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Inigo Montoya

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Everything posted by Inigo Montoya

  1. I’m not going to pretend to have an informed opinion about how much Milano should receive. There are three things though that I feel pretty confident about; 1. Milano should not be the highest paid LB in the League 2. Milano is not even the best LB on the team 3. Milano is a stud and a vital part of the D and he needs to be resigned I’ll leave the rest to Beane who I trust to thread the needle again.
  2. Dear Victory Formation, I've always enjoyed innuendos but didn't use the word much before the advent of spell check because I could never remember how to spell it correctly. As for your impassioned plea to Sherlock to abstain from "posting inappropriate sexual innuendos" on the message board, it clearly states on the TBD membership contract that innuendos, hints, allusions, and suggestions as well as phrases such as, "wink wink, nudge nudge, know what I mean?" are perfectly acceptable for this message board. However, your use of the phrase "rub one off" does clearly violate Rule II, subparagraph 3, section 8 of the TBD membership contract. Please refrain from "rubbing one off" on this board in the future. I would hate for you to get in trouble with the moderators. Your friend, Inigo
  3. Lol! I’d love to see Gase stick around too. The problem is their new GM Joe Douglas seems to know what he’s doing. He learned from Ozzie Newsome who was a top 3 GM in football before he retired. We have a two year head start on the Jets. Let’s hope we can take advantage of it.
  4. Roster depth will be more important than ever this season for teams that are looking to make a playoff run. This is another solid move by the Bills to add O-Line depth. Cutting Winters was a good move by Douglas to free up cap space for next year. I think Douglas and reasonable Jets fans know that the Jets are a long shot to make the playoffs this season. Douglas is marshalling cap space and draft picks to build a real foundation for the future. Bring in a new head coach next year and have the resources to put together a winning program.Ultimately this was a good move for both teams.
  5. I don't know what you feel I'm being a skeptic about. I actually do follow the science because it's my job. I admitted a COVID19 patient with pneumonia three hours ago. You say that I am "slanted away from science" which is completely off base. The science as it currently stands supports my position. If the science changes, then my position will change with it. I don't have a dog in this fight one way of the other. I have taken this pandemic very seriously from the start. I lived in my garage for the entire month of April sleeping in my backpacking tent and had zero personal contact with my family because I was worried about infecting them with COVID19 if I contracted it at work. We knew very little about the virus then. We know a lot more about it now. The article about heart issues with COVID19 sited by the TBD member I replied to is typical of the "science" the public gets their information from. It was not a peer reviewed or controlled study. It wasn't even a real study, it was a collection of data. The article was written in a way to gin up fear about heart complications from COVID19. Did the article mention that many everyday infections also cause myocarditis such as the common cold, the flu, mono, and strep throat? Or did the author simply state that COVID19 is causing serious heart issues without providing any of that context at all? Does it compare the rates of myocarditis between patients infected with influenza or strep versus COVID19 ? Did it quantify the severity of the myocardits in these patients? Are any of them actually symptomatic with the myocarditis? My guess is that the overwhelming majority of the patients had no idea they even had it. This virus is only going away in one of three ways. 1. We develop herd immunity as a society. 2. We develop an effective vaccine and people take it. 3. It burns out on its own like many viruses do. I don't think any of those three are happening in the near future. Take away message is that we are going to have to live with it for a while longer. Back to the issue at hand.... the risk of serious illness or death to young healthy people like football players from COVID19, according to the science, is almost zero. That is not in dispute. People with significant comorbidities and the elderly should self quarantine as much as is practically possible until one of those three things listed above occurs. That too, despite what you assert, is not in dispute. How this pandemic has become a political issue is simply beyond me. Appreciate the conversation my friends, but I'm done.
