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Everything posted by formerlyofCtown

  1. How do you know that, is he missing a part of his ear.?
  2. No he failed in the NFL. IIRC he won a Championship in a flash in the pan league with Jim Fossil as his HC
  3. I honestly think we walk away making 6 or 7 picks is all. I think we end up moving up a couple times and possibly push a pick into next year.
  4. I think it will cost 2nd and 4th for that trade. Itcost us 2 Second rouders last year to move up to 7. They would only be moving up to 9 but its still in the top 10. I dont see Beane moving out of the top 10 for an additional 3 and 4. I thnk he wants an additional 2nd for a possibility to move back into the first.
  5. Its a great area and on top og the great weather, gas is cheap and the economy is phenominal
  6. Sammy Watkins. It was 56 this morning in Spartanburg.
  7. He is a Right Josh guy appearantly. JA will shut him up by the end of next season.
  8. Read. He is saying eat the cap hit in exchange for picks and cut him at some point.
  9. Actually I think our team would be a good place for his as he would be in an organisation that has players of good character that would help support a new way of doing things for him and not tolerate his old ways.
  10. As long as they dont see me hidding in their bushes trying to scout off the field stuff they wont be too concerned.?
  11. Talkin to the wrong person there guy. What makes you so certain Im not a convicted Felon that has turned their life around and been a succesful and helpful member of the community. You also clearly dont have an understanding of how anger issues and things of that nature work. He obviously doesnt have good coping skills and is very reactionary. Good news is Anger management and other theropies will likely help and 23 is just a kid. You dont know what his parents and other adults in his life were like. Maybe he watched someone beat a woman the whole time he was growing up and adopted a view point that it was ok in order to bring normalcy to his life.
  12. Glad to meet you oh perfect one. How much integrity does it take to hold a 23 year old kids mistakes against him without offering him a chance to overcome it. People who think the way you do are the reason why individuals get trapped in a cycle of offence. Which is why the crime rate is so high.
  13. The only acception to this I think would be to overturn a call that was made. A phantom call. It sucks when a call is missed but I sincerey believe there is hanky panky going on with these phantom calls. People think its the Bookies but if it is truely intentional it is more than likely the NFL itself trying to create "whats best for the league" and ratings. I wonder how mich more attention they get when things like this happen. Look at the plot for the SB, they wiil be able to hype NE and LA better than they would have been able to do so with KC and NO. Its a Big cospiracy theory but it makes sense, at least in my head.
  14. I can definitely agree with this view point. Ralph probably said take a safety they have cheap contracts.
  15. He made need and BPA line up. Cant believe there are some of you that still dont understand that. He pretty much explains it himself in his recent interview. You notice he didnt get in a bidding war with the Jets for #3 and he got into the top 10 for less than what people said it would take.
  16. Richie Incognito. As I said it all depends on what he is doing about it. It seems he has acknowledged what he did was wrong and he is doing some things to overcome his issues. If you think Brandon said he felt he did something wrong and took action you would be mistaken. Hunt is a 23 year old kid still finding his way through life. I guess McCoy got cut last offseason huh.
  17. I had Mayfield 1 and Allen 2. I remember this thread on board from the beginning. Still waiting for Rudolph to get his chance tonprove me right on my 3rd. Darnald is a turnover machine as I said and Rosen so far aint looking so good. Jackson was my number 4 guy He could be elite or have a good 4-5 years if he cant learn a playbook and improve as a passer.
  18. I think you will find Billionairs dont look at thinks the same way as common folk. They didnt get to be Billionairs by being PC or anything like that. The Pegulas are Frackers, they really arent too concerned about public outrage. Richie Incognito played on their team. If he is willing to do something about his mistakes they would overlook it, as all people should. The only thing I dont like is that he lied about it. But when you look at what happened to Rice I dont know as I blame him for lying about it. Sometimes people dont even think about the type of things they do until they face reprocussion. When they truely believe something is ok they do it. Other people have severe anger issues and dont know how to control them without counciling. I love how people act like they have never done anything wrong in their life. It really all stems back to the belief that the things they do are not wrong. Whats done is done and the reality of it is that it is between him and the person he kicked and thats it. It is really none of anyone elses business on this board or anywhere else. A lot of stone throwers in this world, and eventually the stones are gonna come their way. What Im saying Augie is I have no issue with him signing here and I doubt Kim does either. People make mistakes.
  19. Darnold and Rosen ahead of Mayfield and Allen. If you could provide a link to show me his many opportunities I would appreciate it. He discounted his credibility with his opinions over the years. He is better than Kiper. He also gives pretty good opinions on Defensive players but Baker Mayfield was the number 1 player in the draft last year I said it Pre-draft. The Browns agreed and he proved. I wish some of us on this board had access to the stuff he has access to. Im actually surprised you put so much value in the guy . Credentials and the job he failed at prove nothing. Lots of people have some of the same credentials as I do but cant do the job. So credentials dont impress me.
  20. Rex Ryan isnt a HC anymore why? There is an old saying "those who can do, those who cant, teach". In this case I would say "those who can work in a front office those who cant, work for a network".
  21. Unlike you I backed up what I said concerning Foster. Do you really think I literally meant they would find one under a rock? I cant remember the last time the Steelers didnt have WRs. They kicked Sanders to the curb and never looked back. Your name is quite Ironic. Youre lacking something. Unfortunately you are just annoying me now and offer nothing of sustance. I think I just need to block you.
  22. Those draft experts are a joke. The only one that I put any stock in is now GM of the Raiders. (Dont know if I put that much stock in him but OK)
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