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Everything posted by formerlyofCtown

  1. Yup some mistakes but two very good trades in the first round last year. Dont forget the Wallace and Foster UDFA signings, The pick up of McKenzie, some late round steals. Talking Kyle into staying a little longer. This list also goes on and on. Its ironic that this is your take, after all "it takes time" to develope a QB and some times a MLB ans WRs. It is embarassing what some Bills fans takes are.
  2. Yes says the city that final has a college football ranking after 300 years. BTW I think they appearanty know how to quit as well. Thanks for Doug Marone. To this day when I drive near the zoo up there I lock my doors. Terrible city.
  3. This cant be. I have heard from those that attend high level business meetings that our front office sucks, this would make it 2 offseasons in a row someone pilfered members of it. Is that you KB?
  4. The only thing that has me depressed is Kyle Williams retirement. Its gonna suck not seeing him on that Dline. I also have my concerns that the defense as a whole may fall apart due to his presence being gone. Being a Mets fan must be equaly depressing.
  5. In their defense he was drafted and the law says you must register for the draft and must report if called upon.
  6. Wow I would be completely shocked and wonder which wackjob TBD poster had abducted the Pegulas and was impersonating them in order to make stupid decisions.
  7. No Foster is the #1. He is Josh Allen's preferred Target and the player teams try to shut down.
  8. I look a lot at individual player performance now days but they are beginning to play better as a team. Hopefully that growth that has occurred over the last two years continues. I was spoiled though I grew up watching a team full of HOF worthy players. But this team is actually a big part of my life. I live in SC so I cant go to all those games but I do go watch them every time they play the Panthers down here. That doesn't necessarily mean I'm a bigger fan than the guy that doesn't go, going to a large sporting event may just not be their thing some people actually can.t handle that environment.
  9. We spend an awful lot of time arguing and verbally abusing one another on a Bills fan site to not be diehard fans. The answer is how much time you are willing to put into it. Are you willing to tell other fans you are a bills fan. I know people who stopped liking the Bills because they have struggled for a long time to put it lightly. Truth is they where never fans even if they did go to 30, 40, 50 games. How big of a fan someone maybe is not measurable it is how important that team is to them. How a loss makes them feel more so than how a win makes them feel. Anyone who thinks money is a measurement of how big of a fan someone is also probably thinks that they can buy their way into heaven. The one who the team has the larger effect on is the bigger fan.
  10. I dont think he was a target. I believe we will be looking for a large catch radius guy.
  11. They already got a Star player he is on the Dline. I think they want a star at QB and at the LB positions.
  12. He saw on TBD StadiumWall that we are cutting our entire Offense, Trading everyone on D and firing the front Office and Coaching Staff as well as Forcing the Pegulas to sell the team.
  13. Thenice thing about this FO is that they will try to fill needs outside of the draft so they can go BPA. They are also willing to move around if a draft pick needs tobe used for need in order to make the value line up. They dont seem to over pay in the draft though as the trades have cost less than I thought they would on both occasions in the first round of the last draft.
  14. People abuse a lot of things but I can promiise that when used in moderation it has a ton of benefits. It helpswith anxiety and things of that nature but at the same time if you over do it, anxiety attacks can actually be triggered by it.
  15. They ban it when its a better option than opiods for pain. The phamacutical industry are big backers of Weed being a controled substance. So does all the scientific research that is finally being done and unacknowledged.
  16. Maybe but Foster was Very highly recruited and never lived up to potential. I did quite a bit of research on him, trying to figure out who this kid was in TC.
  17. ?He was ourversion of Jerry Rice.
  18. McCoy had one of the gastest TDs in week 10 at 20.33 MPH. So he is still very fast. So I think if the Oline can actually open holes he can still hit the HR.
  19. No hes paid about right. All-Pro DTs like you would like him to be get 20+ these days.
  20. 6 mil isnt an awful lot for a back that would get 1000 behind a good line. He also already earned that money in my opinion. If you dont show your players appreciation when you can afford it they you may find it the difference between getting a free agent and not. Like the Yankees making sure it got out that they gave CC his bonus even though he didnt hit his innings count. If you dont think players pay attention to it you would be mistaken. Players understand the business side of the CAP as well as a team just weasling out of a contract. Shady isnt lazy. He just isnt as shifty as he was. He is still fast though.
  21. Appearanty Bills Legend means, not worthy to carry A. Williams jock strap these days.
  22. Ironicly I had thought about whiskey as well but a 5th isnt unthinkable. Did I say he would sign here, or did I say I would be willing to pay him 15 mil a year? Which I really have no say in the matter. If I dont get a big time featured back I wouldnt trade Shady. I think he isnt what he used to be but would still play better than average behind a better line. Much like AP.
  23. True on Shady. I said in another thread that he would still do well behind a better line. People tried to say AP was done. I just think Clay needs a change.
  24. I would try to trade McCoy as opposed to cutting him. I still think we can get a fifth for him. I believe I would give 15 a year to Bell but I think he turned down more than that from Pittsburgh.
  25. I know he was nothing to right home about if you see my other reply youll see that. I really should have proof read that one huh.
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