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Everything posted by formerlyofCtown

  1. Youre not a wagon circler. You are tryn to pull the wheels off.
  2. Oh you must not have watched last season. This will be the last time I even respond to one of these Jones critiques. The OBJ draft class was an anomaly. It is not uncommon for it to take three years for a WR to develop, that is fact not opinion. It is also not uncommon for small school players to succeed. The problem is you think you know what your talking about. Just like the ignorant anti-Allen squad that cried about drafting a legitimate top 5 prospect at pick seven.
  3. Sills wont make it to the practice squad. He will get picked up. I think they will all prove to be good choices.. Like that Mack guy. You heard of him or all the other small school guys that have done well.
  4. Yes, I noticed it last night.
  5. I dont know. People on this board like to blame Beane for Whaleys moves.
  6. The good news is this will probably be his last year. The bad news is he isnt going to stick around to long and get destroyed by us a few times. He already put in more work than they ever will. Most of the time jealous people dont realize the work someone puts in to attain higher position. It is a lot more than the average person does or ever will.
  7. So he will be handled like a UDFA.? There would be a lot of money involved in that injury settlement. Multi-year, multimillion dollar contract.
  8. Did any of you see the roster last year. Its not possible for it to be worse with the current roster. Some of the depth players are better than last years starters.
  9. Never understood why they didnt trade down again if they were insistant about taking him.
  10. But I heard on TSW he is not going to be on the week 1 roster.?
  11. An offensive line is not like a RB. 5 men must work together in unison. They need continuity to do so. So not a good idea. I like what works for my Yankees. Very good depth.
  12. Nikola Tesla had nothing to do with the light bulb. He was also an American.
  13. And then their are people who give credit to Tesla for all of Edisons work. Tesla is responsible for AC. Which pretty much is what makes our electrical usage today possible. You are correct he wasnt really the first he was just the first to create a feasible lightbulb that was efficient and not costly.
  14. 230 career sacks and probably the single season record.
  15. Bruce, not because Im a homer either. 3-4 is a lot harder to get sacks in.
  16. Just as long as they score lots of Smurfdowns in this smurfy offense.? I heard you invented dirt.
  17. I think this team is either gonna shock or disappoint most people. There doesnt seem to be a lot of people in the middle. The potential is there but will it all come together. McDermott and company have their work cut out for them with so many new faces.
  18. I think given that we invented the light bulb we can call things what we like.
  19. I think that was Kaepernick
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