If they're going to start using "common sense", then they're gonna open up a whole new can of worms each week.  Did they use "common sense" when DeSean Jackson dropped the ball, he obviously didn't mean to do that. The Bills could've done a lot of things better, but the refs didn't help the situation at all.

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  3. This is just like all the "experts" who thought the Bills were gonna suck last year.  I remember a show on ESPN where all 4 guys on the panel picked the under 6.5 for win total. I kept telling everyone, "so our roster got significantly better, but we're gonna stay the same or be worse?" Made no sense and I enjoyed telling everyone I told you so.  Next season our roster gets a little better, Josh gets an elite weapon, we still have a top 5 D, AND no more Tom Brady. Guarantee we win AT LEAST 10 games.

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  4. 20 minutes ago, Stank_Nasty said:

    I wouldn’t call that a “good” list. Sorry man. And ESPECIALLY when a dude is a top 5 pick. 

    that’s a couple of good wr’s. Couple of solid/average dudes and a couple of replaceable players. That’s not a good list. 

    also putting a dude like thielen on their is silly. The guy had to work his way onto a roster his first 2 seasons after being undrafted. Those 2 seasons of fringe play totally slew the numbers. Since he’s established himself his production has put Watkins to shame. But I get it, you’re trying to prove a lame point so you needed to add him without context. 


    Yeah, and all those other guys were picked in the 3rd round or later so their production is pretty much what you should expect, or didn't expect in a good way.  Watkins, being the 4th overall pick, absolutely should not be grouped with those guys.  I guess if you only look at the numbers, he's been "good", but he's still not living up to his 4th overall pick, not even close.

  5. 15 minutes ago, SoTier said:


    McCargo had an injury (knee?) that he never recovered from.  Why in the world would any team trade up to take a player coming off a serious injury?   However, taking players with injury histories seems to have been a common thread during the years when Russ Brandon ran the show: Troupe and Koujandijo also had injury histories which likely compromised their NFL careers even before they were drafted.


    Plus IIRC McCargo wasn't even a top 50 ranked player in that draft.  The Bills could've stayed at 42 and got him there easily, that whole thing made no sense to me at the time and looks ten times worse now.  After McCargo, the next DT went at 68.

  6. For me its McCargo and Maybin that mostly stick out as moves that were major facepalm moments when they happened.  When they traded back into the first round in 06 I got really excited, but when they announced McCargo as the pick I started looking around for Ashton Kutcher.


    The Maybin pick infuriated me because I was really hoping for Brian Orakpo and I didn't stop shaking my head on that one for a very long time because I just couldn't understand how they could pass on Orakpo for Maybin, a guy that I knew little about except that he was generally slated for the late 1st early 2nd while Orakpo was a definite early 1st.

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  7. On 4/3/2020 at 12:49 PM, Kirby Jackson said:

    That’s the point. A school doesn’t determine if a guy will be good or bad. It’s a player and their traits. Jamarcus Russell played at LSU. He was the 1st pick and a massive bust. Ben played at Miami of Ohio and is going to the HOF. That doesn’t mean that Burrow will be terrible and the next QB from Miami will go to the HOF. What AJ McCarron has done as a pro has nothing to do with Tua. 


    I'm not just going by what McCarron did, I'm going by what every Alabama QB over the last 40 years has done.  Alabama has been at the top or near the top of the mountain for a long time, especially the last 10 years where they've been men amonsgst boys.  Bama QB's always look really good in college, but don't pan out in the NFL, but I feel the same way about a few other schools too.  All I'm saying is that what a QB does while playing for a team that could legitimately challenge the worst team in the NFL doesn't prove to me that he's going to be a star when he starts playing against men, maybe I'll be very wrong, we'll see. Its just an opinion.


  8. 1 hour ago, Kirby Jackson said:

    Fair enough and he was obviously in consideration. I was SO tempted to say Love but if he ends up as Mahomes I’ll never hear the end of it. I chickened our and picked a guy that will keep me more anonymous. 

    Do you trust Miami of Ohio QBs in the NFL? 


    Not sure what that means?..??  Big Ben?

  9. I don't understand all this talk of "Allen fans".  I'm a life long die-hard Buffalo Bills fan, that means I'm a fan of every player on the team.  Why cant the fans defending him just be Bills fans that want our QB to succeed? I didn't want Allen, but he actually grew on me and his improvement from year 1 to 2 was pretty significant.  Does he make bad decisions? Obviously, but he can learn from his mistakes, and if he does, he's got the tools to be a very good, maybe great QB for us.  If the FO can get his some more weapons for next year, I guarantee he'll improve even more. He's probably not going anywhere anytime soon, and the Bills are just a couple pieces away from taking over the AFC East, which IMO will happen next year, so nows not the time to start over at QB.

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  10. I couldn't care less what ESPN thinks about anything, I've lost almost all of the respect I once had for them.  If Allen played for the Jets or Cowboys he'd be the second coming of Steve Young.  ESPN only cares about their favorites and they pretty much hate everyone else.

  11. Maybe I don't watch enough football, but I don't see this happening every week as many have said.  I see guys catch the ball and take a knee, I see guys let the ball hit the ground then walk away, I see guys give the fair catch signal, but I don't see guys catch the ball then throw it to the ref.  Common Sense tells us he was most likely giving himself up, but when does any sports league use common sense when interpreting the rules? Its like in the NHL when the goalie covers the puck with his glove and his entire glove crosses the line, they still say no goal because you cant clearly see the puck cross the line. Common sense tells us  otherwise, but you can't do that, you need to follow the rules to a T or, as someone said "The NFL opened up Pandora's box" with this call. 



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