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Tyrod's friend

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Everything posted by Tyrod's friend

  1. This. To that ends, if you don't include at the least Favre and Elway ... they are part of the discussion. Here's a question - does any of this relate to success as a QB? Does it end in less or more interceptions? Long TD plays? How would you want to measure it?
  2. Neither. In fact, if we have to sell too many draft picks in order (especially) to get Rosen that is the end game/last one to leave turn out the lights. We will have entered the Dark Ages of Buffalo history. None of the available rookies are Franchise/lead zeros to heroes guys. Feh. Maybe Mayfield but I doubt that too. I like AJ a lot and I think he'll be hard pressed to lead this talentless group to the playoffs - unless those first six picks deliver "gold, Jerry, gold". On the whole I think Bills fans are wildly overly optimistic for what we have on the roster now - leading to questions just like Looper's.
  3. Strictly second round consideration for them, and I think it wouldn't be out of the range of possibilities that the Steelers would move ahead of the Bills in the 2nd in order to do it. I would think pick 50 would be about right for Rudolph.
  4. This is funny ... I just read it. You think that the NY Press is going to let the GM of the Jets get away with not drafting a QB at 3 - after he didn't sign Cousins, after he drafted two failures (freaking moving up to get one of them), and after he was forced to resign McCown? And after he moved up to get to 3 overall??????? There isn't a funeral train long enough to cover that mourning. Thanks for the laugh. This was very funny.
  5. In my life as a NYer, there have been maybe four guys tailor made for NYC. Mark Messier. Reggie Jackson. Clyde Frazier. Joe Willie Namath. (you could add Dr. J, but ... Nassau?) And this guy. There is no way, NO WAY ... that Newsday, the NYDN and the NY Post let the Jets pick anyone else. Buffalonians just have no idea how unrelenting that city is unless you've lived it. If Baker gets past Cleveland, and I doubt it but lets face it Darnold is the "safe" pick, you either offer the Giants a King's Ransom or prepare to have that grinning face kick your butt 20 times in the next 10 years.
  6. I'll assume that the coaches looked at their alternatives and after 6 games their mind was already made up that Taylor wasn't coming back in 2018 - no matter what they thought of Taylor personally. I don't think it had the least littlest bit to do with whether or not McD is challenged by the offensive game. I'm not privy to his world but I doubt he has any problems understanding which QB can and cannot handle the game.
  7. I would certainly agree with everything you said. There have been four or five transformative QBs in my long lifetime and this draft maybe, MAYBE has one and I personally think it's Mayfield. Certainly the statistics bear out my opinion but that's just hot air. Admittedly. The point I am making is that the Browns, by the end of this draft will have done everything they need to so they can succeed without Tom Brady at the helm. Like LDT helped Rivers, like Elliott made the difference for Prescott, like the entire roster build up helped Wilson, like Shady covered for TT, I think Saquon Elliott (combined with Landry et al) means that the Browns just have go for par at QB. Darnold puts the ball down the fairway. Post Script: ... and I'll do some stream of consciousness writing here ... I've said over and again that I think Mayfield should go #1 overall. After a moment of less emotion, I'm probably wrong on that as you see above. God help the Bills if that kid goes to NYC and we have to play him twice a year. He's tailor made for living in the big city like no other professional athlete I can recall since Joe Willie Namath. There isn't a chance in the world that the NYJ pass on the next Namath to take a tennis player. If you think otherwise, you haven't spent a lifetime reading the NYDN and the NYP every day. (I'm hoping the Gmen also want to win that back page war and are amenable to trading #2 to Buffalo.) Cheers to you, old timer.
  8. Zero? LOL. Here's a completely plausible scenario. Cleveland takes Darnold. Bills move up to #2. Take Baker Mayfield. Jets continue on their path to take another QB just like Bryce Petty. Take Allen. Denver has $36MM invested in Case. Takes a key piece (G? who knows). Miami just brought on Osweiler to back up Tannehill, didn't they? Next draft pick for a team that truly needs a QB? Arizona. I'm telling you, players with an injury history are not loved in the draft and fans/analysts never discount this far enough. They get consumed by gym short workouts and scrimmages. But evaluators never forget and the tape lasts forever. Anyways, Mayfield is the guy.
  9. Maybe; but it will be a mistake they can afford to make. They'll get Barkley three picks later and taking the "safe" QB first overall would be the percentage play. No matter what, with everything else they've accumulated and will accumulate in this draft, they will become the Seattle Seahawks for the next five years. Darnold won't help them remendously, but he won't hurt them either. But the Jets? Get ready to face Baker Mayfield twice a year for the next 10 years. That man's swagger was meant for bright lights.
  10. Yup. Gone by the 4th pick. I don't think the general population adequately understands how much football minds discount ability for injuries. Billy Price is staying on that board until the third round. Josh Rosen is going to wait until Arizona or worse.
