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Lieutenant Aldo Raine

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Everything posted by Lieutenant Aldo Raine

  1. Right on; I'm up on Hwy 83 & Hodgen. Maybe we can link up at the establishment once the COVID dies off.
  2. Can you provide tangible examples of how the back-up QBs in your silly example have pushed the starters and helped them remain accountable? And what does holding them accountable even mean?
  3. From what I can gather, to me what makes it a good day for Allen is that he took what the Defense gave him meaning he made smart decisions with the football and allowed his playmakers to do their thing. If his decision making demonstrated marked improvement, that is a good day!
  4. I've never been to the stadium (yet), but is that the far corner Allen is going for to throw out of the stadium?
  5. I get that is another partisan Josh Allen thread; but when it comes to offensive performance, why do the RBs continuously get a pass? I mean they have produced 8 total rushing TDs in two freaking years. 2018: McCoy (3), Ivory (1) and 2019: (Singletary (2), Gore (2). That's pathetic, especially when your QB has 17 TDs in the same time span; a ratio of 2:1. In 2018, Josh was even the leading rusher on the team, and in 2019 was only 200+ yds shy of Singletary. Bash the kid all you want, but as of right now, he's the biggest threat in the ground game for the Bills. Over the past two years the Bills RBs have averaged .25 TDs per game, meaning 1 rushing TD by a RB for every four games. If the Bills RBs combined could get even close to 16 total TDs or 1 per game, then the ppg would be much improved.
  6. I’ve asked you this several times, but you always never answer. You bit-** about the 19 pts per game yet never put any onus on the PATHETIC output of our RBs. In two years (32 games), 8 rushing TDs combined by our RBs. Josh has 17, that’s 2:1 by our QB! You want more pts, maybe start there!
  7. If only the Bills had taken the most pro ready QB at the time like you wanted. IF, IF, IF...
  8. LOL; did you just raise the bar to 69%! You just straight up hate the dude point blank!
  9. If given the opportunity, I would fly to Buffalo from Colorado and catch a game without a shadow of a doubt! I have no problem sitting one row away from another fan or group; more space to spread out and cheer without feeling cramped.
  10. 24 pages of MLS and Fromm in a day, but only 7 pages of training camp in a week. SMH
  11. I would add 99.94785742890438254% success rate on 1 yd or less. In other words, close to as automatic as there is in short yardage sneaks.
  12. blah blah blah; you're like a broken record who repeats the same "Sick of excuses; 60% threshold) every thread about the QB. We know this from you, and we also know you think he is a "Nice Guy"; and we also know you treat a career 59% passer as a God in these forums.
  13. Was just a few weeks ago, the players were unified in a “we want to play” message to the NFL. Now, that Opt-Out parameters are in place with a stipend that still puts these athletes in the top 1%, this is all political to preserve their contract another year; hence also the reason for no preseason games. All about job security under the guise of protecting my family. I call B.S.
  14. From what I have noticed, the majority of the Allen-homers (myself included if you will) do acknowledge his flaws and where he needs to improve particularly deep ball precision and decision making. They are just more overt in the positive aspects in his game because yes he is the Buffalo QB, and there is a sense of pride in defending what is yours which is part of the DNA of being a fan of your team.
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