  6. As of this weekend there have been 4.7 million confirmed cases of COVID19 infection in the US. Many epidemiologists suspect that undiagnosed cases are probably ten times that number, but even if we use a very conservative five times that number for undiagnosed cases, that means that 25 million people, or 1 in 12 Americans have already had COVID19. I don't think that any of those people contracted the virus playing football. They were simply going to work and the grocery store and doing their regular activities. I would imagine many NFL player will contract the virus even if we don't have a season when they go to the grocery store and Walmart, just like everyone else. As I noted in a post above, since young healthy people (insert NFL players here) are more likely to die from the regular seasonal flu or pneumonia or car accidents driving to the stadium than they are to die from COVID19, I don't see what is to be gained by shutting down the season. I don't recall the NFL shutting down during bad flu seasons in years past, and the flu is more deadly than COVID19 for the typical NFL player. If someone wants to opt out of the season that's fine, and that is exactly what some players are choosing to do. I guarantee you that some of those players that opt out are going to contract COVID while they are at home opting out. I'm not a big Goodell fan myself, but you insinuate that Goodell is forcing the players to play out of greed. That is clearly not the case. I know plenty of people that have been going to work since day one of this pandemic making $12.50 an hour to put food on their family's table. NFL players should have the same opportunity. Let each player weigh the risks and benefits of playing and make their own informed decision just like I have and my friends working for $12.50 an hour have.
  7. Thanks for posting the link. Context is everything. Inflammation of the heart is called myocarditis. Any systemic infection, including regular seasonal influenza can cause it. The fact that people with COVID19 infections have a higher incidence of myocarditis than people who are not sick is not surprising at all. Just so you don't have to take the word of a random internet poster (the irascible Inigo Montoya ?) claiming to have a medical background, here is a quick link to an information piece that talks about myocarditis. It clearly states that common viral infections are a very common cause of myocarditis. Time will tell if there is a higher incidence of myocarditis with COVID versus all the other viral respiratory infections. I suspect that if they did an MRI of people following an infection with influenza, the regular flu, they would get similar numbers. It would be more surprising if COVID didn't cause myocarditis in some patients. It would also be surprising if the vast majority didn't recover with no long term consequences, especially young healthy patients. https://medlineplus.gov/ency/article/000149.htm
  8. There have not been "many studies" that demonstrate that COVID19 causes lasting cardiac issues or any other long term consequences. The virus hasn't even been around for a year yet. How can there be any solid studies that look at the long term health consequences of this virus when it hasn't even been a year since the very first person on the planet contracted it? Any severe respiratory infection, COVID or otherwise, can damage the lungs permanently, especially if you end up on a vent. COVID is not unique in that respect at all.
  9. If you are an older person or someone with commodities it is smart to try and limit your exposure to others until there is herd immunity or a viable vaccine for COVID19. If they choose to self-quarantine that is probably a good idea. Asking the rest of society to go bankrupt or stop living their lives to lessen their personal risk is a bit of an ask. To put it another way, If I contracted cancer and started chemo and had no immune system to fight off infections, I would stay inside and limit my exposure to others to protect myself. It would never cross my mind to ask everyone else to drastically change their lives to accommodate my condition.
  10. I work in an ER taking direct care of COVID patients. We have had a handful of deaths in our community from COVID since February. Our medical region encompasses about 200,000 people. The youngest person to die from COVID19 here was 71 years old. NFL players are young and healthy individuals and statistically have a greater chance of dying from the regular seasonal flu or pneumonia than dying from a COVID19 infection. When was the last time you heard of a professional athlete dying from influenza or pneumonia? I know this pandemic has somehow, inexplicably, become a political football, but the bottom line is that if you are a young and healthy individual the risk of getting seriously ill and dying from this virus is practically nil. The players are at greater risk of dying in a car accident on the way to the stadium than catching COVID19 at the stadium and dying from it. That's just the science, not a political commentary. If you are an older person, or a person with co-morbidities who works around the League, those individuals need to decide what level of risk they are willing to accept just like all of the other people who lace them up and go to work everyday in factories and stores and offices across the country. If anyone wants to talk about the medicine side of the equation I'd be happy to have that conversation, you can message me. If anyone wants to talk about the crazy politics surrounding this pandemic, I'll respectfully pass.
  11. Congrats to Gang Green. It was a bad situation and seemed like another self inflicted wound by the Jets, but it turned out the best it possibly could for them. A decent safety replacement and two first round picks is a great haul for Adams and much more than I though they could get . Douglas learned from Ozzie Newsome and looks like a legit GM. I think this move also works against Gase's security. The Jets roster takes a hit this season but could be stronger down the line. Gase needs to win this year to keep his job.
