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Lieutenant Aldo Raine

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Everything posted by Lieutenant Aldo Raine

  1. I was being sarcastic and I understand the questions, although I didn't subscribe to them.
  2. Personally, I think people are crazy to think Josh Allen is going to be quality NFL starter. He is your typical big arm, inaccurate QB from a small school. (sarc)
  3. My prediction: This thread will go beyond 10 pages because we value drama over actual football news.
  4. If my brother didn’t do it first, I’d beat their a**, but I never said that nor insinuated that. I made a comment that he snickers at those (straight people) who want virtue signal for attention (ie: arguing who is the first blah blah blah), or as you stated “it’s not news”. Some of it comes across as disingenuous or fake if you will. As a gay person, he would be the first to say good for him, and that’s it and move on. He doesn’t subscribe to the LGBT community or anything like that, he just goes on about his daily life. In all honesty, he would think this thread is silly and poke fun at me for even getting involved, but that’s just him. Not all gay people are alike. He’s not the flamboyant type and doesn’t seek attention nor feel the need say “hey look at me”. Not that there’s anything wrong with that, it’s just not him. Everyone pretty figured out his sexual orientation in his late teens and it was embraced with love and he wasn’t treated any differently. I should not have commented, I just didn’t understand the back and forth as to the competition between Michael Sam or Carl Nassib and why there needed to be a “qualifier “ attached to them. Like, does it really matter? That's all I was inquiring, but you know message boards go.
  5. Absolutely. You may or may not know, but the majority of TBD sh** on Allen even before he was even picked and thereafter for awhile. Rosen was the "chosen one"!
  6. He's an Alabama QB, that doesn't bode well for the NFL. Perhaps he's the one to buck the trend.
  7. Nope, not at all. Like I said, good on him for what makes him happy in life. I have no issue with that whatsoever. My brother is gay and gets a kick out of all the virtue signaling that make people feel good about themselves (like you getting in a tissy about ensuring TBD knows Michael Sam was NOT the first openly gay player on an active roster)!
  8. Not important to me, that's the point. Good for the young man, but you're getting all flummoxed because "He's the First" not Michael Sam!"
  9. Not confused at all; but why is it so important to put a "qualifier on it"?
  10. So it's only newsworthy as long as a "qualifier" is attached to it!
  11. Much rather listen to Simms than the likes of Shannon Sharp, Skip Bayless, Steven A, or his clown co-host Kellerman.
  12. Yeah, play games with the best QB since Kelly. That’s the Buffalo way!
  13. Don't know much about the video or what it represents; however I would rock that sweatshirt!!! Is that on the online store or is custom? Anyone know?
  14. Sad how the Bills finally got their QB and 24 of you (as of now) would still ship him off for Mahommes. No loyalty to best Bills QB since Jim.
  15. The franchise QB we have waited nearly 30 years for, and you want to play games with him.
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