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Everything posted by formerlyofCtown

  1. Those stats were blown up by a few games. Just as our #2 rating was aided by our pass D. Consistency was the issue. Teams probably felt fortunate they could run on us because passing wasn't an option. Some day you will actually watch something other than stats when you break things down. Age is not a factor in rating a players play on the field. It could be something that affect their play. Whether you're 25 and good or 45 and good makes no difference. Something is wrong with your analysis when your only critique of a guy is that he's old. What they accomplished with how inept the offense was is impressive. Milano was playing at a probowl level before his injury. One of the problems with our D was Milano wasnt out there.
  2. The only way to shut them up is on the field. The defense also needs to be consistent, as in every single week. We wont get noticed because we arent in a big city so our team has to make people take notice. We had games last year that we got whooped in and in order to gain recognition or to truly be a great D that can't happen. We were rated #2 but we weren't the second best D in the NFL last season. I believe that changes this season. 1. Our MLB is not a Rookie anymore and I believe he is showing that. 2. Our depth is improved all over the D. 3. Most importantly our offense will stay on the field more. All this will improve our consistency. This season I believe we will become a legit top 5 D. The media will probably rate us as a top 10.?
  3. They worked together in Carolina for years and likely already knew they had the same view of players. They may have even already talked about working together in the roles they are in now.
  4. This cant be. Ive heard on this board he is going to get cut.
  5. Sorry I misunderstood what you were trying to say.
  6. If you read my first post. I would never switch teams for any reason.
  7. If I got the extra i'll pay what it takes. I get to watch them once in 4 years.
  8. I had to threaten to drop them but mine is free.
  9. Not a chance in hell. A Bills home game for me is when they play the Panthers down here, but still.
  10. No thats called a comparison. Lol. What does it matter what I think. No Im talking about not being thin skinned. You know sticks and stones may break my bones.... You're easily offended as are a lot of people now days. My response to what he said is along the lines of "take a Zanyx dude" Lol.
  11. Holy speculation. Has his dad also been colluding with Russia as well huh. I agree his dads an ass hat, but most fans arent going to care. Much like myself they will at least agree that their are some questionable fans. Even on this board. He should not have generalised, but you and anyone else that feels this way needs to toughen up and not be so thin skinned. I'm picturing a 15 year old pimpley fat kid behind a keyboard.
  12. They have no interest in paying him. Come on you're smarter than that Yolo.
  13. Their RB situation sucks and their QB has had injury issues.
  14. Lol its funny you guys actually believe that. The only thing that matters is if he can contribute. If they do trade him it will have nothing to do with this. That way they can hide behind their keyboard and monitor.
  15. Not at all. Even if we are not as good as we hope, we will be better than last year. We also have a lot of new faces so it may take time. Im ok with an 8-8 or 9-7 season as long as we have a winning record the second half of the season.
  16. You're right his dad saying something mean on twitteris much worse than his dad actually breaking the law. Really? People on this message board may care, but obviously not all of us. His dad is over the top emotion, much like some people on here apparently are. You think players would sign here if they did something like that. Lol. Not only has he said all the right things he's done everything that's been asked of him that's what matters
  17. he's not gonna be held accountable for one of his family members actions. That definitely would not be a good look for the team. Maybe they should start suspending players if their parents get DWIs
  18. Lol. I asked myself when Byrd played for the Eagles.?
  19. got you seating license money set aside.
  20. A new trend of signing a contract and retiring is coming, must figure he wants some free money.
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