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Lieutenant Aldo Raine

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Everything posted by Lieutenant Aldo Raine

  1. Point of my inquiry is this? Everyone knows Lamar Jackson is a threat running the ball, just like Allen. But the Ravens got 14 rushing TDs in each 2018 and 2019 not counting Lamar's contribution. That's 28 TDs compared to our 8 in two years. If we could improve that, we would improve our PPG average in my opinion.
  2. Certainly not saying that; are you satisfied with the RB production? Perhaps you are and that's fine. Just trying to have a conversation here.
  3. I like that thought. There's a post about Allen being 91% of the offense, but do we really want that? Don't we want that down some and RB production up some?
  4. Good Point. Do you think we have the right style of RB for the RPO system?
  5. How much better could be we be if the RBs produced more; that's my point?
  6. Can you think of any runs where our RBs are breaking away runs to even score? I can't think of any.
  7. It has now been 37 games since the start of the 2018 season, and we have a grand total of 8 rushing TDs by our RBs (4 in 2018, 4 in 2019, and 0 so far in 2020). That is slightly less than 1 for every 4 games (1:4) and to me that is unsatisfactory, even if the QB averages 1 every two games (1:2). Hopefully Moss can help with that, but the lack of RB production is really holding this team back to a certain degree in my opinion. Additionally, TDs withstanding, do opposing defenses really fear our running game? This kind of goes back to some poster's thoughts on constantly running RPOs instead of some more designed leads, counters, etc. I think Dabol really needs to figure this out. Thoughts?
  8. He certainly can spend more time, but he can make that throw; there's plenty of tape on him making it. The one against Miami from the endzone immediately comes to mind. He just missed the throws.
  9. The hate stems from the whole Lamar Jackson disrespect in his draft process. Fair or not, Allen was the target for all the people who felt Lamar was disrespected in the draft process. Josh had nothing to do with the Lamar disrespect, but he was the target. You even see the hate transitioned to this board from posters like @C.Biscuit97 and others who always bring up Lamar when they get challenged on their criticism of Josh. Then the pre-draft tweets solidified their hate.
  10. I know it's one game, but all offseason, everybody was saying Josh needs to take another step. If today's game wasn't a step forward, then he'll never succeed here and with this fanbase.
  11. The Chiefs offensive playbook is on another level. Just very creative.
  12. His (@C.Biscuit97) 19 pts per game talking point has no merit when he refuses to address the lack of points (TDs) production coming from our running backs. 8 total rushing TDs by our RBs in two years (32 games). That's 1 rushing TD per every 4 games by our RBs (1:4). Josh has 17 rushing TDs in the past two years alone (1:2). Allen will get his rushing TDs, but if the RBs could at least double their TD production, the points per game would be improved.
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