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Everything posted by Seventeen

  1. Sure thing - I believe every word you as a Trump-hater wrote.
  2. Find a decent Taco Mac near you and get em double extra crispy.
  3. https://www.change.org/p/everyone-ban-andrew-cuomo-from-buffalo-bills-stadium-playoff-games?recruiter=60314700&recruited_by_id=85682400-ef09-0130-153a-002219129752
  4. Except of course Joe Willie and the Snake.
  5. With all due respect, the voter fraud theories (especially with absentee voting) have some merit. When I hear than Biden got more votes than any Presidential candidate in history, I wonder why he only won 477 counties. Obama in 2008 won 873 counties and got less votes. When I look at the leads Trump had on election night and then saw them all evaporate after 1am, I don't need Trump to tell me something didn't smell right. Some of the decreases in leads might be explained by absentee votes, but not at a rate that would enable Biden to win. When I see poll workers scanning the same boxes of ballots multiple times, it raises alarms. When I see vote counting stopping in some states after 1am or so, it raises alarms. When I saw Republican poll watchers either turned away or kept at a distance where they couldn't see ballots, that raises an alarm. When I hear it's possible to change ballots with the Dominion voting software, it raises alarms. When I read about Dominion contracts with multiple contested states, it raises alarms. When I hear multiple reputable statisticians say it was a statistical improbability for Biden to win at 1am after being down so much, it raises alarms. When I read that Fulton County GA has more registered voters than folks eligible to vote, it raises alarms. When I see Twitter/Facebook suppressing conservatives and the MSM covering up for the left and Democrats, it raises serious alarms. Hunter Biden's laptop should have been covered by all networks but it wasn't. Everything Trump said or did was negatively reported by all media. Trump was the enemy of the MSM for all 4 years in office. How much negative press did Biden/Harris get leading up to the election ? And also leading up to the election, I saw thousands and thousands of people attending Trump rallies in multiple states. With Biden, I saw very little campaigning/enthusiam, calling early AM "lids" and very little visible support at the rallies he did attend. That raises major alarms. Read Peter Navarro's "The Art of the Steal" ...
  6. Funny, I don't see the Biden wealth mentioned in your reply. Do you have proof Trump is laundering money through his casinos and real estate holdings ? If so, I would assume he's been doing that for years long before he became POTUS. Why was he not charged ? You say Trump works tirelessly for his family - guess we could attribute that quote to Biden as well. Do you work tirelessly for your family ? I certainly hope so. Ivanka Trump is intelligent, well-spoken, confident and I have no issue with her collecting consulting fees for her work. She has done a world of good for women's rights throughout the world during the last 4 years. Not sure why you think Trump wants my money - he is the only president to donate his entire salary over the entire 4 years to a worthy charity. He has lowered my taxes. I'm more concerned about Biden raising my taxes to feed big government for various reasons. Big government has proven time and time again they are inept. And the real lies come from the bi-partisan swamp that is our Congress. Many of them are afraid if what might be exposed if Trump stays in power. How many congressmen/women do you believe have not received some form of kickback from lobbyists or special interest groups for promoting policy decisions ?
  7. Joe Biden grew up poor in Scranton - how does a guy on a congressional salary afford all of the homes he has ? Trump grew up rich - I get it ... you don't like his personality and I don't either most times. But it's about getting the job done and working tirelessly for us - not foreign governments. If you believe any of what was found on Hunter Biden's laptop, Joe received millions via Hunter for foreign business dealings. For Joe to claim "look at my tax returns" if you don't believe me, you'd have to be an idiot to declare illegal $ on your tax return. How many companies has Trump opened and how many went bankrupt ? Are you aware there are different reasons for filing bankruptcy ? Doesn't necessarily mean you have no money - I think Trump will be OK once leaving office.
  8. SCOTUS dismissed the Texas suit due to lack of standing in the contested states - not due to the substance of the suit. I don't know what SCOTUS would do if Biden chose to sue, but I'm sure it will work itself out. Regardless, election integrity is at question here and IMO, the only way to ensure it is voter ID. And there were no clandestine vote dumps in the middle of the night in 2016 IIRC ... What does his wedding have to do with his political aspirations ? Do you think he would have beaten Hillary in the Dem primary ?
  9. Dude, my life is not going to change tomorrow or in the next 4 years. If the Republicans were to lose with voter ID, it obviously means their candidates or platform was not favored by voters. But election integrity is the core of democracy and only legitimate votes should count. Like I said earlier and when I lived in WNY, I was a registered Democrat that leaned more independent. Voted for Carter / Reagan twice / Bush Sr / Clinton twice / Bush Jr twice / Obama / Romney / Trump twice. If the Republicans had drifted more to the right, I may have voted differently. Trump was a better option to me than Biden.
  10. How do you know they weren't building a bomb ? Obama gave them $150 billion. Do you think they didn't want to destroy Israel pre-Trump ? And I'm all for counting legal votes - let's all get a voter ID so we all vote once and in the state we're registered. If Biden won the election fair and square, why wouldn't he welcome all vote audits, both machine and paper and say so publicly. If if Biden/Harris are so sure about his win, why hasn't Kamala Harris resigned her Senate seat ? Trump was a Democrat when the party was more centric and not drifting way to the left as it is now. The Democratic platform has changed dramatically in the last 25 years.
  11. BS, any candidate with a spine will stand up to election fraud.
  12. No ***** Sherlock but by a democratic controlled House and mainly b/c Pelosi hated Trump - what was the vote again ? Democratic sock puppets ...
  13. Don't worry - you'll be giving mega $ to Iran soon for radical Islam studies and Biden will have you at war soon. Do tell us your definition of democracy and how Trump is against it.
  14. Sure if also we allow them to be sued for the Russian collusion BS, Kavanaugh BS, fake impeachment and many other conspiracy theories.
  15. Not to the extent that was forced into the Covid bill. How much would repealing Section 230 cost ? Could we use the $14 million we sent to Pakistan for gender studies ? When the mainstream and social media become partisan, it Is time to take action. I certainly wonder how loud the Democrats would be squealing now about election fraud has Trump won MI/WI/GA/PA and a few others.
  16. Correct - normal battleground states, not ones where either candidate was expected to win handily. Special interest crap inserted by the Democrat controlled House.
  17. Significant margin, but not at a percentage high enough to overcome Trump's leads.
  18. And what was in the huge bill ? Tell us how much was allocated where and who put it in the bill ...
  19. No, actually you lost - you elected a lifetime grifter that will lock you down even more than your are you and sell out to foreign countries for a $. Good luck with big government when they can't even pass a Covid bill to help citizens.
  20. And you think the Democrats condoning all of the Antifa and BLM riots while locking law-abiding citizens down is not moving into banana republic territory ? Sorry you just lost credibility with your insult. Good luck to you with the old fool. Hope you get your open borders, packed Supreme Court, amnesty, college loan reimbursement and all of the other free ***** you want. Bye.
  21. No it's up to them to prove there's enough fraud to send the certificate back to the states. We will see. As far as being a minion, does that make members of your party Pelosi minions, or Hillary minions or something else ? Basically your party is about ABT (anyone but Trump). I get it - I don't have to like him personally to approve of what he's accomplished in 47 months or so. Kinda like working for a boss that you don't really like but gets things done. If JFK had been running against Trump, I might have voted for him. But the Democrats are too far left now.
  22. And you must be a regular idiot who voted for a 47-year lifer with early onset dementia that you think is going to give you some of free stuff he got from China.
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