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Lieutenant Aldo Raine

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Everything posted by Lieutenant Aldo Raine

  1. Go to the top of the page, click "Show Vote Options", and then make your selection.
  2. Well, if he was drafted on potential and he is trending in the right direction, hard to fault the fans for being optimistic and for some professional pundits who might feel the same, especially with the addition of more infused talent. There's a re-energized local and national excitement around the Bills that hasn't been around in a long time, and you can't deny Allen isn't a part of that excitement.
  3. Is he trending in the right direction, meaning did he improve from year 1 to year 2, even if he is still in the bottom 1/3 based on chosen metrics? Are the coaches having an impact?
  4. No Sh** it's a Two Bills Drive poll and that is where you are pulling your 83% from. I just stated that many professional pundits share that same sentiment that many of the 83% share. I also stated that many pundits share your opinion. I never said he was an elite passer at Wyoming. I stated he was drafted on potential and his raw skill set...do you dispute that?
  5. It's not just fans, there's many professional pundits who see it the same as the fans and there are pundits who see it the same as you. It's only delusional to you because you want to frame it that way. The kid was drafted on talent and the ability of the coaches to extract that potential out of him. He wasn't drafted because he played at Wyoming. Some of you put way too much stock in college statistics and scouting reports which are not 100% factual indicators of NFL success or failure. If he fails, it's just as much a coaching failure as it is a failure on the player, because EVERYONE knows he was drafted on potential based on his physical skill set, and the coaches bear a certain responsibility to extract that out of him since they had a say in drafting him. If you don't see his improvement trending in the right direction, you are simply blind, biased, or just trolling. I will agree that many of us here to hope he reaches his potential, there are several here like yourself who hope to see him fail so you can feel virtuous.
  6. Put your money where your mouth is and vote; don't hide!
  7. Good luck with that brother - @TwistofFate is the know-all be-all when it comes to QB play. When Josh passes meets or surpasses his next metric, he'll just move the goalposts to continue with his charade.
  8. LOL; someone's getting a little taste of their own medicine! Love it.
  9. Nope not buying it. You have no proof other than conjecture. You made a point of fact, that he was a victim of COVID without any quantitative or qualitative proof. If you can provide that, I will gladly change my opinion.
  10. Even after all that, you FAIL to convince me COVID Is nothing more than an excuse. I don’t have any reason to doubt what so-called experts said about Fromm. You went out on a limb and blamed COVID for his draft slide and I call that irrational excuse making. Again, my point has nothing to do with Fromm, it has to do with you conjecturing COVID into the discussion which didn’t appear to affect any other prospect...just Fromm. Like who really gives a crap where he went, he’s a Buffalo Bill now. Would you much rather him be a Jet drafted in the 2nd round?
  11. Sorry, I don't buy how COVID is to blame for dropping in the NFL draft. This is a general statement regardless of who the player is. The only COVID rationale I would support would be if the player got sick from COVID. That said, I have high hopes that Fromm can be our back-up QB for the long term and step-in without a beat when needed. The other thing I would add, and that is how many teams outside of the first round were QB hungry in rounds 2, 3, and 4. If more teams needed QBs, surely Fromm may have went in those earlier rounds. Maybe NE I guess, I would surmise many of those teams weren't in the market for a QB. Buffalo certainly wasn't according to Beane, but at the 5th round, he was too good to pass up.
  12. Yeah it is. Fromm had people like you telling him he's projected 2nd or 3rd round prospect and let it ride. If he and his team felt his combine hurt is draft stock, he would have done anything from skype videos or whatever to counter his post-combine narrative. Blaming COVID is simply ridiculous. Didn't seem to hurt Tua (who is an injury risk), Herbert, Love (who played in the dreadful Mountain West), or Eason. Only affected Fromm - right!
  13. This pick really has me intrigued. I love his height and his hands; I really hope he can develop into something special.
  14. I'm completely interested. The poster I was rebutting stated, "Fromm comes from a big boy program, has big boy experience, and big boy numbers to back it up." I simply asked him, "and that means what exactly…and if that's true, why doesn't Fromm just start." You actually supported my argument by stating "all QBs from everywhere fail a lot." You then jabbed at me about Wyoming QBs and I rebutted you to stating how many Georgia QBs have had success in the NFL outside of Matt Stafford, to which you have yet to reply. If Fromm helps the team great, I am all for it. Many of the best players in NFL history didn't come from big boy programs. The point I am trying to get across when people fall back on college stats and college programs, is that college success doesn't equate to NFL success.
  15. Please oh wise one, tell me all the great Georgia QBs in NFL outside of Matt Stafford! Because remember, big time QBs, from big time schools, who put up big time numbers are guaranteed success in the NFL! I certainly don't condone trashing Fromm, and I agree its a bad look. But that doesn't stop the likes of you from trashing your current QB.
  16. I never touted that did I? So why not start Fromm now, I know you want to. Admit it! I don't feel threatened, nor have I touted Fromm has some trashy 5th rounder. However, many people such as yourself tout Allen as a trashy QB from Wyoming who will never make it.
  17. and that exactly means what? Because a quick google search will show you tons of QBs from big boy programs, with big boy experience, and big boy numbers have flamed out quickly in the NFL. If you what you say is true, then start Fromm now and quit wasting everyone's time.
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