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Lieutenant Aldo Raine

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Everything posted by Lieutenant Aldo Raine

  1. I'm definitely not putting down Jackson; I have always felt Jackson and Allen would be the best of the bunch and were the two who were judged the harshest coming in. I don't understand why you always have to take the narrative to a Jackson vs Allen.
  2. Technically speaking on Passing yards/per game, Lamar is a sub 200 yard passer as well. Just saying. I know he killed it in TDs and completion% compared to Allen.
  3. Not bad for a kid who nobody wanted out of high school, wasn’t groomed like the other prodigy QBs, went to Wyoming, and was supposed to be an NFL project who needed years to develop.
  4. Newton is a career 59% passer, and if you look at his yearly stats, on average he is very comparable to where Allen was this year. But you defend him in the same “soccer mom” fashion you criticize those who argue in support of Allen.
  5. Maybe, just maybe, we can get some contribution from the RBs. 4 RB TDs in 2018 (3 McCoy and 1 Ivory) and 4 RB TDs in 2019 (2 Singletary and 2 Gore). Do you think you could ever address that, or do you just get off solely blaming Allen for 19pts per game? Your QB shouldn't lead in rushing TDs 17 to 8!
  6. Good for the contracted players who might be at risk to an UDFA; bad for the UDFA gem out there who may have missed his opportunity.
  7. So let me get this straight, Josh was drafted as needing some time to develop, was supposed to sit Season 1 yet played with a below average supporting cast, improved and helped lead his team to the playoffs in his second year, but now Season 3 (in a COVID environment) is his make or break year? SMH
  8. I bet you won't see Josh Allen tweeting about not playing!
  9. Probably depends on how old my daughter is. If she's still a kid - off limits. If she's an adult, she can handle that how she wants; maybe she likes the attention. I mean ZZ Top made a song about legs and she knows how to use them.
  10. My thoughts exactly. The NFL show on Sirius XM this morning had the author of the article on the air, and she didn't exactly sell this as quite the bombshell is was hyped up to be. Not to excuse any behavior if someone feels uncomfortable, but I was expecting some more serious allegations than cat calls and wearing more form fitting clothing.
  11. Yeah, screw the Native Americans; they shouldn't be idolized at all! (sarc). I mean what's next?
  12. Aren't you so righteous. Your Northern ancestors (I presume) was going out on the town celebrating in their fancy dress, sleeping & ****** in those cotton sheets the same slaves picked and seeded. Don't act like the North is so innocent in this; the North was a major importer of Southern Cotton, banks got rich, and provided loans to the South who purchased more land and slaves.
  13. Two things: 1. Your rep points are more than your total posts...that deserves a "Like" 2. Your Avatar is of Josh Allen...that deserves an "Awesome"
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