  12. I have worked in the ER for 24 years and the job is a meat grinder. I follow politics closely because I think it's my duty to be an informed citizen and voter. Over the last several years the political world has become so vicious and personal and nasty that watching the news is now almost as bad as being at work for me. The Buffalo Bills and my fantasy football league have been a needed escape for me and I have looked forward to every new season like a five year old waiting for Christmas . Now that has changed. Despite the Bills looking better than they have in twenty years, I just am not excited for the season to start or to play fantasy football. Football has been polluted by politics to the point that it has taken a lot of the joy out of it for me. I can't listen to sports radio anymore because they don't talk about sports, it's all politics. The NFL, which used to be a treasured escape from my daily grind, is now just one more place where people are fighting and at each others throat. I'm not excited about the upcoming season. I'm mad that my escape has been ruined by people who need to shove their unsolicited political opinions in my face. I'm mad at the NFL for not standing up at the beginning and saying that everyone has a right to speak their mind and be politically active on their own time, but when you are at work you need to stick to your job and not talk politics. Just like I don't walk into my patient's room here in the ER and talk politics because it's not appropriate, the NFL should have said this is a place for unity not division, and the players, coaches, and owners should check their politics at the door. The NFL should be a place that brings all Americans together despite their race, gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation. If you're wearing Bills gear on Sunday then you are my brother or sister. We're family. Now that is being taken away and it's a damn shame. The NFL is going to suffer for this unnecessary and divisive embrace of politics and many long time fans will start to slowly drift away. Our country will lose another institution that brought us all together and we will all be worse off for it.
  13. It’s clear that Dareus had the talent and the potential to be a force on the D-line, he just didn’t have the discipline to self motivate. If he goes to New England he may play like trash 14 games this season, but the two times he’ll bring his “A Game” to play will be the two games he lines up against the Bills. I’d rather he doesn’t end up in New England.
  14. My suggestions for a non-offensive name for the former Buffalo Bills during these times of heightened cultural sensitivity; 1. The Buffalo Non-GMO Kale Chips They can be called the "Buffalo Chips" for short. Not the CHiPs that stands for the California Highway Patrol though. That would be terrifying invoking a mental image of the police. We would definitely have to specify that these are not the police CHiPs, but a tongue in cheek reference to buffalo scat. Maybe we could include a warning label or something making clear the distinction. 2. The Buffalo Snow Flakes We can bring back Flutie-Flakes! I mean as long as Doug Flutie isn't a conservative now, because, you know, conservatives.... 3. The Meat Substitute Tofu-Buffalo Vegans New Era can go completely Vegan! Because nothing screams football like meatless BBQ tailgating and sidling up to the concession stand at half time for a delicious 1/2 pound shiitake mushroom patty in a lettuce wrap with a side of veggie straws! Terry and Kim, feel free to use these suggestions free of charge. Just knowing that I helped prevent countless suicides and other severe emotional distress in all those people who are deeply traumatized every time they hear the words "Buffalo Bills" is all the thanks I need.
  15. My suggestions; 1. The Capital Hill Swindlers 2. The D.C. Disaster 3. The Washington Monuments
  16. Here's what I see in these videos. Josh Allen asked these guys to travel to Florida on their own dime, during the off season, coming out of a pandemic, to voluntarily work out together to get a leg up on the competition this season. As best I can tell, damn near everyone showed up. Hell, even the left tackle showed up. What I see is a Josh Allen taking the reins of the offense and leading them. If you want to minimize that, have at it.
  17. This just in... Mr. Weo eats glue.
  18. The point of my thread is that Beane's trade of the 1st round pick was the best use of that valuable draft capital. The players/situations sited only provided context for my position. An even bigger problem is whiffing on a 1st round selection. Thanks Process, I fixed it ?
