I Googled 'Cynthia Frelund hot or not'. I wanted to know if the awkwardness I get when she turns me on was shared by others.
Imagine my surprise when TBD was the first result.
Vicious - not what I meant. Looks hot for 40 to me. Those are good strong German features!
It all adds to the allure for me, I shall polish my sexy time monocle.
Tell her JoJo Rabbit awaits to enter the warren and ich warte auf meine aanweisungen
Yup I get the same vibe. Extreme freak, like Eyes Wide Shut weirdo medieval plague masks, leather restraints and strict instructions in German.
Easy +1 for me
A few people suggested this a few weeks back and were roundly ridiculed. I suggested a 5th.
The OC doesn't trust an undersized scat back from a smaller school, a 36 yr old RB is running out of juice at midseason, and Yeldon fumbles at very inopportune moments.
What a series of unfortunate surprises. Who could have possibly seen this coming?
And I don't get the Spain dislike here. He and Feliciano are huge improvements over G last year. Both play nasty. Neither are 'move' guards.
Morse is and has always been a pass blocking stud. He is not a mauler, never was.
Josh Allen gets into the most trouble when he has 4+ seconds before attempting a pass.