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Lieutenant Aldo Raine

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Everything posted by Lieutenant Aldo Raine

  1. Don’t you have a Colonels butt to kiss! Because you offered no proof of your “insight”. And plenty of running QBs have no problem executing a simple screen play.
  2. I will disagree all I want. I have never given a crap about senior officer opinions because you’re wrong most of the time, like you are here.
  3. I disagree. Ravens have no problem executing screens. Its all about selling and executing, however the defense is never fooled.
  4. Can you imagine how good this offense would be if Dabol could get get this team to execute screens and call RB flares? We are literally the worst team in the NFL at executing a damn screen play - it’s maddening!
  5. I am pretty objective with Allen. It's no secret I am a big fan of his, but I also don't shy away and provide constructive criticism when warranted as well as others on the team. You on the other hand have an agenda, and when someone calls you out on it; you don't want to converse with them anymore! 8-year veteran with 373 posts all oriented at the QB (that's an agenda). Are you like on your third or fourth profile now? I'd assume after 8-years you would have way more than 372 posts, or did your post count start to climb after the Bills drafted their QB who has them in the playoffs in his second year with games to spare?
  6. You don't act like an 8-year veteran; you act like a whiner with only one point of contention - to complain about the QB. Try being a little more rounded and provide constructive criticism across the spectrum instead of focusing it all on Allen. If you did that; you might be taken more seriously.
  7. Is this your weak attempt to soften the blow of your consistent biased drivel. We've read your posts and can see right through your BS.
  8. I bet your woman (if you have one) has the hots for Allen. Can be the only explanation for why you come here to trash Allen, but nobody or nothing else about this team. You literally contribute nothing to this forum other than biased useless drivel!
  9. I know, I’m as frustrated as everyone else. But he’s doing this with castoffs from other teams and without another capable WR opposite of Brown and a Oline that is not quite there yet.
  10. Why keep a mediocre QB around. I hope the Bills don’t wait that long. Trade him to a team with the proper talent around him and a real offensive coordinator. Then the Bills can go another 20 years of QB carousel and let another talent leave Buffalo to go thrive somewhere else. Might as well be the Dolphins part deuce! SMH
  11. I would love to see the Bills Fans in that Stadium on a Sunday (or Monday) night game with all the lights for all of America to see you, us, the Bills Fans rocking that bi*ch! Definitely would book travel from Colorado to be a part of that!
  12. Exactly what I thought
  13. Seems to be working for both Lamar and Allen.
  14. I missed the first half, so I just re-watched the game (FFWD) and I would grade Allen a solid B. He had a few inaccurate balls but he cancelled those out with some big time throws to get first downs. He had a couple critical drops (Brown and Beasley), some batted passes, and the Singletary fumble approaching the red zone didn't help. But it this was far from what I was reading by the typical haters. As stated many times, this team is desperately needing another go-to receiver opposite Brown. And for whatever reason, this offensive unit CANNOT SELL a freaking screen.
  15. I GUARAN_DAMN_TEE you did not feel that way at the beginning of the season!
  16. Mess? - No. Lack Consistency - Yes. Brown and Beasley are cast offs, yet are having the best years of their careers. Singletary is having a solid rookie campaign, and our O-line is still missing some key pieces in my opinion. Like many have said here earlier, we are ahead of schedule, 10-4, and clinched a playoff birth with two games still remaining. This year has been a success undoubtedly.
  17. While unlikely, Colts can still win the Division and be the 4th seed.
  18. Ha ha; you're so easily offended.
  19. 10-4; in the playoffs; and just think...this team is far from complete with some serious cap space coming up.
  20. I'm about to break something. Come one; we shouldn't be here at this point
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