  19. Here are the first six picks of the 2017 Draft class. 1.1 Myles Garrett DE Browns 1.2 Mitch Trubisky QB Bears 1.3 Solomon Thomas DE 49ers 1.4 Leonard Fournette RB Jaguars 1.5 Corey Davis WR Titans 1.6 Jamal Adams S Jets Out of the first six picks at the top of the Draft that year, only Garrett and Adams have had their fifth year option exercised, and the Jets have Jamal Adams on the trade block right now. The other four have significantly underperformed their consensus Draft day projections. Stefon Diggs was drafted in the 5th round, #146, in the 2015 Draft. Who were the top three draft picks in 2015's Draft? Marcus Mariota, Jameis Winston, and Dante Fowler. What do those three have in common? None of them had their 5th year option exercised either. I'd rather take a surefire NFL talent like Diggs than roll the dice with a college player with potential. As long as this franchise doesn't need a QB, I'm fine with Beane trading our first round pick every year for a talent like Diggs who is locked up on a team friendly contract.
  20. We all make mistakes, I'm certainly no exception. There are also consequences for your mistakes. I've worked in the Emergency Department for 24 years. I have zero tolerance for drunk drivers. I've just seen too much of their collateral damage.
  21. I think it explains McBeane’s desire to have a strong veteran leader in every position room to help push, teach, and hold accountable the young guys in that room. That’s why players like Gore and DiMarco end up on the Bills’ roster. They are valued beyond just their on the field ability by Beane and McDermott.
  22. Wow. Just wow. He makes Antonio Brown look normal. I’m not trying to be funny. I hope Sammy gets some help.
  23. Appreciate the kind words. I'm not too worried about the Jets or their fans, I just thought this particular post was entertaining. I go to the Gang Green message board from time to time and I post there too. I don't troll there. There are some reasonable Jets fans out there to talk AFCE football with. My idea of fun has never been to argue with strangers on an internet chat board. I work in an ER and deal with enough knuckleheads on a daily basis to go looking for that during my spare time. I have gone there more often of late because I do think Douglas is on the right track and we are now in a Bills news vacuum, probably until training camp begins at the end of July. Brutal....
  24. Fair points and I don't think there is a whole lot of space between our opinions. The Jets record last year was 7-9 and would have been 6-10 if we had played to win in Week 17. I think they are a .500 team this year, and that would be an improvement over last year. I agree with you that Joe Douglas is improving their roster and the Jets are never an easy out. I think Darnold is a solid QB. They are a division rival and every game against them is tough. I just think they are 2 years behind the Bills in the rebuild and Gase is an anchor on that franchise. I don't expect Douglas to bring Gase back after this year and then they will be starting over again with a new coaching staff. I'll stand by my point that the Bills are in position to compete for a championship and the Jets are not a playoff team.
  25. I can't stand Buffalo and that bum QB that can't complete a pass; the media endlessly s**** off Allen and the Bills. NYJFOREVER, Friday at 2:18 PM This one made me laugh. The post is from theganggreen.com, the Jet's version of TBD. For fans that have watched the Bills treated like dog crap on the sole of someone's shoe by the media for the last 15+ years, you just gotta love Jets' fans complaining about the media starting to say something good about the Bills. The Bills got no media attention for almost two decades, and deservedly so. We were a small market, dysfunctional franchise. How many years did we go without prime time games? How many times did they cut to commercial during the Bill's draft pick? Ten minutes on the latest Patriots win, thirty second highlight clip of the Bills' game on Sports Center. When the Bills did win a game, the coverage was more about how the other team managed to lose than how me managed to win. Now things have changed. The Bills are a playoff team with a championship level defense and have added pieces to the offense this year with Diggs and Moss that should help score more points. Allen is in the third year in the same system and should continue to improve. We should also get more solid line play on offense. The Bills are clearly a team on the upswing. On the other hand, the Jets are stuck in neutral. If the Bills play their starters in Week 17 , they finish with a record of 11-5 on the season and sweep the Jets. As long as Gase is coaching in New York, the Jets are a .500 team. If Joe Douglas fires Gase after this season there will be a new regime coming in and the new coaches will need 2-3 years to get their system in place. Bottom line, I don't think the Jets are going anywhere soon and the Bills have a real shot to win a championship. Gang Green Nation will just have to suck it up.
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