  11. These are each good points. But Baker Mayfield is going #1, overall. He will haunt the Bills for years - because the Bills will select Josh Rosen. You detail, pretty well honestly, all of Baker Mayfield's abilities. Then you think that two teams can't see the same things as you do. I see Mayfield as the #1 QB in the draft and I think most rational eyes would see the same. None of the arguments against him hold water. The only way the Bills get him is if the Browns f up and take Darnold and the Giants are willing to go all the way down to 12. He's gone by the time the 4th pick is called.
  12. My point was this: It is absurd for anyone to make a confirmation about what they know or don't know about Nate Peterman based on the San Diego game and beyond that, the blizzard. About 75% of the "fans" here are point blank being stupid about this. My point was that the Head Coach did MORE than just not admit to making a mistake; what he saw in the game was leading him to at least consider playing Peterman more. Again - that is based on game tape, on what the coaches had instructed him to do and how he tried to implement those instructions. Neither you, nor anyone on this board can possibly know what happened - but the HC does. It says a TON to me. I'm not willing in any way, shape or form to create an opinion on Nate Peterman but it strikes me that some pretty smart people at 1BD have done so. I'll go with that for now. I'll agree that he lacked zip - often that was because of his position in the pocket. It was a terrible game for a young man, but young men do poorly on occasion. I agree the offensive line played incredibly badly. Dawkins was almost as bad as Mills in that game and I think that young man is way, WAY the f over his head at LT. And the talent level is actually worse starting this year than it was last year after the draft. And not by a little bit. The offensive line play last year the last three years is the single reason I think trading up is dangerous. If you put a rookie - especially, an immobile rookie - behind that line he's going to get killed. If we try and play AJM with that line we could actually be the Browns. Giving up 12/22/54/56 ... just tragic. Those are pretty consistently my thoughts on the Bills.
  13. Certainly not against this idea out of the gate; I think the price the OP lists is too much. 12/22/Hughes and 2019 2nd for #2 overall and OBJ sounds about right. Leaves the Bills with capital in the second round for offensive line help, possibly a linebacker. Two teams move inherited contracts, cure internal needs, roughly equal contracts. I'm 100% in the culture camp, happy we dropped some talent last year to get to something bigger. But this is the same organization that drafted two rather troubled pasts last year in Vallejo and Dawkins. Game changer. Patriot killer. He makes Eli Manning watchable, and that's not easy. He turns the WR group from suspect to Tier 1, among the best in football. Benjamin opposite OBJ ... with Zay in the slot. He has the support of his teammates. So driven to win and upset at a loss that he began to redesign a visitor's dressing room after a loss. Passionate. You are getting him probably at a massive discount to value. His peers list him as a top 10 player in the NFL and if you can get him at a discount to value, you could be rewarded big time. Combining the top WR with the top RB and a top TE just might make you able to hide Turnstile Mills. Nothing I like better than getting a motivated player on the last year of a contract and if required, you have the cap space to keep him. There's a lot to like about taking the offense from the bottom to the top. I'll admit I haven't followed his career, but ... you put a talented, mobile triggerman behind center (Mayfield) and add OBJ, you certainly have swagger.
  14. He's said a bunch of positive things beyond this, and even after the game he was reluctant to name Taylor the starter. It was shocking to the entire NFL - don't you remember that? The difference between the line and Peterman is that you've seen the offensive line for several years now. It's a group that helped Taylor lead the league in sacks in 2016; it' includes two starters that the entire NFL rejected. Meanwhile, you have literally no track record to draw conclusions on Peterman and doing so over 30 minutes and a blizzard exposes you as a fool.
  15. Everyone has the right to my opinion ... Hey, what about a just weird idea? OBJ + #2 for 12,22, Hughes and a bit more. Maybe 2019 1. You have to think the Gmen don't want to trade in-conference. We need WR and haven't even addressed this yet.
  16. Tyrod? What happened the other 85 times over the last two seasons that he was sacked - including leading the league in 2016? Was he not brilliant those times, or was it the offensive line?
  17. Sorry about the text size - I agree. It was a cut and paste and it wasn't worth me re-formatting. Yeah, Peterman wasn't a coward - not by my standards, but by the standards of the head coach. So there's that. Just curious .... you ever been hit by a 265 pound linebacker? I kinda doubt it, so if I were you I wouldn't sit behind a keyboard and anonymously call pro football players cowards. But I'm sure your mom is very proud of you.
  18. "He'll often panic under pressure and make poor decisions, or get hammered and possibly suffer an injury... however, does not trust his feet enough to evade the pressure. Had he at least taken the sack, [his team] could have attempted a very makeable field goal to tie the game. Instead, [he] panics and throws off of his back foot without a good read. It’s possible he’s expecting or hoping that his receiver will come back on a curl route, but this is a pure desperation throw, regardless. " Hardly a rare opinion of Josh Rosen, 26Cornerblitz's favored college QB. I'll take the considered opinion of the Bills brain trust and a HC/GM and owner that seems to support the guy. I've seen Tom Brady and other QBs act like cowards under considerably less pressure than what happened to Nate Peterman in that game.
