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Everything posted by formerlyofCtown

  1. The type of WR I want him to get might not fit in the stocking hes 6'3" 230 with long arms like a Falcon? and will likely cost a high first to get if hes for sale. Im likely going to be disappointed.
  2. Look what sitting for almost his entire first year did for Mahomes. Sitting for a year is not equivalent to being a Rookie. Everything else is interesting and not a suprise. Im actually very excited about what the future holds for these QBs. I cant wait to see them next year. When they have 2 off seasons and a season under their belts and teams try to figure out how to shut them down completely. Mayfield-Expect some improvement not a ton I see him in the MVP conversationnext year, before he finishes runner up to Allen 5 or 6 of the next 15-18 years after that(I can hope for the best right) (because he is already playing so well) Allen-I expect a huge jump, I dont know about the MVP suggestions but at lrast top of the middle(he has had subpar coaching his whole life, now he has good coaching and no doubt he will work his tail off in the offseason) Rosen-I expect a big jump(Hope he doesnt, but hes a smart QB and a good one) Darnold-Will likely throw even more Ints next year (unless they force him to play ball control offense for a year or to I dont think he will ever protect the football.) Lamar Jackson- expect more of the same with some passing improvement(Gregg Roman is in Baltimore, if the rumors are true then expect to see him as HC or OC lots of QB running and trickery) No the Bills front office and coach wanted him to sit for a year, dont know where youre getting your intell from here. Peterman did an excellent job of teaching Allen what not to do in a regular season NFL game. Russel Wilson was an immediate leader of his team and McDermott is only pointing out the obvious. McDermott didnt annoint Josh the leader he took that job by the horns. If you think leaders are appointed on a football team I would say youve either never played or played for Rex Ryan. He has the tools to be better than both.
  3. Hes not going to be correct every time but at least he got something out of it
  4. Because they found there QB of the future on O and then on D. Of coarse it wouldnt compare well hes a rookie. But he made some great plays this year while under pressure so why dont you look it up and let us know. Although our Oline is probably among the worst in the league so hevwas almost always under pressure. I dont think those are straws. I tend to think they are obvious and cant see how more people dont see it.
  5. I dont agree with the pay cut being a slight but he took it and was happy to be playing here. So they appearantly wernt too far off base. He changed his mind and thats on him. He could have said no.
  6. Nice empty take. Glad to see you know nothing.
  7. I think they believed he would take it and they were correct. I believed it was something he volunteered to do but I do wonder if it was voluntary now. The other posters forgot to tell you so I will. There appearantly are unwritten NFL rules. 1.FA have no choice of whether they sign here the rule appearantly states that if Buffalo offers a contract you are automatically signed. 2.All players fit every offense run in Buf. 3.If a player doesnt earn All Pro honors in his first 2 years he is a bust. There are many others but its Christmas and im with family. Its a long list.
  8. So if they dont do it in 3 years your going to walk into One Bills Drive and fire Beane? You got a tight grip on those straws. And then we would bit ch about our D an how McBeane should be fired. Especially since we have a D minded coach. It was a no win senerio. They will be in a much better position depending on how FAs view Allen going forward. I believe other players will have a positive outlook on where hes going.
  9. I think so baring injuries. I dont just want the playoffs tho. I want to play competitive football. Which we did at times this year.
  10. Beane wasnt the GM at the time. So yup it definitely wasnt his fault
  11. I wish people would stop arguing with logical points just because is disproves their view point. I realise that research is too much work for people to do but Im done doing it for people that dont want to except it. But it was the same for Andre Reed as well. If you actually looked into it you would find that 3 years isnt my opinion it is the accepted NFL standard
  12. That is where things will be different this offseason and hopefully a even more the one after next. Im surprised no one has blamed this on McBeane.
  13. I wonder what Cogs would have done to Anderson in retaliation for Hauschka. I bet if Richie is on the line it doesnt even happen. I know people dont want to hear it but "Trust the Process". Build the D, get your line set(this is where it got messed up), built your Offense to be high powered. We watch team after team do it but people wonder what the process is. That isnt all of what it is but its the blue print. True
  14. I remember that, Peters didnt really want out Ralph was just cheap and clueless to the value of that position. Both times the compensation was a joke. The Patriots got more for Maroney than we got for Lynch. They did, but probowl Olin dont grow on trees and cost a lot of Cap dollars. Woods, Foster, McKenzie not bad actually. Woods has great hands and awareness. I was disgusted when they let him go. He was our version of Reggie Wayne. A lot better than the stats suggested, especially if you watched him play.
  15. As long as I see continued improvement I will. Hes had a few good games this season. You think Moulds was anything close to a ProBowl WR in year 2. I got news for you bud. I do expect marked improvement next season. Just so you know its not too early to evaluate any position. My evaluation just doesnt look for 100 catches or 1000 rec yards in year two from any WR. Its just too early to write him off. Year 3 is the one for WRs. Always has been the rule of thumb. BTW according to many on this board Robert Woods was a bumb. I didnt think so. Does he look like a bum now.
  16. You could be correct. I just think Allen steps it up about ten notches in the fourth qtr with the game on the line. That is one of the reasons I think he is legit.
  17. I do agree with your stance on Richie and believe they may be part of what messed up his head. They made it seem like he volunteered but I think he was given an ultimatum. At least we got something in return (For Glenn). With wood I think the NFL should give a comp pick for unexpected injury retirements. Although I think the patriots would likely abuse it.
  18. Hold on bud. I didnt say SB bound. You see this is what you people do. You take a logical assesment and make your response to the extreme. You people only make yourselves look bad. You dont address what was said with any thing of substance. I think we could use another WR and We have our starter and back up at QB so with that you lost any credibility. Our Oline with those two probably produces better results. But I would like to see a Young RB and WR after the Oline is addressed. Dont forget to let me know when Josh passes for less than 100 in multiple games as a QB, because we made the playoffs with a QB who did that in the same season. It may also keep Your starting TE and WR from checking out. I dont think those 2 lost much skill wise. I think they saw a raw Rookie QB and didnt put in the effort. I expect both to play well where ever they end up next season. They may have even wanted out.
  19. As crazy as it sounds this Season may have had the best results for Allens future.
  20. For all the complainers that want McBeane gone, have you thought about where we would be if we still had our two Pro-Bowl Olineman. Maybe Im wrong but I think with those two Allen doesnt get injured in the Texans game. So at the least he would have won that game I believe and would have gotten more on field experience. I also believe our run game would have been much better. Best case senerio we may have actually had a shot at the division title. The only down side may have been we may not have gotten Anderson and Barkley. There is no way to tell how much hes learned from them. Also I believe we have a long term viable backup in Barkley. They had no way of knowing they would lose those two Oline and to ask them to replace those guys in a single off season is obserd. Its amazing that there are some that cant put this season in perspective. We have had coach after coach that had their players underachieving and now we have one that I believe gets his team to overachieve and people want to get rid of him. Im very excited about this teams potential goin forward as they seem to actually develope talent and motivate players. I do believe it would have been easier to see it with Cogs and Wood still on the line.
  21. Yup and then we have to get another WR and 1 and 2 TE. We need another WR and TE already. Croom is a viable #2 TE both are young and still developing. They are going no where. Zay actually had a decent game just not where I would like to see his level of play at next year.
  22. Merry Christmas
  23. Seriously Im ready to call it a season till after the draft. Ive heard of rose colored glasses but some people got chit colored glasses around here.
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