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Everything posted by formerlyofCtown

  1. You would have given me a warning point for... nevermind...
  2. For some reason I keep thinking he was whitworth. Yolo I was confused as well.
  3. Beane's a Witch, although I've heard a rumor he is divine these days. You wouldnt give a 7 to see the other teams QB get cheap shotted for a change?
  4. Trade him for a RB. It works out good. He is probably afraid Josh Allen is going to run him over next time. Sounds like Gregg Williams guy.
  5. Lol, a little dramatic arent you. If you got a pay-pal account let me know. I want to send you the money to go buy a sense of humor. Lighten up, a lot of us here are not what you call PC. We dont us profanity (also dont use punctuation, but the grammer police are on the case). If you dont like my sense of humor then you could always put me on your ignored users list.
  6. Hopefully he feels better now. Why was he angry??
  7. I would like to teach her as well. No worries. Im sure she will have her own locker room. Unless she identifies as a man. If they have dreads Im certain she knows how to pull hair.
  8. Because the actual game brosdcast belongs to the NFL and the channels that SundayTicket operates on belong to DTV. I think eventually the NFL will step on both their heads.
  9. Yes but if Miami cuts him I dont think he has PS eligibility or would clear wavers if he did.??
  10. Wheres "Royalwithpaininthe..."
  11. Secret Squirrel? So you think JA has nice legs as well.
  12. ?We either need another six or we need to get rid of a six. Otherwise our draft bares the mark of the Pats? 66...
  13. People who say Trump lies are liars or They are blind and ignorant al
  14. They finally know their place and are bowing to the fans.
  15. Once he got a little fame, football was not as important to him. He also seemed to believe he had arrived when in reality he still had a lot of work to do. Don't know what youre confused about Kenny, what I said is the truth. Look at his career.
  16. True. In a perfect world everyone honors the agreement.
  17. They get paid more on their second deal because some Rookie bust is not getting a 100 mil deal.
  18. Duke will get picked up. He won't make it to the PS. Im not even sure Sills will make it there.
  19. Kaep will never play another down in the NFL.
  20. I think he will eventually be good. We just have guys that are already developed at this point.
  21. Good to see them get something in return rather than just cutting him though.
  22. Youre probably wasting your time on him.
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