  19. So long as "perennial" doesn't mean this year. So long as "perennial" doesn't mean last year. Cam Newton is one of the most overrated QBs in football; take out a single year, and he's just barely a .500 QB, with a completion rate south of 60% and a QB rating of around 84. He had a moment. The moment is gone. Cam Newton Passing Statistics for Career Games 2016 to 2017 Games Passing Passing Year Tm G GS QBrec Cmp Att Cmp% Yds TD TD% Int Int% Lng Y/A AY/A Y/C Y/G Rate QBR Sk Yds NY/A ANY/A Sk% 4QC GWD 2016-2017 CAR 31 30 17-13-0 561 1002 56 6811 41 4.1 30 3 88 6.8 6.3 12.1 219.7 78.2 71 519 5.86 5.37 6.6 You Couldn't Wait to Get Rid of Me Passing Statistics for Career Games 2015 to 2016 Games Passing Passing Year Tm G GS QBrec Cmp Att Cmp% Yds TD TD% Int Int% Lng Y/A AY/A Y/C Y/G Rate QBR Sk Yds NY/A ANY/A Sk% 4QC GWD 2015-2016 BUF 29 29 14-14-0 511 816 62.6 6058 37 4.5 12 1.5 84 7.4 7.7 11.9 208.9 94.2 78 404 6.32 6.55 8.7
  20. Sure. And that's why I said it's a matter of defining what franchise means. I suppose there is an inherent contradiction even in my own definition. If Franchise means more than one Conference Championship game, then Eli qualifies. But Eli literally stunk almost every year that he DIDN'T take his team to he SB. In fact, he was often the reason the team didn't make the playoffs. Bottom line, I don't think a lot of years and a lot of yards passing is a franchise. I'd like to see how many fans would sign up for a lifetime of Matt Stafford. By every marker, a great QB. If Franchise means you stay with one club for a long time and don't make it rain, that's not my thing. Ding ding ding. And if that's the case, why in God's good green earth are we thinking of paying a fortune to get to #2? And to that extent, how much different is the third QB in this draft from the fourth? By all accounts these guys are hard to differentiate. EofD, I think both the Josh's are the falling stones this year. One of them is available at 12, and so is Lamar Jackson. Billy's done his job.
  21. If the God's are with you and you have a great draft, you'll pick up 2 high quality, 5 year starters in a single draft. We've done that once, if we can do it again this year we'll have set the foundation for a great franchise. There's any iteration on how you do it. You could sign me up for Roquon Smith at 12, Isiah Wynn at 22 (and move Dawkins to his natural RT position), Price or Ragnow at 54 and whatever leftover QB is there at 56. I think you get your pick of players like Washington or Sutton at 65 - or just say screw the QB at 56, go WR/WR at 56/65. Many people feel Orlando Brown gets into the third or fourth round. Mike White/Kyle Lauletta is your second, third round pick. Hoping your offensive line problems are cured, two WR, a developmental QB in the mix and a QB for the defense. Done like Sunday dinner.
  22. I'm guessing we should get at least three, really good WR in the draft - especially if 6 QBs go in the top 64. Just way, way too much talent in this draft. Imagine ... 10% of the overall draft pool being allocated, mostly to a backup position. The insanity of it all. Makes me think of Wargames ... the only way to win the game is not to play it. Anyways a firm no to Marshall. A big WR? Isn't Benjamin still on this team?
  23. I think that most fans are not looking for the Sam Bradford experience here either, or the Stafford experience. They equate "Franchise" with Deep in the Playoffs regularly. Do we really want Donovan McNabb ... I mean, do you know any Iggles fans that actually liked McNabb? I could go down the list here. Luck ... how many times has he got to the AFC Championship game? Eli Manning??? Eli??? He won two Super Bowls but has never, ever been a "Franchise QB". If you asked Bills fans at any point in Eli's career if they wanted him on our team the answer was at best, "feh". Franchise is Brees. Franchise is Wilson or Rodgers. Franchise is Brady, it's Big Ben, and yeah, it's Peyton. Franchise is more than one Conference Championship Game. Out of all those names, I've got one that was in the top 5. Not a single one did any team mortgage the future to get. It is, in fact, a crap shoot to get what the average Bills fan would identify as a Franchise QB. Because there are only a couple or four of them that exist. I guess it's a matter of symantics; we just define Franchise differently. If a large number of QBs are drafted in the first round, my definition it means that an awful lot of good players - and this draft has been described as full of great talent outside of QB (whereas the QB talent has been discounted) - will fall. If three or four QBs are gone before Indy picks, I damned sure hope they sit on their hands and take the BPA at 12. I sure as crap hope they don't surrender picks so they can get the 4th QB. Good luck with that call to Mike Schoop. He's a first class jack that thinks way the f too much of himself. Hope you knock his block off.
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