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Everything posted by Seventeen

  1. DUIs are not always felonies otherwise there would be a boatload of people that would be disqualified from a lot of jobs. Simple case search here tells me his DUI was a misdemeanor. https://ujsportal.pacourts.us/CaseSearch
  2. I share your concerns about the oversight, but I believe his drug conviction was a misdemeanor and the gun charge was a felony. Since they happened back in 2007 or so, he might have been on probation for awhile that eventually ended. Drug testing is certainly possible and may even be in Reid's contract, but how do you test someone for alcohol abuse ?
  3. He has been to rehab multiple times and apparently been clean since his arrests in PA. Clean meaning no substance abuse convictions or DUIs. How would Andy Reid or the organization go about monitoring his son ? Addicts are very good are hiding their addictions.
  4. The Toronto Argonauts, the Winnipeg Blue Bombers and the Saskatchewan Rough Riders ... who's the 4th ?
  5. Unfortunately, don't drink and drive is not a black or white answer for a lot of people and I throw no stones as I did it many times in my youth.
  6. I doubt the Reids are cool with Britt Reid drinking as they are Mormons. Britt is 35 now and should be able to function in society without his parents watching his every move. I suspect he was hiding his drinking from Andy and the rest of the family.
  7. Couldn't this also mean that Pennsylvania has reciprocity with Missouri and his previous DUI convictions show up in the system ?
  8. IIRC, Britt Reid was diagnosed with a chemical imbalance attributable to ADHD. He relapsed quite a few times so I suspect Andy and his wife were wiling to try anything to keep him from overdosing like their other son. I have no idea about the other ways to treat ADHD so I'll take your word on it. As Hapless said above, they are most likely waiting on the BAC from his blood and also he was admitted to the hospital as well.
  9. Chicago's cap is at $190 mil and Wentz would cost them $25 mil for 2021. Lot of cap to cut assuming the cap will be somewhere around 185-190 for 2021.
  10. I believe Britt Reid was diagnosed with ADHD and Adderall is used to treat it.
  11. https://www.kshb.com/news/local-news/family-creates-gofundme-campaign-for-child-injured-in-crash-involving-chiefs-britt-reid
  12. According to the application for search warrant, the officer observed 4 clues of impairment administering the HSN giving him probable cause to arrest on suspicion of driving under the influence. The on-ramp from Stadium Drive to I-435 is two-lane which should have given Reid ample room to pass the two stopped vehicles even if they weren't on the shoulder. So one would guess that Reid would've been arrested on the spot had he not been injured in the crash.
  13. Agreed - Colts have a ton more cap space than the Bears and a better OL for sure.
  14. According to Schefter, Wentz will be traded soon ...
  15. You're probably right as I hadn't considered the NFL Covid protocols. My guess is if Reid is to be charged, the police will hold it until Monday as to not disrupt the game any further.
  16. Maybe, but there are a couple of dive bars not too far from Arrowhead as well that Reid could've used the same on-ramp after leaving. Truth will come out.
  17. His o-line was pretty bad in 2020 due to injuries. 50 sacks in 16 games. Put him behind the Colts line and it will be a different story. Wentz has the tools.
  18. Britt Reid was on Adderall which doesn't play well with alcohol. I'm sure he knows that. Also, he told the police he had 2-3 drinks which seems to be the safe answer for drunken drivers as it puts them right around the legal limit. I've told officers the same thing in the distant past. I'm guessing he had more if he slammed into a couple of cars on the shoulder of an on-ramp. As for 2nd chances, sounds like he has a few already after his road rage incident and former DUIs. If the child dies, he needs to be charged with vehicular manslaughter or whatever the term is in Missouri.
  19. Pretty good writeup on the cap implications of a Wentz trade. https://www.bleedinggreennation.com/2021/1/4/22211517/philadelphia-eagles-trade-carson-wentz-restructure-contract-chris-mortenson-rumors-quarterback-colts
  20. More than a tingle - 19-29 last 3 years - no playoffs in 2021, he be gone.
  21. Actually watched every game and only remember a few times when it worked. That would be have to be measured against the total numbers of times attempted. There was a thread here not too long ago about Josh's hands telegraphing when using the hard count.
  22. Minor thing, but I'd like to see him work on his hard count a bit - watching Aaron Rodgers tape would be a good start.
  23. Thanks - Mahomes' new contract would start in 2022, not Allen. Also, if the Bills pick up Josh's 5th year option, it sounds like his salary will be pretty high (and the cap hit) based on this ... The option for top-ten picks is set at an amount equal to the salary of the Transition Tender (set in Article 10, Section 4 of the CBA) for the player’s fourth contract year. This salary is calculated, to put it simply, by finding the average of the top ten highest Prior Year Salaries for players at the same position. Positions are defined by where a player spent the most plays during the previous season (Sec. 7, (a), 31), unless you ask Jimmy Graham.
  24. If Josh were to sign a long-term deal this year, I would assume that 1/5 of the new signing bonus would be added to the 3.3 mil already on the books for his rookie signing bonus for 2021 and the rest of the contract would be applied starting with the 2022 season.
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